Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Massive $240 Million Appropriation Coming to Beulah: Interchange is Fully Funded

Channel 3 is reporting today that it is official.  

Rumors had swirled, folks had made mention of it as a possibility....

But today the word is out.   And it is official

The Beulah Interchange is fully funded in this current year's budget and with some shuffling of existing projects from elsewhere in the state and the use of some other funding sources.  

Read the Channel 3 story here

Much more to come on this MASSIVELY Transformational win for the Beulah Community, District 1, and Escambia County in the next several days.  

A ceremonial groundbreaking for this project is tentatively scheduled for late next week and will feature dignitaries from the state as well as members of our local legislative delegation and county officials.

I was asked by PNJ, WEAR, and NorthEscambia for my statement on this epic win, which I will print below:

"The $240 Million Appropriation from the state to fully fund the construction of the Beulah Interchange beginning next year will be an amazing  and transformational project for Beulah, District 1, and Escambia County!  We certainly could not have done it without the steady leadership of Senator Doug Broxson, combined with sustained persistence by the Florida Alabama transportation planning organization as we on that committee kept this project as our number one priority.  Thank you to our legislature, the Governor, and the folks at FDOT for  getting this necessary project funded for Escambia County!"


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