
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following :

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thank you District 1 for the Honor and Privilege of a Lifetime: Serving You for 18 Years.

Last night's election was not the outcome I had anticipated or hoped for, but the voters have spoken in District 1 and have chosen new leadership and direction for this district. I thank God for his grace and love, I thank my wife Sally and my entire family for their support over the last 18 years I have served in office locally. I also want to thank the countless friends and supporters I have been fortunate to know over that same time period who have propelled me into office multiple times over. And finally, I want to thank the citizens of District 1 for giving me the honor and privilege of a lifetime--the opportunity to serve you two terms as your school board member and two terms as your County Commissioner. I will always look fondly on the many good and positive achievements that were realized in these years in both the school district and in the county. Last night, shortly after the returns came in, I called and spoke to the victor in this contest, Steve Stroberger. I congratulated him on his win and I ensured him that I would work with him to provide for a smooth, seamless transfer of this office in November. Thank you to everyone and I am remain hopeful, optimistic, and bullish on the future of this great community!

Monday, August 19, 2024

IMPORTANT ELECTION MESSAGE from Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons

 IMPORTANT ELECTION MESSAGE from Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons.

Tomorrow is Escambia's Primary Election Day-and I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. I also want to encourage District 1 citizens to vote for Jeff Bergosh for County Commissioner.

Bergosh has been a steadfast supporter of the Sheriff's office over the past 4 years-- and he'll work with us on a multi-year pay and staffing plan if re-elected.

Jeff Bergosh is the ONLY candidate I have endorsed in this election. Read my endorsement of Commissioner Bergosh (and dozens more for Bergosh from his other supporters) here: endorsements/

Paid for by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commission. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bergosh BLITZ Saturday!

Today is the last day of early voting ahead of Tuesday's primary election and our team was out in Perdido today for our BLITZ of the intersection of Perdido Key Drive, Innerarity Point Road and Gulf Beach Highway.  Such a high-energy positive reception we were given.  Waves, honks, thumb's up, and lots of smiles to go around.  Tuesday is going to be a great day and a great team win for team Bergosh!

3 days!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Basic Math in Stevenville....

Some candidates that find themselves losing their elections badly resort to the same playbook.  Attack their opponent, lie about them, pepper them with ridiculous ad hominems, and then resort to scare tactics.

That's what is going in in the D1 commission race.

One candidate just continuously displays his ignorance over and over and over on basic math and government budgeting and accounting.  He mistakenly confuses the very good practice of growing the economy, which spins off concomitant revenue increases---with a "tax increase" on homeowners.  It's garbage.

And our overall budget is from a LOT of different sources--not simply ad valorem revenue.  It has sales tax revenue, income from services provided, MSBU's, MSTU's, grant revenue, Interest income, and LOST revenue as well.  And the amounts and type fluctuate over time.

Here is an easy, basic, illustration that even he can (hopefully) understand.

Think of an imaginary town of Stevenville--if there is one resident and his house is worth $100,000.00 and his tax on that house to the Stevenville treasury is $1,000.00----if another identical house is added to the Stevenville tax roll the next year and that identical house is also valued at $100,000.00 and generates the same amount in taxes as the first house $1,000.00-----did the town of Stevenville really raise your taxes by 100% when they collected $2,000.00 in year 2--$1,000.00 each from 2 residents?   

Answer:  of course not.  Stevenville grew the economy by 100% and doubled their revenue so they could provide more services and add additional staff because now they have double the population to serve.  Think on that, imagine larger examples, expanded services, etc. it's pretty basic.....but the bottom line is this.  If Stevenville didn't change the millage rate, did not raise it, then they didn't raise your taxes...

(And neither has Escambia County "raised your taxes" either---- by the way) 

Investigation Underway

The thing about rules is that they have to be followed.  And laws regulating official communications from government entities and official documentation must be followed.  And finally, rules, regulations, and laws that are in place concerning elections communications and required disclaimers have to be followed.

Signs of political candidates, legally placed, cannot be touched or moved or damaged.  That's against the law.

Everyone knows that often when candidates and their campaigns are desperately flailing and not gaining traction---such candidates and their supporters do things they shouldn't.

Unfortunately, and it is sad to say, this has been and continues to occur in the nasty, despicable campaign by one candidate in the District 1 County Commission Race.  

Now, multiple citizens have reported this misconduct and potential violations to local officials including the SOE and the ECSO.

