Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Judge Rules Against Medical Examiner in Defamation Lawsuit

We received news late yesterday afternoon that the Lawyer for Medical Examiner Deanna Oleske was handed a fairly significant loss in the circuit court--as the Judge locally granted the defendants' motion to dismiss in suit filed by the Medical Examiner against local funeral home directors.

This comes after a long running dispute between the Medical Examiner and a couple of funeral home directors who had pointed out some issues with the way bodies were being treated by the Medical Examiners office.

Those issues, to the best of my knowledge, have since been addressed.

Regardless, litigation was initiated against several funeral homes by the lawyer for the Medical Examiner.  And it dragged on and on and on.  LOTS of public records requests have been made and fulfilled.

Now, it looks like this is winding down nicely.

Yesterday, the below ruling came out.  Looks like this one is all but wrapped up in favor of the funeral home directors that were the targets of the lawsuit.  This is a good outcome, in my opinion.

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