We had a power-packed Wake Up Call this morning live on the radio on WPNN 103.7 FM.
First, we had Pensacola Mayor DC Reeves discussing the state of the city presentation tonight at the Saenger Theater downtown at 6:00PM. Lots of exciting progress in the city and the Mayor will be presenting all of it tonight and answering questions of citizens that are submitted online.
Next, we had Jamie Wells on the show. Wells is the Executive Director of the Defenders of Freedom Florida--an organization that helps injured veterans in their recovery from traumatic brain injuries and also assists with suicide prevention. On the show this morning, Wells reported that an astonishing 40 veterans per day on average are ending their lives via suicide--which is a staggering statistic if accurate.
In case you missed it--listen to the recording of the live show here.
And listen every week day live from 7:00AM - 8:00AM on AM 790 or FM 103.7 WPNN.
Radio Unrestrained!
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