And an investigation is underway locally.

Sad that such histrionics must be employed.  Regardless, rules have to be followed and the law respected--otherwise the whole system breaks down.  So I applaud the citizens who have reported these issues which have now led to the initiation of an investigation.

More to come....

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Nasty, Negative Lies Will NOT Win Elections... Don't Believe the LIES by a Losing Candidate

This authentic looking document is a fake that is actually a campaign advertisement (devoid of facts and without legally required campaign disclaimer) for one of my opponents in this Republican primary election.  Don't believe it because it does not represent the truth.

I have been contacted by multiple constituents about a fake, doctored "document" being circulated by one of my opponents in this Republican primary--- purportedly showing I have raised tax rates.

It is a LIE, don't buy it.      Use your logic and discernment to personally debunk this garbage--look at your own tax bills over the last 7 years.....ZERO chance the millage rate has changed.  ZERO!!

Desperate opponents ALWAYS go to the "Lie about your opponent" playbook when they FAIL to get traction and they know they are losing badly.

We have NEVER, in my 7 years on the BCC,   EVER raised tax rates.

 We grow the economy, grow the tax roll, apply a STATIC millage rate, and grow revenue yearly that way--- which we subsequently re-invest in infrastructure, services, and higher pay for first responders and employees. In addition to this, any homesteaded property in Florida and here in Escambia  is protected by the Save Our Homes CAP on assessed value--keeping year over year assessments at no greater than 3% yearly--meaning a 55% increase over 7 years is IMPOSSIBLE!  It is a lie.  (Check the official county budget site and see for yourself.  Our year over year millage tax rate has not changed ONCE since I joined the board.)

Don't believe the lies of a desperate campaign.

In six days this all ends for this candidate and his sign-defacing, sign smashing minions...... tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock,  6 days....

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sunday Afternoon Campaign Warm Up for Congressmen Chip Roy and Matt Gaetz

Congressman Chip Roy (R) TX joined Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) FL yesterday afternoon in downtown Pensacola for an early voting kickoff event/campaign rally.

Well attended, the event featured multiple speakers warming-up for the two Congressmen--including State Representative Michelle Salzman, Former Senate President Don Gaetz, and myself.

It was truly a fun, energy infused opportunity to tackle some fairly red-meat national Republican Issues--which I keep up on ----  so I was very pleased I got the invite to launch on some of the national stuff.

The congressmen both implored the audience to get out and vote early--they also challenged the audience to keep a close watch on some of the moves in other parts of the country to allow for illegal aliens to vote in our elections. They both also talked about their efforts to re-work the military to be lethal, survivable, capable, less-woke, and used sparingly--as they also warned about the "swampy" lobbyists and others that are driving military spending that isn't necessarily aligned with what is best for our military--or for our country.  All of these are real concerns, and these gentlemen drove the point home with emphasis--- much to the delight of the crowd!

You can see the warm ups and the comments from the Congressmen here.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Great Early Voting Campaign Kickoff Event Yesterday in Bellview!

We had an excellent "first day of early voting" kickoff event yesterday in Bellview at the Intersection of Blue Angel Pkwy and Pine Forest Road.  We had a great showing of citizens and other interested folks stop by to join us--including multiple First Responders!  We had an ECFR firefighter, a retired volunteer firefighter, a corrections sergeant, as well as Andy Hobbs from the ECSO and our Sheriff Chip Simmons stopped by.  It was great--so many waves, honks, thumbs ups, and positive vibes.  Heck--we even had a horse come by that supports our campaign!  (Thanks to Horse Rides of Pensacola!).  I am so honored to be the candidate in this race that is the choice of public safety:  Humbled and proud to have the endorsement of Sheriff Chip Simmons, the NW Florida Chapter of the Police Benevolent Association, The Escambia County Professional Firefighters, and many more law enforcement professionals.  Thank you all for your support!  Let's Go!!

Great day--9 days to go.



Paid for by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commission

What do Desperate Campaigns Do When They Are Losing?

Political minions are systematically destroying our campaign's signs, defacing our signs, and stealing them.  This is typical, and for every one they break, I fix them promptly and install two additional signs.  They never win this game with me.  And they know it.

One of the greatest US Presidents of all time, Ronald Reagan, believed in an "11th Commandment"--A Republican shalt not attack a fellow Republican.  He said, "If we are aligned 85%-90% of the time--we're allies--not ENEMIES!"  He was right then, and this is still true today.  Regrettably, the political climate has devolved and sadly it has now become a free for all.  Among some candidates, but not all. 

