Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Our Campaign was Endorsed by District 1 Florida State Representative Michelle Salzman

Jeff Bergosh and Michelle Salzman, 2023

From Representative Salzman:

"In the August 20, 2024 primary election for District 1 Escambia County Commissioner, I support Jeff Bergosh. Jeff works hard, gets things done, and speaks his mind. He is intelligent, he studies the issues, and he is decisive. He gets involved in our community by mentoring at-risk students and serving 14 years on the Pensacola Chamber's Military Affairs Committee. He has actively served on dozens of boards locally over the last two decades--and his work and leadership on the state's Department of Transportation as the past chairman ot the Transportation Planning Organization is now paying dividends as hundreds of millions of dollars in state funding has come to Escambia County--much of it in District 1--and some more very large appropriations are in the pipeline, headed our way. Jeff actively follows important state issues working through the legislature and we have communicated on several bills during the legislative session in real time. I hope you'll join me in support of Jeff Bergosh for Escambia County Commissioner District 1 on August 20th"
--Michelle Salzman, Republican,
Florida State Representative for District 1

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner Dist. 1

1 comment:

  1. is that an eagles hat? WHOA what about the JAGS, BUCS, or FINZZ UP!


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