
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Hatchet Piece Hit Job Journalism--PNJ Editorial Board Strikes Again

PNJ Editor Lisa Nellessen Savage and Cartoonist Andy Marlette unleashed a biased, inaccurate, non-contextualized and caustic fake-news "editorial" today....simply because I have the audacity to disagree with them and those of their ilk.  Far beyond news, it was a fact-barren, truth concealing, directed ad hominem attack.  No wonder NOBODY trusts them...I can't wait until they go out of business

Today’s ridiculous ad hominem attack piece on me from the PNJ comes because I do not support additional residential construction on the OLF-8 field in Beulah. Self-interested special interests and downtown insiders that control the PNJ, their editor Lisa Nellessen Savage, and their two-person editorial board do not control me----- and this burns them up. I disagree with them, and I do not support utilizing this field for any additional housing, period. We have TOO MUCH residential housing out here already, and we need to let our infrastructure catch up and we DO NOT need to compete with private sector developers who are already building plenty of "walkable communities" within "walking distance" of NFCU. I disagree with them on this---and they can't stand it.  I do not genuflect to their "experts" and they go apoplectic.  Remember this: The PNJ "editorial board" doesn't care about good jobs-they have theirs already.  I do care though.  The PNJ does not care about promises we made to the taxpayers as we spent $18 Million in ESCAMBIA COUNTY taxpayers' monies to acquire this land for jobs for ALL Citizens--not simply for the enrichment of one particular community in Escambia County or for one particular employer in Escambia County.  But I do care.  And I disagree with them and they are throwing a tantrum because of it.   I care about keeping our word to the people of the county that financed this decades long project to bring jobs to the entire county; I will not let downtown insiders, the PNJ, Lisa Savage, Dandy Marlette,  and/or any other special interests do a bait and switch job on the taxpayers of this county.  Period.


And yes, as a nearly 17 year resident of Beulah right across from the field--this doesn't mean I will not also advocate for some amenities for our community----to include retail along 9-Mile road (restaurants, shops, hopefully a post office and other establishments)--a regional park with tennis courts, a world class walking-jogging trail around the entire property for community use, and first rate stormwater and road/sidewalk infrastructure throughout the property which will allow us the potential to incubate a MINIMUM of 1000 good jobs which will allow us to win up to $30 Million from Triumph Gulf Coast. My goal--no residential but lots of amenities, parks, greenspace, and good jobs for the whole county. This infuriates the paper and the special interests downtown that want high-density, traffic-exacerbating residential construction and a mall-- complete with apartments and townhomes--all the while knowing this would take us totally out of the running for the triumph $30 Million dollar jobs grant. They don't care though--remember, they have theirs already. But I do care, this drives them nuts, and I will remain faithful to the intent of this project no matter what. It is what I campaigned on and I don't care how many inaccurate hit pieces the corrupted, compromised, biased, partisan, and inaccurate PNJ writes about me. What they say means nothing, everyone knows PNJ is corrupted--owned by the downtown insiders and special interests and their advertising "patron."

They're owned, but I will NEVER be.






Anonymous said...

"I will not let downtown insiders, the PNJ, Lisa Savage, Dandy Marlette, and/or any other special interests do a bait and switch job on the taxpayers of this county. Period"

What about buying a fire station, for well over market value, that is run down and useless from a defunct "volunteer" organization? That land was DONATED to the volunteers of old become a fire house, and now these thieves are able to sell it to the county, in which they are technically "employees". When NFCU offered to donate land to make a new station you chose to pay for one we technically already have and use! Please explain why those thieves need any money. How can they justify selling that land to continue to be a fire station when that's what it was DONATED to be. The county pays for every single thing in that station and has done so for years. To include standards, training, and stipend payments for the "volunteers" assigned to escambia County fire rescue station 2. Each and every piece of equipment inside that station is owned by the county.
Just proves that those people on top are not not acting in the best interests of the community and only want to make a quick buck. They should of signed over that land immediatley and I bet we could have had a station built already.
Youl should be in jail for this.

Anonymous said...

Boy they like to attack you personally. So, your cartoon should show her eating 2-dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts...just saying.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Miss the Mark Marlette or the executive editor watched the COW. C'on man. check ECW they are organizing and coming for you. Push to the Podium!!!

Anonymous said...

Marlette and Company (Nelson-Savage) plus Gannett hate our governor. I know they are on their knees at night praying for more COVID deaths to prove they are right about cloth masks (don't work)and lock downs(kills the economy and people don't abide by it-Gavin Newsom, Chris Cuomo, ). This is about control of the masses. Their beef with you and Barry is interesting. I guess they want DPZ to control, but DPZ was chosen by and paid for by Navy Fed, which means Navy Fed controls the deal. I want to see another financial servicer there on the property. Clean jobs. Maybe preserve space for housing in the future when roads catch up, maybe. I'd rather it be a field like it was. Like you say, I got mine and I am retired. I don't like change. Young people can move away.

Anonymous said...

So PNJ is owned, is that why they have the as-sine report about the electoral college tomorrow when Trump just announced otherwise on Twitter? It's happening.

Anonymous said...

the fat jokes are lame.

Anonymous said...

Yes reading what people print about DeSantis is sickening. There are some really warped people that publish on the PNJ. (and other places) I think this opinion came from the NIMBY's in Beulah, the reporter from Tampa that seems to think she has a say in what goes on the property, especially since she had a hand in getting the Navy Federal to pay for the Master Plan. Truthfully it was a waste of their money, so now she's personally insulted. They can belt and bellow in front of ECTV. It's entertaining to watch them get all huffy sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

will the PNJ or WEAR publish this?

Anonymous said...

Will our local news cover this story?

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you come off like such a cry baby with these responses. If you think you're doing such a great job, why don't you keep your nose down and use the time you spent drafting this response serving your constituency instead.

Also, the fact that you approve wild comments completely unrelated to your post is embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

See the PNJ report on Gaetz today, Plus Ricks Blog smear? actually this is a USA article. Wonder if they see this and will report a retraction.
Wait for it...

Anonymous said...

wonder if Gannett and GateHouse will report the CNN journalist was with John Sullivan BLM Antifa in the Capitol,then interviewed with Anderson Cooper.. right there next to Ms Ashli?? yeah people see the video.
"You can fool some of the people some of the time..."