You see---desperate campaigns and desperate candidates that are losing do desperate things.  They lie, cheat, and steal.  It is a disgusting reality at the national, state, and local level.

It is why most folks will never enter the political arena.  

It is hard on candidates, and it is hard on families, too.  But the work is important, and it has to get done, so thank God so many good people do step up and run for offices from the School Board to Congress to City Council, to State Senate, to US President.

I have run in a number of local races and I thank the Good Lord for being successful.  As a candidate, and as an officeholder.

But one unescapable reality of local politics is the negativity.  

Desperate opponents will do anything, say anything, lie, cheat, and steal to win.  

Negative politics can be effective at the state and national level.  In my experience, it does not work in local elections.  In fact, it is off-putting and actually works against a candidate who attempts it in local races.  I've actually been the beneficiary of opponents' dirty tricks, attacks, and lies in the past as these histrionics turned off the voters and pushed more supporters my way.

And I am proud of the fact that I have never once--- in any race I have ever competed in---not once have I ever gone negative or attacked an opponent in my political advertisements.  Not once, not ever.

Nevertheless, I have been on the receiving end of unfair, dishonest, and deplorable attacks in every race I have run (and won) in Escambia County from School Board to County Commissioner.

Sadly, this race will be no exception.

Fast forward to this race for D1 County Commissioner and I now have an opponent, via his wife, sending out texts and mail pieces full of lies about my record.  In addition to this, this same opponent through his supporters and political minions are systematically destroying our campaign's signs, defacing our signs, and stealing them.  This is typical, and for every one they break, I fix them promptly and install two additional signs.  They never win this game with me.  And they know it.

But now comes the lies via texts and mailers.  I'm not going to engage in negativity toward my opponent.  Voters have a way of sorting this out for themselves locally.  They will look at the platforms of each candidate, they will look at the resumes side by side, and THEY, the VOTERS, will make the choice of who to believe, and who is best for the job.  So let me take this opportunity to go through the lies and correct the record.  And by all means, fact-check everything I say, below.

Lie #1:  Jeff Bergosh used the government to punish his political opponentsThis is a lie on multiple levels.  Individual commissioners are unable to compel board or county action--it takes a public vote of the board to do anything.  In this instance--sensitve, confidential, privileged information was stolen from the county and is unlawfully in the possession of multiple entities and individuals.  The full board voted 4-1 to seek the return of this stolen county information (2:13 of this video), the Ethics Commission in Tallahassee is moving ahead with a disciplinary hearing for one former county employee who has this data, and the state attorney is reviewing this stolen data issue and contemplating criminal charges.  I never "used the government" to "punish" anyone and I never "admitted" doing this in a text message, because it never happened.  The individual who admits possessing this information is facing a $20,000 sanction at the Ethics Commission for what he did and he is a former political opponent ----who I dispatched in the 2020 election by 17 percentage points. 

Lie #2:  Jeff Bergosh raised your taxes.  It is an outright, bald-faced lie.  I have never once in my time in office voted to raise year-over-year millage rates.  NEVER.  We grow the economy, grow the tax roll, apply a STATIC millage rate, and grow revenue yearly that way--- which we subsequently re-invest in infrastructure, services, and higher pay for first responders and employees. In addition to this, any homesteaded property in Florida and here in Escambia  is protected by the Save Our Homes CAP on assessed value--keeping year over year assessments at no greater than 3% yearly--meaning a 55% increase over 7 years is IMPOSSIBLE!  It is a lie.  (Check the official county budget site and see for yourself.  Our year over year millage tax rate has not changed ONCE since I joined the board.)

Lie #3: Jeff Bergosh is in the pocket of big developers that want to change our way of life without political input.  This is another lie and simply an ad-hominem, baseless attack implying I am corrupt.  I am the candidate who will re-instate concurrency (which developers hate) I have made it publicly known I will demand a rewrite of our Land Development Code to be more modern and allowing for more public notice, and  I am the commissioner who will bring transportation mobility fees to our county.  All of these are in the works, and the developers DO NOT Want any of this.  I am my own man, I follow the rules, support impact fees publicly, and am in nobody's "pocket."

