
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, July 16, 2021

PNJ Article Twists Facts into a Knot and Mixes in Lots of Innuendo, Lies, and Hearsay....Disgusting

When a newspaper's content is dictated by advertisers and special interests and the resultant output is deliberately built on lies, hearsay, innuendo, and deception----there is a problem.   And truth, integrity, and honesty---along with readers--become  the casualties...

In what will be an upcoming Sunday morning hit-job by the PNJ cartoonist--once again important facts are left out, lies are told, truth is obfuscated, and good reputations are purposely impugned.   Some legitimate reporting by a PNJ columnist is contorted, taken out of context, and then jammed into this rant ostensibly to add a level of legitimacy, and to fit a defective narrative in order  to inflict damage on County Attorney Alison Rogers and multiple members of the Escambia Board of County Commissioners.

It is astonishing to me that they get away with it.  I'll do my part and call a liar what he is, a liar.  Andy Marlette is a dishonest liar. 

Interesting these Andy Marlette types proclaim to support free speech--they even put a blurb in their paper, an excerpt of the First Amendment.  Heck---Andy Marlette even uses the "N" Word in  his cartoons with no pushback by anyone to illustrate his ability as a white privileged man to say and do what he wants, whenever he wants, with no ramifications whatsoever.  Crickets....from NAACP and media.   No, wait,  Marlette not only uses the N-word in his cartoon and gives the finger to anyone who would criticize that despicable word choice---He actually gets rewarded with syndication $ for his dumb and non-humorous comic strip. Others get cancelled.  I guess If you're nothing bt a liberal tool that nobody knows about, cares about, or thinks is funny, I guess you are immune from cancellation.  

How about that?

Yet folks like Andy Marlette  hate when they, themselves, are called to task for the putrid tripe they put

out.  It's like when conservatives attempt to exercise their own free speech in discussing COVID-19, Mask Mandates, Election Integrity, etc.---the PNJ/Andy Marlette types, along with their liberal allies in the big tech cabal, attempt to shut it down calling it "Hate Speech" or "Misinformation."  They even go so far as to de-platform folks with whom they disagree ideologically.  It is surreal.

What country are we living in??

So bringing it all back to this Suday's upcoming attack--how about some proper context?  Although it is full of inuendo and insinuations--I will focus on just three important lies featured in this piece.  Straight up, bald faced lies.

Lie #1.  "the county commission's top white Republican and top Black Democrat were discovered to be harmoniously united by a secretive scheme to bilk taxpayers out of "back payments" that could have amounted to roughly a cool quarter-million in cash for each commissioner."   -Andy Marlette  

Truth--there was no secretive "scheme" by anyone and to say this is to imply that one or more board members violated the sunshine law--which is a lie.  If the PNJ has proof of any such conspiracy--they should report it at once to the SAO and make a legitimate story from it.  Problem is, they can't--because it is a lie.  So the PNJ simply "imply" this happened in their editorial page....What really happened though?  The attorney and one board member sought a ruling on whether or not a board member could vote on an issue that affected their individual pension benefits--period.  

Lie #2. "Commissioners Barry, May, Jeff Bergosh and Robert Bender could have said: "Wait a minute, we discovered this really expensive and unfair waste of taxpayer money and we're going to put an end to it!" But instead, the response was: "Wait a minute, we discovered this really expensive and unfair waste of taxpayer money and we're going to skeeze a personal profit from it!"[my emphasis added] -Andy Marlette 

Truth- This sentence purposely and with actual malice paints me in a false light.  I do not take this 401(a) plan, PNJ knows this--as they already reported the fact that I do NOT take this plan. (from PNJ article 6-2-2021 "Commissioner Jeff Bergosh, who has a pension plan through the FRS from his days on the Escambia County School Board, said he is happy with his current plan" )    I have been in the FRS "pension" plan since 2006 and have NEVER switched.  Yet, the PNJ here in a very insidious, purposeful way intimate that I will realize a "personal profit" from this 401(a) plan.  They do this by lumping my name in with three board members who actually take the 401(a).  This conflates the truth to purposely to paint me in a false light with actual malice.

