Friday, February 28, 2025

The Wake up Call for Friday: Retired Circuit Judge Gary Bergosh on Activist Judges, Mental Illness, and Frivolous, go-nowhere Lawsuits

Today on the wake-up call live on WPNN 103.7 we welcomed to the show Retired Circuit Court Judge Gary Bergosh.  He was featured in a WEAR Channel 3 story Thursday night about individuals in the community who commit crimes, vandalism, battery, etc., but who are deemed incompetent to stand trial.  I asked the judge about what can be done about such individuals.  We also discussed the activist Federal Judges who are attempting to handcuff the President with their injunctions all around the country.  Then, of course, I asked for his take on several aspects of the movement afoot by Clerk of the Court Pam Childers in her quest to get me to pay legal fees.  A very interesting conversation you don’t want to miss

In addition to this, we discussed:

-local news—Escambia Schools going technology free for a day on March 7th, “Thick Neck” the rapper gets arrested in Georgia and new mugshots are coming out, Santa Rosa County looking to do a land swap with the Navy similar to what Escambia County did and completed in 2019.

-Liberals on CNN attempting to shut off a conservative guest they invited

-James Comer having to nearly remove Representative Frost of Florida from a committee meeting

-Trump and Starmer on Ukraine Aid and security assurances

-New information on the death of Gene Hackman, his wife, and his dog

-an additional 10% tariff hitting China starting March 4th

--and much more

You can hear a complete recording of today’s live show here.

We are live each weekday morning from 6:00AM-8:00AM on WPNN-Pensacola's Information Station, where local, conservative morning-drive talk radio is ALIVE and Well and where we give you the most powerful hour(s) in local morning drive talk radio.

News, weather, traffic, humor, and educated, intelligent discourse with no PC filters....

The Wakeup Call with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN FM 103.7:  Radio UNRESTRAINED.


  1. I'm getting tired of Pam and Kohler and PNJ. The board voted on the lawsuit to for Owen's and Bart stealing and releasing private info and for other dissemination of it. No point revisiting that. The outcome doesn't justify areason to undo a vote. Underhill won an appeal unfortunately. He is unable to see his constant fragrant use of Facebook was the root of the conflicts lawsuits and ethics complaints.

  2. I’ve never seen two individuals, you and Dick Outzen, try soooo hard to be relevant in a community

  3. 3:23 and yet you are still here, LOL


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