Lie #4:  Jeff Bergosh supported an illegal retirment plan, giving himself the option for up to an additional $57,000 per year in benefits.  This is a lie.  I never took the 401(a) plan, never was offered it once I became a commissioner, and would not have ever taken it because I am already vested in the traditional FRS Pension plan from my days on the School Board and to switch would not have been an option if I wanted to maintain the pension.  This 401(a) plan was in effect in the county and statewide for decades, and it was paid on locally, and "blessed" by Clerk Pam Childers every month from the date of her election in 2012 until 2021 when, after she got into a spat with several commissioners over hearsay and the board's firing of her "buddy" Janice Gilley, she suddenly, unilaterally declared it illegal.  Even though she had paid on it for ten years prior saying it was "legal."  Her lawyer questioned the legality, at her behest, our lawyer said it was legal, so litigation settled the question once and for all and the board has subsequently adjusted that plan accordingly and in adhearance to the court's ruling.  period, end of story.

Any candidate can lie to the people.  They can hide behind their prior record of military service as if it is some sort of sword and shield that allows them to say anything they want

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Fight that is Worth Having: Maintaining the Public's Beach Access Easement at Perdido Key

Some fights are worth it.  They are worth having.

Maintaining the public's right to access a 1.2 Mile long, 75' swath of pristine beach that was memorialized in the original deeds from the Federal Government to the original private sector owners in 1957 is such a fight that is worth having.

This language wasn't an accident on the part of the Federal Government.  

It wasn't a one-off.  

No, every one of the 64 deeds in this stretch of beach has the same language in the deed indicating there is a PERPETUAL EASEMENT for the public to use that portion as a public beach.  64 out of 64 deeds.

"The southerly 75 feet of said lot being subject to a perpetual easement for a beach for public use generally."  

That precise language is in every one of these 64 deeds.

And people have, through the years, used that beach and accessed that beach because it was known it was public, that stretch.

West-side surfers have walked up and down that beach--surfing the best breaks along that stretch-- in the 1960's-1970's-1980's-1990's-2000's and 2010's.  Ditto for families and fishermen like my Dad and I in the early to mid 1980's.

There was never any issues there.  Ever.  We parked across the street at the (then) Junior Food Store and walked up and down the beach fishing this beach.

So, what happened?  When did this change?  Why did this change?  Who pulled this language out of subsequent property transfer documents as these individual lots changed hands through the years?  How was this not caught?  Who erected the first "no trespassing" sign on this stretch--who started that nefarious process to attempt to keep the public out of beaches this same public knew was set aside for their use?

Thankfully---many have continued to use that beach even up to the present time---ignoring the signs and sometimes being confronted by owners and private security guards.  Several folks that I know NEVER acknowledged this false narrative of privacy of this strip of land.  And thankfully, they didn't.  More on that later in the litigation, but for now suffice it to say that from 1957 to the present day there have been members of the public that have exercised their right to use that beach---even though recently they were harrassed for it.  That will prove to be important.  This easement never was, never has been and NEVER WILL BE abandoned by the public.  

Here is the thing, this is what I want the current owners and the general public to know about my position on this:  

It is not your (current owner's) fault, and it certainly isn't the county's fault or my fault we are here where we are with impending litigation:  It is a mess.  A big giant problem.  But I have confidence in the justice system overall--even though I know it isn't perfect.  With that said--until some bright legal minds in the courts say differently--my position always has to be on the side of and in support of  legal, lawful, enforceable documents--which I believe these original deeds from the Federal Government to be.  Anything less than a full-throated, strident defense of this language and these easements for the people's benefit would be a reckless dereliction of my duty as a constitutional officer.

So yes, I will fight for the people's right to access this beach because it is the right thing to do. Even if it costs me an election.

It's the right thing to do--because this IS a Fight worth having.

One of the 64 Original Deeds from 1957 with the easement language

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Statement on the Order......

This afternoon the Board received word that the Okaloosa County Judge that was handling the Replevin and conversion lawsuit to recover stolen county files has issued an order.  The order was a motion to dismiss, with prejudice, and with attorney's fees and costs.  Obviously it is a disappointing outcome.  All we have attempted to do with this lawsuit, which the Board filed filed under advice from our attorneys,  was to recover confidential, privileged, data that was stolen from the county's IT department.  Social Security numbers, bank accounts, medical information, Driver's licenses--full color pictures of all of these, etc.  This was never an attempt to silence anyone--because ALL of the files that were public records were already released by the county.  Months ago.  This is specifically why this is NOT a SLAPP suit. Never was.  The board will meet in executive session on Sept. 5th and I will strenuously advocate for an appeal------ because this is a disappointing ruling, the court got it wrong here, this is a young judge--- and I believe this will be overturned on appeal or at a minimum-remanded back to this Judge for further proceedings. Separately--- criminal investigations and ethics investigations/proceedings continue against those who unlawfully, gleefully admit they have this stolen data--as the mere possession of this information by those who are not entitled to it is unlawful under 817.5685 Florida Statutes.