Lie #3.  "Bitter and vengeful at having their precious taxpayer-funded perks swiped from them at the last second, commissioners fired County Administrator Janice Gilley..We have commissioners colluding to fire an administrator and installing an unqualified stand-in to eliminate all other department heads who potentially stand in their way." -Andy Marlette 

Truth- These sentences intimate we as board members colluded, violated the sunshine law and met secretly, and that we've violated numerous other state statutes that inform the way we govern and our powers and duties and the separation of powers between county administrators and county commissioners.  It also regurgitates the big lie that Janice Gilley was fired because of this 401(a) issue.  But that is a lie.  Other media figures had called for her termination, ATU and ECAT hat voted "no confidence" and called for  Gilley's termination, and multiple county policies and state laws were not followed in the way an employee in EMS was treated; for my vote to terminate (I said so publicly) --it was about the way people were being treated and policies not being followed.  It had NOTHING to do with the 401(a) discussion--and for the PNJ to jump to that conclusion is vindictive, unseemly, and dishonest.

One day soon, the media will once again be held to account--- and standards of conduct that have been peeled away by the courts will be reinstituted.  The media have evolved from unbiased news reporters to activist, lobbiest, agenda-driven policy advocates and reputation destroyers.  Locally-- This is at least the third time the PNJ has deliberately and with actual malice painted me in a false light.  In two previous instances of this despicable, reprehensible conduct by the PNJ--I have IMMEDIATELY contacted Lisa Nellesen Savage via text message to her cell phone demanding the issue be fixed.  To her credit---- in those two previous instances----she did acknowledge the problem and attempted, albeit fecklessly and ham-fistedly, to "fix" the issue.  But the damage was done.  And now, here we go again, here comes this third instance--this garbage from the cartoonist where once again I am purposely and with actual malice painted in a false light by the vindictive, dishonest lying PNJ.

Is it time to revisit NY Times v Sullivan?  Has the dishonest media locally overplayed their hand?


You're No Conservative said...

Since when are you a conservative..? Conservatives believe in Fiscal Responsibility, and your discretionary fund spending demonstrates otherwise. Taking taxpayer dollars to donate to select charities with power broker ties, is the work of a RINO, not a true conservative. You remind me of another famous Fish House Conservative named Joe Scarborough. Same grandstanding and ego with no real commitment to Fiscal Conservatism.. Maybe that's why you opted for "Morning Joe with the Commissioner..?"

Anonymous said...

There is your clue where it all came from. ^^^^ 10:11 Am

Who types this

This Blog wasn't posted over the weekend but who posted the editorial on their face book group and pushed out the entire editorial?


Who joined in and said we need to report to the Governor, the JQC, the ethics commission.


Commission Bergosh
If it helps, it's obvious where this came from.

If Marlette keeps thinking that's a valid source he is mistaken. He doesn't like De Santis nor Trump either, so he isn't very smart.

I'll point people to the Thomas
Sowell link you have on the blog roll, if they actually would like to wake up to Marxism and its fallacy in our country, study Stalin and wonder why most the military is against communist regimes--here is an invite to learn. Milley is wrong. He is a propagandist.

Mark Levin made it clear.
Marxism appeals to those who don't want to take responsibly for their lives and also to people who want complete control of the masses, by removing their freedoms and autonomy.

I know you are busy with budget meetings Commissioner Bergosh.

Thank you for your hard work.

And thanks for calling out the lies, somebody has to do it.

B.G. lll said...

This very topic came up in a zoom meeting I was on this morning, misinformation campaigns in regard to Covid and politics. This type of misinformation is no longer a petty ill that disturbs our equanimity, it’s criminal. This is how reckless speech threatens free speech. Victims of disinformation campaigns are asking the courts to do what the media won’t: Impose some professional standards. In a democracy, everyone does have a right to their own opinion. But not every opinion has the right to be published. That includes social media. Expecting individuals to regulate themselves on certain platforms is futile, instead it will have to be done through litigation. PNJ has a certain privilege by virtue of being a newspaper that society invests in. With those protections, come a higher standard of accountability that the public has the right to demand. I personally feel strongly the local smear campaign PNJ has waged and the local Facebook group, will end in litigation.

This brings me to the smear campaign against the Escambia county paramedic, whom the county recently settled with. Individuals that published defamatory and reckless statements against him should be nervous. It was obvious to me statements made were timed right before the board was set to vote on his settlement, to sway public opinion. Where did the information they stated as facts about him come from?

