Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Galvez Landing: We can Have Both a Boat Launch and a Recreational Area---And WE WILL

As long as I am commissioner of District 1--the issue on Galvez Landing where the artificial binary choice (Either a Boat Launch OR a Recreational Area) was the topic------my answer is simple.


Not everything is a binary choice.  Having a great little area with a swing, picnick table, and areas for children and parents to wade in the water is perfectly fine at Galvez Landing---and the Boat launch and rebuilt docks the county has built for a first class boat launch are also just fine.

You can have both, and we will so long as I am around.

Because not everything in life comes down to an either/or decision point.

At Galvez, it can be, will be, and IS-------- BOTH.

1 comment:

  1. Has any effort been made to stop the charters from camping at the T docks? In Okaloosa Co they have signs in red prohibiting that at public ramps. Kudos to the County on the new Heron Bayou ramp; it looks really nice and well laid out. I sure picked a great time to sell my salt water boat.


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