Watch the Video of our Perdido Key Town Hall Meeting Here

Vote for the CHOICE of Public Safety: Vote for Jeff Bergosh in the August 20th Republican Primary!

Humbled and honored to be the choice of first responders in the August 20th Republican Primary!

Vote August 20th
Vote Early starting August 10th
Vote by Mail NOW
Vote Bergosh! 

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Sunday, August 4, 2024

I'll be on "Real News with Rick Outzen" tomorrow morning at 7:15

I've been asked to appear tomorrow morning on the area's best, most trusted, most accurate, and most balanced morning-drive news talk program--"Real News with Rick Outzen." on 1370 WCOA.  This is the area station with the best top-to-bottom news talk lineup, and Rick and I will kick the day off tomorrow morning discussing last week's regular meeting of the BCC.  We will also discuss the upcoming District 1 town hall meeting in Perdido this Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Perdido Bay United Methodist Church on Innerarity Point Road.

Should be a good conversation, as usual, so join us at 7:15 or catch the podcast here once Rick Publishes it.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Escambia County Professional Firefighters Endorse Jeff Bergosh for D1 Commissioner in August 20th Republican Primary!

 We had a great visit this past Monday with the men and women of the ECFR Union.  We had a very frank and honest conversation.  We also buried the hatchet on some of the negatives from the past, pressed the reset button, and shook hands figuratively and literally.

Now we are moving forward.

Thank you to President Justin Marcum and the men and women of ECFR for this endorsement in this race.  It means a lot to me, and we will keep making progress and moving forward to make this the best funded, best compensated department in this region.  Lets GO!

Read the endorsement letter, below.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Judge Rules Against Medical Examiner in Defamation Lawsuit

We received news late yesterday afternoon that the Lawyer for Medical Examiner Deanna Oleske was handed a fairly significant loss in the circuit court--as the Judge locally granted the defendants' motion to dismiss in suit filed by the Medical Examiner against local funeral home directors.

This comes after a long running dispute between the Medical Examiner and a couple of funeral home directors who had pointed out some issues with the way bodies were being treated by the Medical Examiners office.

Those issues, to the best of my knowledge, have since been addressed.

Regardless, litigation was initiated against several funeral homes by the lawyer for the Medical Examiner.  And it dragged on and on and on.  LOTS of public records requests have been made and fulfilled.

Now, it looks like this is winding down nicely.

Yesterday, the below ruling came out.  Looks like this one is all but wrapped up in favor of the funeral home directors that were the targets of the lawsuit.  This is a good outcome, in my opinion.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"Vote Jeff Bergosh for County Commissioner! Vote by Mail, Vote Early, or On Election Day, August 20th. Vote Bergosh!"


Our Campaign Radio Ad is Going Ballistic!

Because it is really well done, it tells the facts of reality, and it is all true and can pass muster of any fact check----yes, our radio ad is blowing up!!!!  I'm REALLY grateful for the team at Southern Media and all the folks we worked with us to get this produced and on the air.  Thank You!!

Check out what is playing all over town for the next 3 weeks----it is really good....

Next District 1 Townhall Meeting: THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT---6:00 in Perdido at Perdido Bay United Methodist Church

We will host our next District 1 Town Hall Meeting in Perdido at The Perdido Bay United Methodist Church on Innerarity Pointe Drive on Wednesday, August 7th from 6:00-8:00 PM.

The discussion will focus on current, planned, and upcoming infrastructure projects in this fast growing area of D1 and Escambia County.

Staff from every relevant department will be in attendance and available to answer questions.

I will answer questions and make myself available for any question(s) from any citizen present.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend!

District 1 Debate Tomorrow Night in Perdido

 The Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Candidate Debate and forum tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM at the Pointe Church on Innerarity Pointe Drive.  Here, below, are the details from the chamber:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

93rd Coffee with the Commissioner Event: Public Safety Update and Discussion with Allison Hill of Lifeview

 We had a great discussion this morning on our 93rd Coffee with the Commissioner event.

