
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Community "Values"

Hack PNJ columnist/cartoonist Andy Marlette  took the opportunity last Sunday to "lecture" me (via his weak cartoon below) about community values.....He actually did an entire gallery of cartoons about me.  Ho hum.  Yes, I rent space in his head.  I believe my rendition, above, of his cartoon is better 😏--and more importantly--funnier!

But his new-found fetish of mocking the salaries of elected constitutional officers is quite interesting, fascinating, and quickly becoming boring.  I addressed that issue already for Andy, he probably just needs to re-read that entry again,  S-L-O-W-L-Y... But the cliff's notes are this:  Our salaries are set by the state, Andy.  If you have Salary envy (which it appears you do) go lobby the state and tell them "all elected officials should work for free."  Good luck with that, Andy. 

A better idea, if money is the issue for Andy-which it appears it is--would be for him to just go get a side-hustle, moonlight, a part-time job.  Andy could go drive for uber or lyft on the weekends, and he could have fun trying to help the millennials he would be shuttling around from club to club understand who he is and how important he is.  Yes, that would be a hoot.  They'd be like "Who are you?  What's a PNJ?"

or, more likely, just "Ewwwwwww..."

they'd probably see his face as the driver and reject the ride on the app, LOL, and pay the $2.00 ride cancel fee.  So maybe Uber or Lyft wouldn't work for Andy....

He's also on a kick lately-- deliberately portraying me as a bigot and racist, even though he knows this is not true and he is purposely portraying me in a false light with this characterization and with actual malice attempting to damage my reputation.  That's his big thing now, Even though he knows I'm not a bigoted-racist--heck he knows I suggested we rename our Airport for Chappie James way back in February!  Andy wouldn't let the truth get in the way of an attack though.  So he dishonestly blows the dog whistle with his cartoons that I am a racist.  Dishonest is all I can say.  Dishonest and disgusting.

And now he's really fixated on our Salaries, --so I wonder if he is having trouble keeping up with his

 bills on his salary as a cartoonist??

oh well, who knows, right?  But this guy wants to lecture us about values?!?  That is rich!

the funniest thing to me is, this latest cartoon, purportedly dealing with "Community Values" is coming from such a thin-skinned, weak, third-tier  back-bencher cartoonist that consistently bashes what our true community values are.  Talk about oxy-moron?!  (just Moron is probably more like it)

Here are some community values, courtesy of this guy Marlette's warped mind.......:

-He mocks Jesus in distasteful, disrespectful cartoons that portray Christ as a criminal.

-He mocks conservative values. over and over

-He mocks elected representatives that step up to serve by belittling them and attacking them over and over. (Only Republicans, though)

-He constantly body shames our President by massively exaggerating Trump's weight and massively diminishing the size of Trump's hands.  He's also done very distasteful cartoons of First Lady Melania Trump.

-He portrayed the President of the United States kissing the naked behind of Russian President Vladimir Putin (Homophobic?)

--But now this week, after lecturing us all in last Sunday's paper about what he wants us to believe about community values, this cartoonist goes totally over the line with a truly nauseatingly, disturbingly tasteless cartoon that surpasses even his previous worst ones....  He copied the idea of a now unemployed Canadian cartoonist (fired for this cartoon) and used the visual of the dead father and daughter migrants from the border last week, together with Trump playing golf, in what can only be described as a disgusting piece of filth cartoon cheap shot directed at our President.  A new Low.

Now--Andy Marlette has the right and the freedom to draw such images, just as I have the right to take his lame cartoons and manipulate them to make them funny.  He hates that I do this, he really is bothered by it......too bad, though.

But just because he has the right to do something--does that mean he should?  Particularly as he is lecturing us about community values??

Interesting how he was sooooooo thin-skinned and whiney about what he did not like about my portrayals of him in my manipulated versions of his lame cartoons.  Talk about a triggered snowflake, LOL.  But now his surrogates and water carriers online are defending his latest disgusting cartoon.  I'll take their responses and throw them back at Andy.

Hey Andy--next time you want to cry to your editor about me using your cartoons and manipulating them and how terrible you think that is, the audacity of me to do such a thing, and are offended that I had the temerity to insinuate such things about you, etc. etc.--just remember what your buddies say about freedom to do this.  I'll use their own words  back at you, LOL.  Does this look familiar?

Here is why you should not be offended, and why it would actually be stupid for you to be offended and incensed about my unflattering cartoon manipulations directed back at you.  Enjoy! 😂

"It’s an allegory, not literal."

"Despite it being a cartoon: political cartoons aren’t just meant or laughs. Political cartoons are made to mock and/or present ideas and happenings in an easily digestible format. If you find this cartoon disturbing then [the illustrator] did his job"

"..cartoons are to make people think first and then laugh a second. Irony and the absurd are part of it. [the illustrator] made us think."

"Poignant and powerful!! Keep up the good work"

"you clearly don't understand the role and history of political cartoons"

"Perfect! Very sad, but perfect!!"

"Brilliant! Keep us all honest"

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