Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Passive Aggressive Compliance from America's Deep State

 On the Wake up Call on WPNN 103.7 FM we don't mince words, we don't sugar-coat pills, and we don't dumb down language.  We tell it like it is.  That is why when we discuss the disastrous previous presidency of Joe Biden and his feckless, reckless handling of our southern border, we describe the lawless, illegal border crossers as what they are.  Illegal Aliens.  No, we don't use the sanitized, homogenized term "undocumented migrants" or "unauthorized immigrants" or any other such garbage, PC terminology.

What I know from listeners with inside knowledge is that the proper term "Illegal Alien" has been verboten in the Federal Bureaucracy of Immigration, Customs, and Enforcement branch of Homeland Security for at least the last 4 years of Biden.

But that all changed on Monday.  Freshly Inaugurated 47th President of the United States Donald J. Trump signed a slew of executive orders and actions, and what do you know, the "acting" commissioner of CBP did follow the orders fairly rapidly albeit passive aggressively, with this below guidance document.  His document technically checks the box of what Trump ordered, albeit begrudgingly.  It makes the readers of the memo go to additional documents and statutes to decode the meaning.  Check it out, below:

I suspect all other Federal  branches and departments are sending similar such box checking "memo's" in the wake of President Trump's slew of executive orders Monday evening.  But the passive aggressive tendencies will likely be a hallmark of all such memos until such time as each department is cleansed of two or three layers deep of feckless, partisan, deep-state bureaucrats and President Trump's picks are placed throughout the government.

As an example--this document (above) could have been simple and clear and said plainly what it alludes:

"Forget previous guidance on terminology related to lawbreakers who come here illegally--use the statutorily adopted terminology in PL 82-414, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) of 1952.

Those who violate our laws and come here illegally are ILLEGAL ALIENS.  (read the actual law, "alien" is utilized 819 times.  "Undocumented" appears nowhere in the documents.  Don't believe me, read it for yourself at the hyperlink above)"

Those who come here from unrecognized countries will not be given special, PC terms to identify their "homeland."

It's pretty simple but the deep state will resist our President every. step. of. the. way. over the next four years.  But like an ICEbreaker cutting through the frozen oceans of the arctic, our new President will cut through this B.S.

He's already started to do so......


  1. If they resist fire them. We must pump out the water to right the ship.

  2. Interesting take, Jeff! To make sure I’m understanding it right, you see it as an issue to update language that was set in the 1950s? I can think of a few other words from that time period that are generally agreed upon as being wildly inappropriate nowadays, and language as a whole has evolved a lot since then haha. These are real human beings we’re talking about, after all. But I’m new to your blog, so interested after reading this on your thoughts on a couple things. If you have blogs on these topics already, definitely let me know and I’ll check them out! 1) Have you ever looked into immigration law? If so, what are your thoughts on immigration law being one of the most complex laws in the country, second only to tax code (and arguably more complex than that)? Do you see a need for immigration law reform? Do you think this could possibly be an effective way to “solve” the “illegal alien problem”? Or perhaps providing more resources on how to become a legal citizen available in other languages to help people trying to move to the US get here legally? If not, how do you think you’d go about coming to the US legally if you were from a poorer country and English was your second language and you couldn’t afford an immigration lawyer, as many of these people do? Or, do you think we need to limit who we allow into the country by making it difficult to get here “legally?”And 2) Would Christopher Columbus have been classified as an “illegal alien” since he came to this country without the permission of the people it belonged to, and obviously didn’t follow the rules and regulations we have in place today? Or any of our Founding Fathers, early settlers, basically everyone who came to the US before modern times, many of whom were escaping religious persecution in their homeland and were essentially refugees? Or do you see that as different? If it is different, what makes it different—that the complex laws weren’t in place back then? Just wanting to better understand how “illegal alien” is classified. Thanks for reading, interested in hearing your opinion!


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