Look at the Joel and Mary Rich case, a couple whose personal tragedy in 2016 became a playground for conspiracy theorists. Same situation with the parents of the kids massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School, some of whom have won defamation lawsuits against media personalities who argued that their unspeakable losses were a hoax. Very similar digital warfare tactics are being used here locally to perpetrate conspiracy theories in regard to 4 county commissioners.

Feeding readers a steady stream of the same material and opinions via media platforms to exacerbate political divisions, sway public opinion, is a slippery slope.

Melissa Pino said...

The PNJ editorial board shilling for Downtown aside, one lesson to be learned is that no good deed goes unpunished.

While the Board did a kinds and humane thing in terminating the administration contract for no cause, when it happened there were a lot of people who went, "oh boy." The sensitivity and empathy with which the discussion was handled was admirable. In today's climate, however, with so many operating with zero scruples and an abundance of malice, it might have been better to outline some of the primary (and very good) reasons the action was necessary.

Enough said, but it hasn't been apparent that the commissioners who are not under the bad influence emanating from some corners have been fully aware just how serious some of these players are, or how low they would and will go, to destabilize the County. Hopefully that's apparent now. We haven't seen the worst yet--not by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

Another thing to watch for on ECW is the meeting thread and JAR reporting. She will ask for others to join in but they seldom do, one did this last time but seemed to just go along with the narrative.

JAR omitted posting the notice for the shade meeting that was sent to PNJ that was posted here. The United States and Edler against the board one.

Also I noticed one person wondering why they wouldn't post the PNJ article he wanted to post, then Underhill came back with his usual type of retort, not actually answering a direct question and going low. Apparently it is obvious who they are protecting.

I urge people to look at the agendas for themselves, if they can or will and watch the meetings or videos and don't depend on that site nor even the media for a fair evaluation.

I know it's time consuming for the average citizen and most prefer to look to some one who seems knowledgeable but it's not really a good practice.

Their underhanded way of disparaging the entire board and any one who disagrees with them is fully documented and apparent to most.

PNJ should realize that and not play into their hands either.

You can lead a horse to water, shine a light but the willfully ignorant and useful idiots will always be among us.

CJ said...

“ You’re no conservative”, you sound exactly like Commissioner Douglas Underhill..

You posted today “you don’t hide behind blogs”… but here you are hiding behind an anonymous name. Anytime you accuse others of wrongdoing, it’s actually you that’s guilty of said wrongdoing.

You are the one behind the orchestrated smear campaign against the other commissioners. Perceptive, intelligent people can see right through you.

Anonymous said...

He said he doesn’t hide behind a blog?? HaHa. That’s rich. Look on his Commissioner page on Facebook and look at the amount of posts he hides. He hides other people’s opinions of him and uses ECW to post on because him and Jacqueline control the dialogue with their bullying.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that's actually Doug.

Barry called him out about the discretionary $ seeing if he would use it for Public access that should have been opened years ago. That's just something Doug says about the discretionary but doesn't mean. Check what he spends it on. The others give it back to the community.

You have to wonder doesn't she know he lies? It has really become pathetic. Corruption spreads to the ones involved. What happened to the change order money on the NP reef? Who was the outside consultant "paid"?

Too bad the board voted to allow that before they caught on to the games.

Anonymous said...

Although I'm not knowledgeable about the "downtown agenda" "power broker" "money bags" behind PNJ and Pensacola-- and charter;

I do know several years ago there was a push for consolidation.

I believe that would essentially make the entire county like a municipality and that would allow property taxes to be 10 mil plus another 10 mil.

Lots of money.

It failed.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Underhill lectured the board in fiscal responsibility 2 meetings ago. He said something about managing their funds better and referred to the way he handles his personal money. He’s filed bankruptcy so I hope no one takes his advice when it comes to managing our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of where some information came from. These are Alex Arduini’s posts on fb:

“We broke the story of the ethics filing on April 2, 2020, we also broke the documents from the anonymous unmasked citizens public record request yesterday afternoon”

“🚨🚨🚨Escambia County Florida residents, take a look at this Ethics Committee Request that we came across! 🚨🚨🚨”

It’s amazing how he keeps finding these documents and “breaking” these “stories. Surely Commisioner Underhill isn’t feeding the trolls things to push this smear campaign along? Isn’t he the same boy that took pictures of people’s private text messages at the boc meeting to post them on his fb page? The same boy that Commissioner Underhill encouraged to protest the beach closing. The same boy that helped another boy protest downtown businesses claiming discrimination? The same boy that helped Commissioner Underhill solicit people on a national anti mask page to write the other commissioners to sway their vote on a mask mandate? The same boy that took pictures of himself in front of Mel Pino’s house?


