
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following :

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thank you District 1 for the Honor and Privilege of a Lifetime: Serving You for 18 Years.

Last night's election was not the outcome I had anticipated or hoped for, but the voters have spoken in District 1 and have chosen new leadership and direction for this district. I thank God for his grace and love, I thank my wife Sally and my entire family for their support over the last 18 years I have served in office locally. I also want to thank the countless friends and supporters I have been fortunate to know over that same time period who have propelled me into office multiple times over. And finally, I want to thank the citizens of District 1 for giving me the honor and privilege of a lifetime--the opportunity to serve you two terms as your school board member and two terms as your County Commissioner. I will always look fondly on the many good and positive achievements that were realized in these years in both the school district and in the county. Last night, shortly after the returns came in, I called and spoke to the victor in this contest, Steve Stroberger. I congratulated him on his win and I ensured him that I would work with him to provide for a smooth, seamless transfer of this office in November. Thank you to everyone and I am remain hopeful, optimistic, and bullish on the future of this great community!

Monday, August 19, 2024

IMPORTANT ELECTION MESSAGE from Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons

 IMPORTANT ELECTION MESSAGE from Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons.

Tomorrow is Escambia's Primary Election Day-and I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. I also want to encourage District 1 citizens to vote for Jeff Bergosh for County Commissioner.

Bergosh has been a steadfast supporter of the Sheriff's office over the past 4 years-- and he'll work with us on a multi-year pay and staffing plan if re-elected.

Jeff Bergosh is the ONLY candidate I have endorsed in this election. Read my endorsement of Commissioner Bergosh (and dozens more for Bergosh from his other supporters) here: endorsements/

Paid for by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commission. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bergosh BLITZ Saturday!

Today is the last day of early voting ahead of Tuesday's primary election and our team was out in Perdido today for our BLITZ of the intersection of Perdido Key Drive, Innerarity Point Road and Gulf Beach Highway.  Such a high-energy positive reception we were given.  Waves, honks, thumb's up, and lots of smiles to go around.  Tuesday is going to be a great day and a great team win for team Bergosh!

3 days!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Basic Math in Stevenville....

Some candidates that find themselves losing their elections badly resort to the same playbook.  Attack their opponent, lie about them, pepper them with ridiculous ad hominems, and then resort to scare tactics.

That's what is going in in the D1 commission race.

One candidate just continuously displays his ignorance over and over and over on basic math and government budgeting and accounting.  He mistakenly confuses the very good practice of growing the economy, which spins off concomitant revenue increases---with a "tax increase" on homeowners.  It's garbage.

And our overall budget is from a LOT of different sources--not simply ad valorem revenue.  It has sales tax revenue, income from services provided, MSBU's, MSTU's, grant revenue, Interest income, and LOST revenue as well.  And the amounts and type fluctuate over time.

Here is an easy, basic, illustration that even he can (hopefully) understand.

Think of an imaginary town of Stevenville--if there is one resident and his house is worth $100,000.00 and his tax on that house to the Stevenville treasury is $1,000.00----if another identical house is added to the Stevenville tax roll the next year and that identical house is also valued at $100,000.00 and generates the same amount in taxes as the first house $1,000.00-----did the town of Stevenville really raise your taxes by 100% when they collected $2,000.00 in year 2--$1,000.00 each from 2 residents?   

Answer:  of course not.  Stevenville grew the economy by 100% and doubled their revenue so they could provide more services and add additional staff because now they have double the population to serve.  Think on that, imagine larger examples, expanded services, etc. it's pretty basic.....but the bottom line is this.  If Stevenville didn't change the millage rate, did not raise it, then they didn't raise your taxes...

(And neither has Escambia County "raised your taxes" either---- by the way) 

Investigation Underway

The thing about rules is that they have to be followed.  And laws regulating official communications from government entities and official documentation must be followed.  And finally, rules, regulations, and laws that are in place concerning elections communications and required disclaimers have to be followed.

Signs of political candidates, legally placed, cannot be touched or moved or damaged.  That's against the law.

Everyone knows that often when candidates and their campaigns are desperately flailing and not gaining traction---such candidates and their supporters do things they shouldn't.

Unfortunately, and it is sad to say, this has been and continues to occur in the nasty, despicable campaign by one candidate in the District 1 County Commission Race.  

Now, multiple citizens have reported this misconduct and potential violations to local officials including the SOE and the ECSO.

And an investigation is underway locally.

Sad that such histrionics must be employed.  Regardless, rules have to be followed and the law respected--otherwise the whole system breaks down.  So I applaud the citizens who have reported these issues which have now led to the initiation of an investigation.

More to come....

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nasty, Negative Lies Will NOT Win Elections... Don't Believe the LIES by a Losing Candidate

This authentic looking document is a fake that is actually a campaign advertisement (devoid of facts and without legally required campaign disclaimer) for one of my opponents in this Republican primary election.  Don't believe it because it does not represent the truth.

I have been contacted by multiple constituents about a fake, doctored "document" being circulated by one of my opponents in this Republican primary--- purportedly showing I have raised tax rates.

It is a LIE, don't buy it.      Use your logic and discernment to personally debunk this garbage--look at your own tax bills over the last 7 years.....ZERO chance the millage rate has changed.  ZERO!!

Desperate opponents ALWAYS go to the "Lie about your opponent" playbook when they FAIL to get traction and they know they are losing badly.

We have NEVER, in my 7 years on the BCC,   EVER raised tax rates.

 We grow the economy, grow the tax roll, apply a STATIC millage rate, and grow revenue yearly that way--- which we subsequently re-invest in infrastructure, services, and higher pay for first responders and employees. In addition to this, any homesteaded property in Florida and here in Escambia  is protected by the Save Our Homes CAP on assessed value--keeping year over year assessments at no greater than 3% yearly--meaning a 55% increase over 7 years is IMPOSSIBLE!  It is a lie.  (Check the official county budget site and see for yourself.  Our year over year millage tax rate has not changed ONCE since I joined the board.)

Don't believe the lies of a desperate campaign.

In six days this all ends for this candidate and his sign-defacing, sign smashing minions...... tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,  6 days....

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sunday Afternoon Campaign Warm Up for Congressmen Chip Roy and Matt Gaetz

Congressman Chip Roy (R) TX joined Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) FL yesterday afternoon in downtown Pensacola for an early voting kickoff event/campaign rally.

Well attended, the event featured multiple speakers warming-up for the two Congressmen--including State Representative Michelle Salzman, Former Senate President Don Gaetz, and myself.

It was truly a fun, energy infused opportunity to tackle some fairly red-meat national Republican Issues--which I keep up on ----  so I was very pleased I got the invite to launch on some of the national stuff.

The congressmen both implored the audience to get out and vote early--they also challenged the audience to keep a close watch on some of the moves in other parts of the country to allow for illegal aliens to vote in our elections. They both also talked about their efforts to re-work the military to be lethal, survivable, capable, less-woke, and used sparingly--as they also warned about the "swampy" lobbyists and others that are driving military spending that isn't necessarily aligned with what is best for our military--or for our country.  All of these are real concerns, and these gentlemen drove the point home with emphasis--- much to the delight of the crowd!

You can see the warm ups and the comments from the Congressmen here.