Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Great, Energetic, and Positive Prayer Vigil Monday Evening at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church

Our Country would have been thrown into massive chaos if President Trump had not simply turned his head, at precisely the right time, Saturday afternoon in Pennsylvania.

All weekend after the attempted assasination of Former President Trump--I kept thinking this.  I was so thankful he was not killed.  It could have very well happened....had he not simply turned his head right before the shot was fired at him.  How fortunate was that head turn?  Folks will look at that video and the pictures from here on out and always wonder--how was it he turned at just the exact moment he needed to in order to save his own life?  How?

It was borderline miraculous.  

It could have been a different story had this assasain's bullet hit it's intended target.

I believe it was Divine intervention.  

And a lot of other folks believe that as well.

Because love Trump or Hate him-------nobody deserved what he has been reciving.  NOBODY.  They tried to imprison him, they have prosecuted him, they are trying to bankrupt him, and now with the TOXIC rhetoric oozing out of certain media and certain special interests---they have tried to kill him.

So Saturday, Sunday, and Monday many of us were angry, upset, and then, eventually,  thankful.  I prayed to God and thanked him for sparing the former President.  I also prayed for the victims that were killed and seriously injured.  It was a horrible day in American History.  And many were processing what had happened and many turned to prayer.

And that is precisely what Congressman Gaetz facilitated Monday evening at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church in Pensacola, as about 600 citizens joined he and Pastor Gordon Godfrey for a prayer rally for President Trump and our Nation.

It was moving, it was energetic, and it was positive.

I was thankful to be there and hear from the Pastor and to pray together with my fellow citizens.  Thank GOD we live in a free country where we can do this.  Thank GOD.

And thank you to the folks at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church for facilitating this vigil.


  1. With this drivel you have lost my vote. I voted for you every time before this. No more. It's sad that our county has only 5 commissioners - hardly a representative size.

  2. I'm not sure about 'sad' at having only 5 commissioners. The levels of 'suspect' activity between just 5 is off the charts. Maybe if we could have a reset and start over, redistrict into REASONABLE sections, and have HONEST elections (what is a 'ghost candidate'?), maybe that would be a good start. Maybe. I hear folks from Perdido Key arguing the same thing Beulah residents are arguing but it seems like a different language. And it's just one commissioner in the middle of it.
    How many REAL candidates are running for District One commissioner this season, anyway? Because I know of two that are friends/(very recent) employees of Mr. Bergosh. I truly wonder if Mr. Bergosh will re-hire his 'secretary' if he secures his seat on August 20. Time will tell... I'm SURE Mr. Casey is serious about his candidacy - I've seen his signs all around the district (not) and my neighbors tell me he's knocked thousands of doors(not) and participated in many town halls(not) since he declared his candidacy just days before the deadline, without resigning from his job (done AFTER citizens cried foul) and when Mr Bergosh's polling numbers didn't stack as much in his favor as he would prefer. Not saying Mr. Bergosh was involved at all. I mean, this isn't the first time ghost candidates have appeared in District One primaries.... We'll see how long this comment stands.


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