Anonymous said...

Intent with actual malice can be proven in this case. Third times the charm.

Anonymous said...

Of course Underhill is feeding Arduini these things to post.

Anonymous said...

I just wish people could rise above the blame game.

Anonymous said...

Douglas Underhill on ECW July 19, 2021

"I notice and respond to everything I am asked. I don't hide behind my blog or ignore the calls. But if you want to engage with me, remember I am going to give you the facts, very bluntly. I don't have the time or inclination to suffer fools."

Then why does he block and hide comments on his Commissioner page, get JAR to kick off people who disagree with him and get an employee (Edler) to sue citizens (Pino)?

He sure does talk a big game on ECW doesn't he?

I don't want to ask him a direct question because I don't have 200K$ extra for the privilege to being a victim of one of his SLAPP lawsuits.

Can't he just shut up.

Anonymous said...

Notice Doug still didn't answer the question? ^^^ I have never witnessed a bigger total asshole than Underhill. He wins the prize, hands down. Congratulations.

Bergosh, I know you are probably asleep and going to get ready for the morning meeting, I sometimes wish I would quit looking at ECW but occasionally I do and certainly for now it doesn't disappoint if one want to wants to watch a total jerk commissioner be himself.

I should have spent my time watching your coffee with video that I missed Wednesday.. AM

Anonymous said...

This makes it clear
Douglas Underhill is with Rayme Edler and 15 others
at Flora-Bama Ole River Grill.
· Orange Beach, AL

Public post on his page,

Jeff Bergosh said...

Fiscal Conservatism, at least at the local level, means NOT raising ad valorem tax rates year over year on your constituents, and living within the means provided by the growing economy you can create and sustain, not simply "raising the millage rate" at the INSISTANCE of public sector labor unions and special interest groups. In fifteen years as an elected local official in Escambia County--I have NEVER ONCE raised year over year tax rates on existing Escambia County property owners. That is fiscal conservatism, locally. How we spend the dollars is a decision of the board, and those decisions do not always go my way, but I believe we do a pretty good job overall, and my election record may provide an indication of that; I mean, the other guy who pandered to the labor union with ridiculous costumes and hashtags got third place, not even close. He got beat by 17 points and 80% of D1 voted AGAINST him. Perhaps he needs to go figure that out, maybe his boss can explain things to him.......

Concerned Resident said...

This is off topic but I have a question about redistricting. Commissioner Underhill wants everything south of 98 including Pensacola Beach. As a life long Beach resident this concerns me. For the most part the majority of us are happy being in Commissioner Bender’s district. There’s too much at stake and too much risk for someone like Commissioner Underhill to get a hold of Pensacola Beach. Will there be a public input meeting once the census numbers are in?

Things to question said...

Pino has stated she is taking a break from social media yet her she is like clock work. All of us knew she was twisting the truth about her absence from FB. If she can't be honest about something so minor what else would she be dishonest about. Hum.

Rational people don’t care said...

Things to question, STFU!!!!!! We don’t care about your obsession with her. Get off your butt and get a job instead of stalking the woman. You’re the only one that really cares what she does.

Anonymous said...

PNJ is a liberal rag that hardly anyone reads anymore. There’s more pressing problems that need attention.
Can the city and county do the responsible thing and coordinate their efforts to get more people vaccinated. Cases are rising and Florida is one of the biggest culprits as usual. We need a local campaign to encourage vaccines. I recall billboards all over the west side warning about STD’s so why can’t the county do the same for covid. The county can at least coordinate with the city to curb the spread of misinformation and encourage wearing the dreaded masks. Wearing a mask is better than wearing a body bag. “My body my freedom” speeches only make people look ignorant at this juncture. We need to curb this quickly to keep businesses open, keep the hospitals from being inundated, and keep our economy going. Be aggressive.

Anonymous said...

Read this s l o w l y.
She made two posts saying she was taking a break for a few days from facecrack.

If she was banned or suspended for a couple days they wouldn’t of given her time to make those posts. Two posts. LOL.

She reactivated her account and she’s posting about the meeting today.

It’s obvious to people that have a brain that isn’t jacked up she didn’t lie. she did deactivate her account to take a break.

Just. Like. She. Said.

