Friday, August 2, 2024

Escambia County Professional Firefighters Endorse Jeff Bergosh for D1 Commissioner in August 20th Republican Primary!

 We had a great visit this past Monday with the men and women of the ECFR Union.  We had a very frank and honest conversation.  We also buried the hatchet on some of the negatives from the past, pressed the reset button, and shook hands figuratively and literally.

Now we are moving forward.

Thank you to President Justin Marcum and the men and women of ECFR for this endorsement in this race.  It means a lot to me, and we will keep making progress and moving forward to make this the best funded, best compensated department in this region.  Lets GO!

Read the endorsement letter, below.


  1. Congratulations Commissioner! Wow! So you have endorsements from Sheriff Chip Simmons, the police union, the fire union, the Congressman, Representative Salzman, and many others. You have done well and they know it and now recognize that and want you there. Keep up the great work!

  2. Jackie Rogers head must be exploding. Selling her soul to Satan to guarantee your removal over the last 8 years just doesn’t work. But, she will have to honor her bargain with Mephisto later. I pitty her. She’s as lost as Screwtape.

  3. Karl Brandon Cementhead must be throwing a fit in Alabama about this endorsement. Karl Couldn’t cut it in Escambia or Pace. Both laid Karl out like hot asphalt. But he’s allowed to play banjo as a volunteer in Alabama. Shawn Hall is also crying about this endorsement. Maybe he can go beat up Nick Gradia about it. Oh wait, no he can’t. Nick would crush him. So I guess Sean and Karl can meet up for therapy session. It will go like this , “Godzilla has fire we can’t handle,” as they complain how mean (but successful) you are.

  4. This is really such great news...very heartening and hopeful. I've been happy about it all day long, and was just struck in a moment that this could be that light at the end of the tunnel on some pretty tough years. I'm gonna go ahead and embrace it as a sign that at some point, hopefully sooner than later, working together will return to being the m.o. and divide and conquer will have run its course. Onward and upward.

  5. This news has been banned on the hate watch site. Linda Christy Warlock is sticking pins into many voodoo dolls I hear from others.

  6. That's great! 👍

    Yes, Escambia has it's own Tokyo Rose 🌹

  7. With all these “endorsements “ you would think you wouldn’t have been to afraid to run one on one instead of getting ghost candidates to close the primary. Another pathetic move. I


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