Friday, July 19, 2024

Don Gaetz Endorses Jeff Bergosh for BCC D1 seat in August 20th Republican Primary Election

Gaetz and Bergosh
Tallahassee, 2015

Former Senate President and local business and political Icon Don Gaetz has now officially endorsed our campaign for re-election in the August 20th Republican Primary Election.

Gaetz, one of the most beloved, well-respected, and influential political figures in NW Florida spoke with me yesterday and endorsed me as the right Republican choice in the August 20th Primary Election.

I've know Senator Gaetz for 17 years and I have worked with him on important legislation pertaining to education since he passed the Merit Award Plan for teachers in 2007.

Gaetz, Bergosh, and Governor Charlie Crist
in Tallahassee March 2007 signing important
teacher MERIT PAY legislation

He has been invaluable to our area and his influence led to the gigantic and transformational appropriation for the new Pensacola Bay Bridge.  Don Gaetz has done so much for our area, and he is poised to more and he is a candidate for re-election to the Senate in the November General Election.

He will win--and he will be a dynamic, effective representative for our area--and we will all benefit from his leadership, influence, and political savvy.  Here is what Don Gaetz, our once and future D1 State Senator, has said about my campaign for D1 Commissioner.

“I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Jeff Bergosh to get good things done in Tallahassee and here at home.  Jeff is so effective because he’s highly skilled, tough when it matters and absolutely honest and ethical.  Jeff actually listens to folks’ concerns and solves their problems.  In the August 20th Republican Primary in Escambia County—Jeff Bergosh is the right choice for D1 Commissioner.”

Senate President Don Gaetz

Paid for by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner 


  1. I'm enjoying watching you employ your strategy to win the primary. It's really just great fun. I'm also energized about national politics once again.

    It's fun watching people get all worked up trying to influence things (ECW) Telling them how they should feel and such.Its hilarious.

    Finally it seems debate is occurring once again, some media is resorting to journalism rather than propaganda.

    There just a shift on the world stage.

  2. Also, comedians are getting good material. Biden is culturally appropriating Trump and Trump the giver of nicknames has his own. Teflon Don. πŸ˜ƒ Life in πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. It is what it is.

    These endorsement are great because working with people is instrumental to getting things done locally.


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