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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Marlette Malfunction Junction: How PNJ Hatchet Piece Backfires on PNJ--on their own Facebook Site!!

Yesterday's inept, ham-fisted, and ineffectual attempt at an attack on me on the "PNJ-Facebook Page" backfired on PNJ--resulting in dozens of negative comments directed toward Dandy Marlette and the PNJ...It was GOLDEN

Wow, just when I think the PNJ and their "crack" 2-person editorial board can't get any worse, any more inept, and any more clumsy--- they uncork an out-of-touch, ill-timed, and perplexing attack on me again.  But in it, they take swipes at multiple others in addition to yours truly.  When it went online yesterday, several folks reached out to me--saying "we thought the meeting today was great, you all compromised--so why this, and why now?"

That's what I thought too, but whatever.

So it gets even better... 

Apparently around lunchtime yesterday, PNJ put this Andy Marlette garbage "editorial" slamming me, Florida West, Economic Development, Scott Luth, the City Council, Matt Gaetz, and all citizens that disagree with them---- on their own PNJ facebook page.  With MY picture under a caption slamming our Congressman Matt Gaetz.  They even threw in a hashtag #FreeBrittany.  The final piece in PNJ's self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head was when they locked the article for "Subscribers Only."  So folks couldn't read the article to figure out the context.  It was confusing, it was jumbled, and it was haphazard (not unlike the majority of their editorials).

Naturally, it exploded spectacularly like Elon Musk's recent Starship launch pad mishap.

And then the negative comments against PNJ and Andy from Facebook posters began piling on top of PNJ's Facebook's a sample of comments from the vicious beatdown Dandy and the PNJ are sustaining-----on their own site, LOL!

---Lol, no way I am paying to subscribe for those "opinions!" 

----This dude is just an opinion writer and apparently his opinions aren’t worth much as PNJ bleeds subscribers.--
----Pnj is possibly from a California city.. At least it seems--
"----This opinion column is exclusive for subscribers." — Thank god for that...
-----PNJ wouldn’t even make decent toilet paper
----I wasn't aware that Pensacola was in dire danger. But our Republic *is*, from the Commiecrats that he is opposing and that the PNJ is shilling for
----No thank you. Not interested in Marlett’s opinions.
----Marlette needs to stop doing drugs that aren’t legal in this state. Crack is bad for you and the community.
----Garbage “opinion”
----Why pay to read opinions. That is what that "newspaper"has become. Just opinions. Everyone has them. When you go back to facts maybe we will once again pay for your "newspaper"
----This rage is a POS!
----Start with FACTS you hacks
----Does anyone pay for this paper anymore?

Wow--what a beatdown!


Anonymous said...

Andy Marlette lives rent free in your head.

Anonymous said...

who is the patron?

Jeff Bergosh said...

The PNJ patron is anyone who spends a lot of money with them. Or wields undue influence over them. When the patron calls, Lisa and Andy trip all over themselves, spill their coffee, run to the phone and ask, breathlessly "What can we do to please you?" It's disgusting. They know exactly, precisely who the patron is. He owns them, and they will always do whatever is asked of them by the Patron---including tomorrow's garbage editorial.

Anonymous said...

I think Patron is the racist who gave out money to businesses based on race. I guess if it's not government you can get away with discrimination, unless it's rentals...oh wait affirmative action is discriminatory..

I didn't read Marlette's opinion. He is an idiot and to put it behind a pay wall is sadder still. I guess they think bad press is better than no press at all.

Brown nosed editors at the PNJ are really making it look bad. (worse)

I didn't know much about Patron but if he agrees with Marlette, then something is seriously wrong with the patron.

Anonymous said...

This is not his worst cartoon. There are a couple from the early 2000s where he uses the racist N word. He needs to be tarred, feathered and cancelled immediately. Look in the comments on the PNJ Facebook and you will find the racist cartoon he made. How does he not get fired?

Anonymous said...

"CivicCon is a joint project of the News Journal and the Studer Community Institute"

Uses Marlette to go after people who stand in their way.

How embarrassing for them.

Jeff Bergosh said...

With cancel culture in full swing, with the host of the Bachelor getting dismissed simply for not agreeing with someone's viewpoint during an interview, it is amazing Andy Marlette of the PNJ gets away with that racist cartoon where he, a priviliged white man, uses the N-word in his negative cartoon of Kanye West. It's astonishing to me. I guess there is a double standard here that applies to people like him but not Chris Harrison.