According to a survey compiled by Navy Federal Credit Union--The Pensacola community ranks far down the list-#45 actually-of places where retiring military members want to go upon completion of their military service.
As I read this morning's paper, a very non-descript blurb in the Business section caught my attention. It was about transitioning military members, and where they choose to retire after they complete their military service--- according to statistics compiled and surveys conducted by Navy Federal Credit Union. According to the article, nearly 250,000 military members and their families transition out of active service each year. The article mentioned that Pensacola did not rank in the top 10 for such retirement/transition locations. Pensacola ranked #45--according to the PNJ article. #45....
So I followed the link provided because I was naturally curious, and wanted to see the full list.
The link only gives the top ten, there is no "full-list" at this landing page or anywhere else.
So that's frustrating.
Nevertheless--there must be a list somewhere, and PNJ reports Fort Walton Beach ranks #18 and Pensacola ranks #45. Forty-Five?!?
This, to me, is an astonishing stat. How in the world could Pensacola--the location where NFCU has invested more than a Billion dollars in standing up a massive headquarters for 10,000 employees-- be ranked so low down on this list?
With our Naval facilities, hospitals, temperate climate, excellent beaches, LOW cost of housing and LOW cost of living---how in the world could Pensacola be ranked lower by retiring service members than a place like Duluth, Minnesota? I mean--nothing against Minnesota---but is Duluth really a better location for retirement after service than is the Pensacola area?
I've been to every city on NFCU's "Top 10 List" --except for Duluth, MN and Norwich, CT--and lived in four of them. Charleston SC, ranked #1 was a place I spent two years when my dad was stationed there from 1982-1984. I was born in San Diego and have lived there for a total of 23 years of my 52 on this planet. Let's face facts: each city on the NFCU top ten list has positive attributes, no doubt. Take places like Fort Myers Florida and San Diego California. Both beautiful places with excellent weather year-round and beautiful beaches. But the cost of living!! Try to survive in San Diego on an E-6 or E-7 pension. Try to find "affordable" housing--forget about a house--- in San Diego. Good luck--I know from experience having owned property there. It takes a significant income, significant, to own a home in a desirable community in San Diego County. It's a beautiful place---that's why it's so expensive to live there. And again---so are the others on the list. (I'm sure even Duluth and Norwich are....)
But Pensacola has some of the most affordable housing (even though the costs have risen) and hands down some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We've got military bases and facilities all around and a thriving, large community of military retirees here. We've got the Blue Angels!
So how did Pensacola rank 45th? What the Heck??
Attention Chamber of Commerce, attention City Council, attention Mayor--and yes--attention County Commissioners----
This preference survey of former military--if it is truly accurate-- should be a BIG concern to all of us in leadership locally.