
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Andy Marlette and Hatchet-Piece "Journalism"

PNJ cartoonist Andy Marlette loves to editorialize about how much he dislikes me and other conservative elected officials locally.  But is it honest to parade these hit pieces as "news" stories, when they are nothing but spin-job editorials?  I think not.  I think it's deceptive and emblematic of the reason most Americans no longer have faith in the media to tell the truth, unbiased with just the facts.

I think my very existence triggers Andy Marlette.  That and the fact that I am conservative.  And the fact that I don't kowtow to his agenda.  And that I don't agree with his biased fake news.  And that I push back when he makes cartoons about me.

But he also hates politicians--especially local ones.  Yes, it is one terrible article after another, with the local politicians being targeted.  He hates that we get paid, and he hates that we exist.  Funny how he never really pushes back against Democratic politicians though...Nope.  Just local and national Republican ones.  We're the bad guys.

But he also hates me because I am a Christian.  He HATES Christians, and people who are religious.  He makes fun of religion with cartoons that mock Jesus in a town that is very Christian and very conservative.  He really hates people that believe in God.

But apparently what he HATES more than anything else is anyone with whom he disagrees.

Heaven forbid we disagree with him on anything.  Do that, and get ready for the ad hominem vicious personal attacks, unfair characterizations, and cartoons.

So I wrote about the "Ambush" I walked into a couple of weeks ago when I was "invited" to sit with the 2-person editorial board of the PNJ---- I knew there would be an "article" coming out in the PNJ behind that meeting, seeking to run me down.  Yep, knew it was coming.....

.....It arrived today, just in time for the Sunday edition.  A steaming pile of garbage that takes my entire stance on the bridge naming out of context.  Here are the facts:

1.  I disagree with the PNJ's position that the Beall family name should be taken off the bridge, and I have been vocal about that.

2.  I have never once said anything disparaging about Chappie James

3.  I don't attack constituents on social media--I use social media to disseminate information and to interact with citizens--but I do not target people and attack citizens with social media

So this article just goes after me and insinuates that I must be a racist because I don't want to rip one family name off of the bridge and replace it with Chappie James' name, and that I am a horrible person that intentionally targets my constituents for attack on social media.  All of this is a bald-faced, made up lie.  A straight-up, ad hominem vicious personal attack on me because I have the audacity to push back against and disagree with Andy Marlette and the PNJ

But it does not end there....

Because its not always what is said in an article from the dishonest media that is important--often times it is what is conveniently left out.

For instance, in Andy's attack piece on me that will appear in print tomorrow morning, he conveniently leaves out the following facts about my statements at the bridge naming meeting:

1.  I support Chappie James being honored by having the Pensacola Airport named in his honor

2.  I will support the name that the Bridge Naming committee ultimately recommends--even if it is recommended to take the Beall name off and replace it with Chappie James's name.

3.  Regardless of the outcome--I will support naming Pensacola's airport for Chappie James ---and I will contribute to that cause financially--because that would be a fitting tribute to that great American.

The article glosses over those three facts, fully omitting them from the article in order to mislead the readers and frame me in a false light.  Instead-the piece just makes me out to be some kind of a racist--which is absolute garbage.

This is just one example of the reason nobody trusts the activist, agenda-driven left-leaning liberal media anymore.

They are dishonest and they do not tell the truth, and everything is a spin-job to make good people look bad while not reporting stories that do not support their flawed narrative (conservatives bad, democrats good).  Not a peep from any mainstream media--here or nationally--about the fake and destructive "activism" that led to the  Oberlin College case and what happened there. -Nope--stories like these do not support their biased narrative.

Thankfully, most of the voters locally don't buy the garbage PNJ is peddling--they "smell" it coming a mile away and smartly disregard it.


Anonymous said...

I hear there is a rally at Fake New Headquarters today. Most conservatives won't even go. Silent Majority turns junk off and votes accordingly.
We have work to do.

Anonymous said...

Are there any other generals in military service that were born in Pensacola?

I don't know the answer to that. Is James the only person from Pensacoala to become a General?

This IS about race, and people are so weird when that comes up.

But back to the primary's in 1930.

The people in power didn't want ex slaves and ignorant poor people either color leading them..not matter the amount of melanin in their skin, it's similar to the absurdity of wanting exfelons to now serve on juries..That is insane.

Politics 101

But yes Marlette and PNJ clearly doesn't like you. As far as we are concerned then that's a great monitor. If Marlette is for it, we are against it for the most part.

Mike Hill should just shut up though.

For the most part we care about infrastructure roads and bridges and the budget..

So while we are at this, MY god don't put a round about on a barrier island. Hurricanes are real.

If the hoteliers want it let them pay for it.

Jeff Bergosh said...

The danger is that his (Marlette's) garbage pieces are BELIEVED by some who are extremely gullible. But are these hit pieces he writes editorials or news? The line is blurry and that is dangerous. As an example-the articles about the conservative politicians he has published over the last several weeks appear in google news searches for these individuals. But wait--these are editorials, right? His opinion, right? NOPE--PNJ puts these out like they are actual news articles. Marlette puts conservative elected officials in a false light with these Sunday sham hit-piece "articles" that are separate from the editorials--so folks think this is "news." and this is the problem with the biased, dishonest, agenda-driven liberal fake news media today--including the PNJ. This guy knows I said clearly at the meeting that I supported Chappie James' name at the airport because I respect Chappie and his service and achievements. If I was such a flaming racist like he is trying to depict with his attack piece--why would I ever support that? And there is the insidiousness of his piece that deliberately leaves that fact out in order to depict me in a false light, also failing to mention that I said I would accept whatever name the committee recommends and fully support their recommendation. Nope-that fact gets conveniently left out as well, as it would not support his "narrative" of my character. It is shady, dishonest opinionated "journalism" and does nothing to instill confidence in the people that the local newspaper can be objective and not biased. Instead, our local paper is laced with a left-leaning, slanted agenda that is not only readily apparent--it is also consistently dishonest and untrustworthy. Thank GOD for NorthEscambia and WEAR--at least they report the news without the spin...PNJ could take a lesson from them!

