Wednesday, April 13, 2022

What's the State of our Current County Staffing Initiatives?

We are making some good progress on hiring but we have much work to do on filling our massive number of vacancies.

County HR Director Crystal Dadura sent us the county's most recent vacancy report earlier this week.  The summary snapshot is above, the full report listing all the jobs that need to be filled can be found here.

Administrator Wes Moreno discusses some of the strategies we are employing to fill the vacancies--to include our hiring fair this month on the 23rd all day at the civic center--beginning at minute 6:00 of this video.


  1. I don’t think the math adds up on some of these.

    Purchasing: 3 vacancies with 6 FTE is 50% not 33%.
    Public Safety: 82 vacancies with 324 FTE is 25% not 20%.
    Mass Transit has a vacancy rate of 63.9%

  2. The vacancy rate is calculated by taking the number of vacant positions divided by the total number of budgeted positions and then multiplying the result by 100. Apologies for the confusion, but it may be because the summary chart does not reflect the number of budgeted FTE’s.

  3. so there's 417 budgeted positions that are vacant. Whats the total amount of dollars and where is that money being used?


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