Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wake up Call for Tuesday: Camp Century --A Firsthand Account


Picture of Thule, Greenland from Wikipedia, Ann Onyme

Today on the wake up call live on WPNN 103.7 we spoke with Military veteran Tim Buckley about his trip to Greenland in the mid 1960’s where he had the opportunity to tour Camp Century—which was a top secret Army missile base project being operated under the fiction it was a “research facility”  We also talked all the other news going on locally and all around the world.  Issues covered included the following:

--Local news recap

--President Trump mandating federal employees go back to work in person

--Upcoming presidential appointment hearings

--President Trump fires DOJ Lawyers

--begrudging compliance from some federal entities to Trump’s executive orders

--NVIDIA stock crashing due to Chinese AI machine DeepSeek

--Palestinians returning to Gaza

--ICE roundups around the country

And much more….

You can hear a complete recording of today’s live show here.

We are live each weekday morning from 6:00AM-8:00AM on WPNN-Pensacola's Information Station, where local, conservative morning-drive talk radio is ALIVE and Well and where we give you the most powerful hour(s) in local morning drive talk radio.

News, weather, traffic, humor, and educated, intelligent discourse with no PC filters....

The Wakeup Call with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN FM 103.7:  Radio UNRESTRAINED.

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