You. Are. A. Psycho. That. Needs. To. Be. Put. In. A. Straight. Jacket.

Part of the 62% said...

And just a friendly reminder that you, as the incumbent who had all kinds of money pouring in from outside the district, came nowhere near a majority. To use your verbiage.. 62% of your constituents voted against you. Nearly 2/3rds of the people you are supposed to represent disapproved of your job performance and that number is climbing daily.

Anonymous said...

This has the same vibe as 2 little boys comparing body part sizes. Commissioner Bergosh won and he’s our Commissioner. It doesn’t matter if he won by an inch or 10, he still won.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Rational people who have a firm grip on reality don’t care when someone takes a Facebook break. It’s not county news to shout out from the roof top. The only people that care are crazy people lost in Facebook land because they don’t have satisfying lives of their own. Quit obsessing or fantasizing about Pino and get a life loser before you’re featured in the mullet wrapper for stalking.

Anonymous said...

Things to question, do you recognize any of these traits?

Ten habits of highly miserable people:

1. They’re never thankful for anything, or notice the good in anything.

2. They lead a very unadventurous life. They have a mundane existence. They tend to spend too much time online.

3. They love to pick fights.

4. They blame others and play the victim.

5. They think people’s intentions are always dishonorable.

6. They give themselves a negative identity and revel in it.

7. They get involved in others’ drama.

8. They always expect the worst.

9. They are critical of everything.

10. They are envious of other people’s success. They become obsessed with them.

If you feel as though you have some or all the traits of a miserable person, stop taking your misery out on others and fix your life.

Things to question said...

It's hardly stalking when she post obsessively her on this blog as fast as the newest post is made. Personally I think it's rational to carefully analyze her words for glaring omissions, errors, and outright lies but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

"Personally I think it's rational to carefully analyze her words for glaring omissions, errors, and outright lies but that's just me."

Things to question, please post some of my statements that compose your catalog. It might be helpful to include one example of each.

I'll offer a form for your convenience:

1. The statement ["A"] by Melissa Pino contains the following glaring omission: [n].

2. In her statement [X], Melissa Pino made the following error: [□i].

[Like anyone, I make mistakes, and am always happy to have them pointed out so I can respond and correct the record. e.g. when I didn't realize the structure of the EMS raises resulted in compression, which I then corrected and spoke against in the hope that it will get fixed next bargaining round.]

--Here is an outright lie that Melissa Pino stated: ["¬p"].

I'll look forward to considering and responding to your examples.

They’re laughing all the way to the bank said...

The powers that be downtown are busy painting a halo on Commisioner Underhand to tarnish his image, and Commissioner Bender is their guaranteed second vote, so what third commissioner are they going to court next to get their wish list voted in? Does anyone want to place bets?

Anonymous said...

Marlette, and the downtown powers that control pnj know why Janice gilley was really fired but they’re going to twist it to smear anyway. Everyone with an agenda that’s involved in the smear campaign knows too. Even the small group of useless idiots on ECW have been told too but they will stick with their smear campaign with actual malice regardless of the truth. county employees know all too well why she was fired. I know for certain documentation is being lined up for lawsuits, but in the meantime let them all continue to dig their holes even deeper. It’s all fun and games until they’re buried in financial ruin because they thought they were protected. The commenter above said something that stuck out - - “everyone has a right to their opinion, but not every opinion has the right to be published, which includes social media”.

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself that. Cyber stalker.

Things to question said...

Now why should I spell anything out to you Anon 7:13 for you to dispute. I was making a statement about Pino and not toward you unless you are Pino once again posting anonymously. Hum.

Things to answer said...

I’m not Pino or her gender but I’d like to hear that answer too. Hum.

Anonymous said...

Why can’t Alex, Jacqueline, Joel, or Sean go a day without mentioning her or dropping innuendos about her? Are they that obsessed because they’re envious of her? That’s what it looks like to me.

Melissa Pino said...

Things to question, the question form I provided you wasn't me posting anonymously, it was me having browser issues again with the field to enter my name into (which is why I used to sign my posts inline).

Since the only problem you cited with "spelling anything out" was the post's anonymity, I did indeed write it. So fire away with your examples of my glaring omissions, errors, and outright lies.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:46 They spend all of their time smearing people they hate and doing Doug underhill’s shilling. Some of them should go outside and exercise, diet, get anger treatment or get a job.