Anonymous said...

I looked up the publisher and the editor. They allow this garbage to continue. Gannet should be informed and fire them if they want to stay in business.

Marlette is out of line and is bringing in poor performance and a poor reputation to the Pensacola News Journal. It is looking ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

The push to get Jame's names, as an African American IS about race. They want to removes Beall's name and honor replace it with an African American.

But if any one points this out then they are labeled "racist" Catch 22

Why did Dosev and Gray do this? To try to get votes from the blacks and liberals and military and tried to take advantage and silence the Beall family.

I guess some do not know Gray cussed young Beall after he called him trying to be cordial and also blocked him.

And the Penacolian piece bringing up the past legislation was a smear campaign to try to erase all Senator Beall's past accomplishments.

But what this needs to shine a light on is not all modern blacks simply want equal rights, there is a push for Black nationalism and reparation and they, some, want WHYPPIPO to pay.

It's probably time to abolish the NAACP and the black caucus and affirmative action.

Those are racist organizations.

Now that's the truth of the matter.

The Dosev/Gray push attempted to rush this through on unsuspecting people, who may not even have known the bridge had state memorial designation.

It's a memorial state designation to senator Phillip D. Beall like it or not.

Most African Americans are here post slavery and if Lincoln hadn't been killed they mostly would have their own colony back in South West Africa and would not be here in the United States.

Yes White Europeans conquered and took this territory..

Then the Spanish and British and French and Indians and so forth fought and killed each other, that's what human did and will most likely do again.

The naming of this bridge has been tainted by the originators of the scheme.

Actually there shouldn't even be a bridge built there, if any one really understands natural environmental and the climate and history.

Vanity and Vexation of Spirit

Older than time, history repeats itself.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Marlette. Probably because I haven't read the PNJ in over 30 years. Liberal rag not worthy of my support.

Anonymous said...

The public doesn't seem to realize how poorly the past family honor of the Beall's has been abnegated by the one's pushing the racist agenda to make Chappie James token black hero for their agenda. They must not know what has gone on behind the scenes. They seem to have no shame and pretend no one see what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

Naming this bridge for James is racist.

Anonymous said...

Marlette is a racist. His continued spin is one of hate, harm and division. He is a major contributor to the overall lack of respect by the public of the media. Somehow he feels the right to slander, manipulate and spin with no factual basis whatsoever. An artist with the manipulation of words written as well as audio clips. His followers are truly blind and oh so shallow. Lest they stay in the shallow end of the pool with floaties and water wings with the inability to dive into deep waters of knowledge, morality, peace with freedom from hate. Sad he even gets published. His type are being exposed as the true hate mongers, racist and antagonist they are.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bergosh...I've only followed this bridge naming thing from a distance. But, from what I remember, it was back in May of 2018 that State Senator Doug Broxson came up with the idea of renaming the new bridge after former State Senate President Don Gaetz.

At the time, Chris Dosev was running against Matt Gaetz, son of Don, and the clear favorite to win in the race against Dosev. (There were other challenges to Gaetz, but Dosev was the most well known.) Matt Gaetz and Chris Dosev exchanged verbal barbs throughout the 2018 race, and it was at this time Dosev came up with the idea of renaming the bridge after Gen. Chappie James — clearly a political move to show how inclusive he (Dosev) could be and quite possibly attract African-American voters to his side, plus the Gen. James renaming proposal had the added bonus of denying the elevation of his political opponent's father, Don Gaetz.

Whatever the current situation is now, this effort began as a purely political move by Dosev to counter Gaetz. You would be wise to just step back and stay above the fray.

Besides, it will always be The Three Mile Bridge.

Anonymous said...

ECW will not let Kirke Beall join.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 11:17--I think you are on to something with your analysis and advice. I have heard that rumor too--about the shot at Gaetz. I have also heard it is being done to gin up support for another run for congress, this time as an independent (with the hope that a significant amount of his Republican supporters would stick with him, in addition to a new group of independents, Democrats, and a portion of the African American vote. I'll say even if true, which I do not know to be true as these are only rumors I have heard--this strategy wouldn't work I don't think. He would get past the primary, yes, only to be defeated once again, for the third time, in the general. As it pertains to the bridge naming: I do respect Cris's ability to muster all the troops--it was a hoot to watch him order around all the retired Captains and Admirals--he said jump and they said "how high, Cris" LOL. Gotta hand it to him, he runs the retired Military in this town! But back to the bridge-- I will support the committee's recommendation on July 9th--as I have stated publicly that I would, I believe they will thoughtfully consider the sum total of the issue, not just the ballot box stuffing job we witnessed from Cris and Alan. I sincerely hope it becomes a dual designation with Beall and James. And whatever happens--I will strongly support naming our airport for Chappie--because I do agree with Cris and Alan that General James was a great man, an American Hero. I know having our airportn named for him would be the honor he deserves and would be much more effective at teaching visitors and others about this great American!