County update, public safety update, and then a very interesting update on the operations and function of the newly opened Central Receiving Facility for folks in crisis/Baker Act patients.  Very interesting and enlightening discussion--check it out, below.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

D1 County Commission Candidate Forum: 7-23-24

 Two of the three Republican Candidates for the Escambia County District 1 Commissioner Seat participated in a candidate forum this evening online.  Jeff Bergosh and Jesse Casey attended and participated.

Steve Stroberger did not show up and did not participate.  

SS United States Move to Escambia County Waters: Is the Lack of a Re-compression Chamber Locally an Unmovable Safety Obstacle?

Could the lack of a publicly-accessible recompression chamber in Escambia County slow the momentum to bring another large wreck to our local waters?

In the recent flurry of activity surrounding the potential move of the SS United States to the waters off of Escambia County, one issue has arisen that is worth consideration.  Safety.

Full disclosure, I am not a diver, I am not a subject matter expert.  But I know folks that are so I reached out to a few that do know this topic.

On deep dives, there are multiple issues that can go wrong.  Sometimes, a diver requires a re-compression chamber after a complication resulting from such a dive.

According to a constituent with whom I spoke--who is not anti-ship or anti-diver-- safety should be looked at when considering whether or not to bring the SS United States to the waters of Escambia --because there are no publicly available Re-compression chambers in Escambia County.  The closest ones are in Mobile County to our West, and Bay County to our East.

This constituent lost her husband tragically due to a complication resulting from a deep dive on the Oriskany in 2016.

"There was no chamber here, and by the time the ambulance was taking him to Mobile---he died" she related.

Acording to a veteran, very well-versed diver who also has experience in healtcare with whom I spoke--Pensacola will never get a recompression chamber.  "They are simply too expensive to purchase and staff for the one or two incidents per year they would be required to treat" said this individual.  He continued--"After all, these hospitals are businesses at the end of the day, and this would be a huge expense that is also not covered by insurance."

According to this individual--divers must purchase their own, stand alone policies that cover such treatment in case of an emergency during a dive.  The average, garden variety health insurance policy does not cover it.

I don't think the lack of a re-compression facility should dissuade us from looking seriously at bringing this wreck to Escambia County--but I do think a clear-eyed, iron clad protocol should be established that dictates severe diving related incidents MUST be treated utilizing an air ambulance that could get such a diver to Springhill in Mobile in a very short time--if such a service is needed.  Perhaps the protocol should be discussed and codified.

Meanwhile, I received another call yesterday in support.  This time from a very successful, local, and well-respected and wealthy real estate developer and outdoor enthusiast.  He expressed support and optimism that our area could not only pull this off, but that this ship's stacks could be cut off allowing for the entirety of the ship to be sunk at depths where the average recreational diver could visit the whole ship safely.

"I only dive once every five years--but I will definitely want to dive this wreck if it is shallow and if we get it.  If we were talking about another wreck at Oriskany's depth--I would not have called you, Jeff.  This conversation would not be happening."  He quipped.

So we will see how the conversations go in the next few weeks.  Again, for my support and yes vote, it has to be funded, completely, utilizing non ad-valorem revenues and no LOST funds.  

But if we can get grants and/or TDT funding or private funding--or even a Triumph Gulf Coast Grant, I am ALL IN!

Huge Day for District 1: Perdido Key Multi-use Path Ribbon Cutting at 11:00 AM

From the County's Press Release:

Escambia County District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh and county staff invite the public to a ribbon cutting for the Perdido Key Multi-Use Path Tuesday, July 23, at 11 a.m. The ribbon cutting will take place at the Perdido Key Visitors Information Center, located at 15500 Perdido Key Dr.

"The multi-use path is a fantastic amenity for Perdido Key," Commissioner Bergosh said. "I'm excited to officially open it up during our summer season, where residents and visitors can get outside and explore the area's natural beauty, and I'm thrilled to see the multi-use path already being well-used by pedestrians and bicyclists. This is the culmination of years of hard work, and I'm thankful to our staff for their diligence in completing this project."

The Perdido Key Multi-Use Path was identified as a priority in the Perdido Key Master Plan, along with the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization’s 2018-2022 Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plans.

