Tuesday, July 23, 2024

D1 County Commission Candidate Forum: 7-23-24

 Two of the three Republican Candidates for the Escambia County District 1 Commissioner Seat participated in a candidate forum this evening online.  Jeff Bergosh and Jesse Casey attended and participated.

Steve Stroberger did not show up and did not participate.  


  1. Wish had the balls to run 1 on 1 instead of the parlor trick of getting Casey to run. You would never win 1:1

    1. Wish your boy Steve had the cajones to actually show up. He should be ashamed of himself and apologize to those who actually support such a spineless wimp of a human.

  2. "Steve Stroberger has trust issues with the host and both candidates." --Keith Bowe

    "I support Michael [Jones], however in this instance, there's a history of differences. It's unfortunate." --Keith Bowe

    Dude can't get along with ANYBODY.

    So let me get this straight. Stroberger thinks he is county commissioner material, but he has such thick skin and anger management issues, and is such a brat and baby, that he can't even show up to a debate to discuss differences because of differences.

    The irony and hypocrisy, and the absurd display of his diehard electioneers hanging out on his dead branch, trying to excuse his behavior across various social media sites, is truly pathetic.

  3. Thanks commish for caring enough to show up. I may not agree with all your positions, but at least you’re man enough to show up and talk to voters even if it’s a difficult conversation. Steve Stroberger must be a special kind of coward to be afraid to talk to a group of citizens. What a shameless excuse for leader. Stever should go back to being a secretary- that seems to suit his fragile little persona much better.

  4. 11:39: You sound like those crying, whining Democrats that are really ticked off at RFK Jr. because they think his candidacy hurts their Democratic ticket. It's a wacky, weird, lunatic attitude--"My guy can run but nobody else can!!" It's ridiculous. Anyone can run, it is a free country. Get over it and don't worry: It will all be over for him in three weeks and 6 days..........

  5. Great.
    Hopefully others will realize Stroberger is not a good choice.

    I'm thinking about using my fake account on ECW and post

    "Keep the incumbents"


    It probably wouldn't pass the censors, then I'd show my hand and get blocked...

    Plus really I have more important things to do.

    Godspeed Brawling Bergosh.


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