Friday, May 31, 2024

Escambia County's Equestrian Center Could be the Location of Next ECSO Substation (and a Community Resource Center)

I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Sheriff Chip Simmons and Chief Deputy Andy Hobbs out at the Equestrian Center in Beulah yesterday.

The topic was the rapid growth out in Beulah in District 1, and also the need for a Sheriff's substation in the Beulah Community.

As District 1 Field Representative Jesse Casey and I discussed the location with Sheriff Simmons and Chief Deputy Hobbs, the reasons for this location became very clear.

"If we can have a location out here, it is very central to Beulah and it allows us to quickly get to all the local schools including the ones on Longleaf if that became necessary" said Sheriff Simmons.

Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons, Escambia County
Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Andy Hobbs, and D1
Commissioner Jeff Bergosh Discuss an ECSO
Beulah Substation, 5-30-2024, at the Escambia
Conunty Equestrian Center

"With Beulah's population estimated to grow by tens of thousands over the next several decades, this location in the center of Beulah makes the most sense for a substation."  Said Hobbs.

I asked the Sheriff and Chief Deputy if we could co-locate an upgraded resource center for the community and they seemed open to the idea-- once security concerns could be addressed.

In speaking with County Administrator Wes Moreno on the topic, he was positive as well.

"Sheriff Simmons and I have discussed this location and I think it is a great idea, I am all about it." said Moreno.

The ideal area where such a substation could be located on the Equestrian Center land, complete with parking, appears to be the northwest corner, right on Mobile Highway, where a second driveway already exists.

Look for this to be discussed at an upcoming meeting of the full board and also look for some continued discussions with the Sheriff's office on this topic.

It could be a win-win for both the ECSO and the Beulah community!

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