Friday, June 28, 2024

NW Florida PBA Screening Board Unanimously Endorses Jeff Bergosh for Escambia County Commission District 1

This morning the screening board for the NW Florida Chapter of the Police Benevolent Association interviewed all the candidates for the District 1 Republican primary election for County Commissioner.

I was just notified by telephone that I was selected, unanimously, as the candidate they will be endorsing in this election.  

PBA representative Chase Horne called with the news.  "We will be making a formal announcement and putting out a press release on Monday indicating you have our endorsement---but in the meantime you are free to announce this however you would like" said Mr. Horne.

Thank you very much for this powerful, prestigious endorsement--I am very grateful and look forward to working collaboratively with PBA over the next four years to make our Sheriff's Office and our Corrections Division the envy of the region!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Commissioner Bergosh, and an endorsement well earned.

    It's such a breath of fresh air to have leadership in place now, both on the BCC and in our Sheriff, that truly cares about the people who provide these vital public safety services, rather than using their livelihood and well-being as political playthings during budget talks.

    It's also really great to see all this positive momentum growing...keep it up!


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