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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Marlette Manipulation 9.0: Dandy the Creeper Clown

PNJ cartoonist Andy Marlette is at it again, making cartoons that are really not funny and difficult to really understand.  I was featured in two cartoons this week thus far, including this one...  So, as I have done for almost a decade, I'm manipulating one he did about me earlier this week, to actually make a cartoon that is funny!  :)

Andy is talented, but many of us--lots of us--feel he is overly abusive of conservative politicians, whereas others get a pass or get light-hearted, schtickish good natured cartoons.

The President is frequently targeted, body shamed about weight and his hands.  The First Lady is a frequent target is Christianity and lots of other subjects that offend lots of people.  I don't really get offended, I just look for ways to make them better  :)

So this is all in good fun, right?  This is satire and humor, right?  So the public figure cartoonist can make fun of me, a public figure, then so far as I'm concerned turnabout is fair play.

A couple of years back Andy Marlette's representative Jeremy Knipper called me and said, "Yeah, Jeff, we're going to need you to take

 down the cartoons that you manipulated and put on your site."  I told him no.  Then I pointed to the relevant court rulings on parody and use of copyrighted material.

I know he did not like that.  Maybe he is still angry about that?  I hope he got over it.

I've entitled this one "Dandy the Creepy Clown"


Anonymous said...

Micro foot Marlette. Very funny. How about Macro-lib Marlette. I think you’re in his head. He didn’t put your face on the cartoon because he probably knows you’ll put the Repticulus marletticus fakenewsicus “Andy blue Rat-snake” picture of him there. His body shaming of the president is wrong and mean spirited (cue Schumer crying). I noticed he made fun of Ross Peot’s ears, but I never saw one for Obama’s. Why? He’s a liberal water carrier and Kool Aid drinker (IMHO). Like Trump, you push back. Fight the Power. Fight the Man.

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the trolls. It looks like you are talking to yourself. We are serious about a crisis. Most intelligent people know Marlette doesn't not understand politics and misses the mark. A better cartoon would be a pile of poop with the ones laughing being the flies. Don't be a fly.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer you documenting your rogue board member and preparing an ethics complaint. No body cares about Marlettes opinions except a few idiots. He really is doing Escambia a disservice actually but we can't CENSURE, REMOVE FROM OFFICE, SAVE THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT from a cartoonist.
Scroll on by..actually your fat jokes and anti gay stuff is making me lose faith. Cut the crap.

Anonymous said...

So what if you spend two minutes turning the tables on Marlette. He puts himself out there attacking his president and conservatives, so if he gets a boomerang, so what.

Anonymous said...

Have to wonder- Underhill sending that e-mail to Brown threatening that if any staffer crossed him he would "make them famous" (we all know that was Underhill who sent that). Then sure enough, the PNJ ran that incredibly unfair op-e roasting Lovoy and Coughlin. Coincidence?

Anonymous said...

"Miss the Mark Marlette"