Today on the wake-up call live on WPNN 103.7 we spoke with
Escambia County Commissioner Lumon May.
Lumon joined us to discuss the new library that is being built in the
Brownsville community, the ongoing effort to sell OLF 8 and how the
negotiations are going on that, the soon to commence budget negotiations with
Sheriff Chip Simmons, and impact fees/concurrency now that Santa Rosa has
implemented them. It was a great
In addition to this, we discussed
-local news and information
-The mass killing is Sweden
-The liberals’ gnashing of teeth over the closure of USAID
-RFK’s approval through committee and headed to nomination
-The Canadian math whiz who is alleged to have stolen $65
Million in cryptocurrency
And much more….
can hear a complete recording of today’s live show here.
We are live each weekday morning from 6:00AM-8:00AM on
WPNN-Pensacola's Information Station, where local, conservative morning-drive
talk radio is ALIVE and Well and where we give you the most powerful hour(s) in
local morning drive talk radio.
News, weather, traffic, humor, and educated, intelligent
discourse with no PC filters....
The Wakeup Call with Jeff Bergosh on WPNN FM 103.7: Radio UNRESTRAINED.
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