Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nasty, Negative Lies Will NOT Win Elections... Don't Believe the LIES by a Losing Candidate

This authentic looking document is a fake that is actually a campaign advertisement (devoid of facts and without legally required campaign disclaimer) for one of my opponents in this Republican primary election.  Don't believe it because it does not represent the truth.

I have been contacted by multiple constituents about a fake, doctored "document" being circulated by one of my opponents in this Republican primary--- purportedly showing I have raised tax rates.

It is a LIE, don't buy it.      Use your logic and discernment to personally debunk this garbage--look at your own tax bills over the last 7 years.....ZERO chance the millage rate has changed.  ZERO!!

Desperate opponents ALWAYS go to the "Lie about your opponent" playbook when they FAIL to get traction and they know they are losing badly.

We have NEVER, in my 7 years on the BCC,   EVER raised tax rates.

 We grow the economy, grow the tax roll, apply a STATIC millage rate, and grow revenue yearly that way--- which we subsequently re-invest in infrastructure, services, and higher pay for first responders and employees. In addition to this, any homesteaded property in Florida and here in Escambia  is protected by the Save Our Homes CAP on assessed value--keeping year over year assessments at no greater than 3% yearly--meaning a 55% increase over 7 years is IMPOSSIBLE!  It is a lie.  (Check the official county budget site and see for yourself.  Our year over year millage tax rate has not changed ONCE since I joined the board.)

Don't believe the lies of a desperate campaign.

In six days this all ends for this candidate and his sign-defacing, sign smashing minions...... tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,  6 days....


  1. Worse still, Mike Kohler's wife Shannon is running around social media dropping her endorsement of Stroberger, knowing that he and his team dropped a fax tax document and are spreading the lie around social media to scare the public. Interesting that Mike has Shannon doing his dirty work for him; he has been awful quiet on supporting Steve lately. At any rate, we've already got one hardened liar on the dais with Kohler up there. We do NOT need two.

  2. Aurelius V. Peavy IIAugust 15, 2024 at 11:48 PM

    You have our vote, Jeff!


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