Monday, January 13, 2025

The Wake Up Call for Monday: Sheriff Chip Simmons and D1 Congressional Candidate Jeff Macey


We welcomed in our guest Sheriff Chip Simmons this morning on the Wake up Call live on WPNN 103.7 FM.  Sheriff Simmons joins us on Mondays weekly to give us updates on what is happening with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.  In addition to Sheriff Simmons, we also had an interview with Jeff Macey.  He is one of the TEN Republican candidates vying to take the D1 Congressional seat vacated by Matt Gaetz.  We talked national defense, the budget deficit, cyber security, government efficiency, and a host of other national topics.

You can hear a complete recording of today’s live show, here.

(Replay of Kevin Gaffney interview plays first, then Sheriff Simmons’  interview is next, and then the Macey interview plays)

 We are live each weekday morning from 6:00AM-8:00AM on WPNN-Pensacola's Information Station, where local, conservative morning-drive talk radio is ALIVE and Well and where we give you the most powerful hour(s) in local morning drive talk radio.

 News, weather, traffic, humor, and educated, intelligent discourse with no PC filters....

 The Wake up Call with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN FM 103.7:  Radio UNRESTRAINED.

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