Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday's Wake up Call on WPNN: All about Mardi Gras and the HUGE Positive Financial Impact on our Area

This morning on "The Wake Up Call" with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN we had special guest Danny Zimmern on the show.  Danny is the President of Pensacola Mardi Gras and he's been affiliated with the group for nearly three decades.  He discussed the upcoming Mardi Gras season, events, times, locations, and he gave a lot of metrics on just how impactful, financially, Mardi Gras is for our area.  Zimmern, an active and very successful real estate broker--also gave his assessment of our area's real estate market and where he believes interest rates are headed.

Other topics covered today on the show included:  The Dominique Pelicot verdict in France, The Fed cutting interest rates, the wrong address home invasion murder, North Korean troop losses in Ukraine, and lots of local information as well.

 Check out the recording of the interview here--if you missed it live.

 Catch the Wake up Call with Jeff Bergosh-- live on WPNN FM 103.7 AM 790 ---every weekday at 7:00AM.  It's the most powerful hour in local morning radio.


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