Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wake up Call Wednesday: District 4 Escambia County Commissioner Ashlee Hofberger


Today on the wake-up call live on WPNN 103.7 we discussed state, local, national, and international topics of interest.  We also welcomed onto the show District 4 Escambia County Commissioner Ashlee Hofberger.  She and I discussed current issues in District 4, a parking garage at Pensacola Beach, the current state of the EMS division and her interest in OLF 8 and seeing the project to completion.  It was a great discussion!

In addition to this, we discussed:

-local news—tornado and arrest for noisy protesting downtown

-Shark attack in the Bahamas

-ADHD and smoking

-Netanyahu on the cease fire

-UWF Graduate and Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna tapped to head the release of government secrets task force

-Demi Moore on her Oscar nominated performance in “The Substance”

And much more….

Listen to my interview with Ashlee Hofberger here

You can hear a complete recording of today’s live show here.

We are live each weekday morning from 6:00AM-8:00AM on WPNN-Pensacola's Information Station, where local, conservative morning-drive talk radio is ALIVE and Well and where we give you the most powerful hour(s) in local morning drive talk radio.

News, weather, traffic, humor, and educated, intelligent discourse with no PC filters....

The Wakeup Call with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN FM 103.7:  Radio UNRESTRAINED.

The Wake up Call is coming to you live from the road as we're in New Orleans this week......

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