The multi-use path is designed for pedestrians and bicycles, with motorized vehicles prohibited. The Perdido Key Drive Multi-Use Path East project extends from River Road to the western boundary of Perdido Key State Park, spanning 4.26 miles in length. The western portion of the path runs approximately 2.3 miles eastward from the Florida-Alabama state line.

This project aims to provide better connectivity along Perdido Key, while providing opportunities for alternative means of transportation such as walking or biking. With the completion of the Perdido Key Multi-Use Path, residents and visitors can more easily access and travel between residential, commercial and recreational areas throughout Perdido Key.

The Perdido Key Multi-Use Path project also includes an extensive wildlife mitigation program to protect critical habitat for endangered species.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Join us for our 93rd Coffee with the Commissioner Online This Wednesday Morning at 6:30 AM Online!


    Join us this Wednesday at our virtual 93rd Coffee with the Commissioner event. The live stream will take        place from 6:30-7:30 a.m. To join the meeting, visit us on Facebook at                                                                              

Attendees will include County Administrator Wes Moreno, Public Safety Director Eric Gilmore, and LifeView Group CEO Allison Hill. Moreno will provide an update on county business, Gilmore will discuss public safety matters, and Hill will lead a discussion with us on the new Central Receiving and Crisis Stabilization facilities, and how both are helping the area serve citizens' mental health needs.

Residents are encouraged to send virtual questions and comments they would like to discuss with Commissioner Bergosh during the event through Facebook.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

SS United States: Could We Soon Have a Ship Larger than the Oriskany Sunk in Local Waters?

Could Escambia County soon be the final underwater resting place for a ship larger than the Oriskany and even longer than the Titanic?

 Yes, we could.  Yes, this is something that is under serious consideration. 

That is the buzz I am hearing from folks excited about the prospect of a nearly 1,000 foot ship, bigger that the Oriskany, being submerged in our local waters.

"This would make Escambia County waters the ULTIMATE dive spot, if we could sink the SS United States in waters off of Escambia County." said a local avid fisherman and diver with whom I spoke about the prospect of us acquiring, transporting, and ultimately scuttling the United States off the coast of Pensacola Beach.

"Right now, to our east and west, the other counties are working overtime to add more artificial reefs and dive spots---so for us to add the SS United States would help us keep pace." said this individual.

He then pulled out a tablet and showed me all the submerged reefs and ships and tanks and other features on our sea bed extending east and west and out as far as 30 miles or longer.  From the HUGE amount of numbers on this graphic shown to me---it appears as if Alabama has everybody beat, with row after row of sunken features lighting up the screen.  Rows and columns.   Way more than Escambia--although Escambia does have a lot of Bridge pilings and concrete spoils submerged off the coast in a gigantic rectangle.

Okaloosa county has a huge footprint of sunken materials and ships as well.  Also, they have a row of "columns" extending out into the Gulf in a kind of Christmas tree array.  These are buoys that extend downward into the ocean to the bottom in and attract all sorts of pelagic species.

"If we could compliment the Oriskany with the SS United States--we would be a hub for divers worldwide and we would generate a lot of trips here and a lot of stays here from pro and amatuer (recreational) divers from around the world." said this angler/diver


The move to bring SS United States to Escambia County will require a commitment of $10 Million dollars, and swift action.  According to another individual with whom I spoke who has intimate knowledge of the plan to acquire and scuttle SS United States here--the vessel is up in Pennsylvania at a shipyard and must be moved by September 12th.  It would have to be towed here, in the midst of peak hurricane season, and then there would have to be a plan on where to sink the vessel.

I'm told the objective would be to sink it so it is an easier dive for recreational divers who typically can only go down about 130 feet.  (by contrast, the Oriskany sits in water that is 230 feet deep, with only the very top of the tower reachable by the amateur, recreational diver).

I'm told there is a spot, closer to the shore than Oriskany, where the SS America could be sunk and which would allow for the 57' of vertical clearance necessary while also allowing a much larger porition of this ship to be reachable by recreational divers than is the case currently with the Oriskany.

I like the idea, I like the plan.  But $10 Million is a heavy lift.  Possible funding sources include TDT funds, perhaps some BP Oil Spill money, and potentially even a Triumph Gulf Coast grant if such a project could meet that board's criteria.  Stay tuned over the next several weeks as this will be discussed due to the pressing timeline.  And again, for my vote, I LOVE this idea just as I LOVED the plan to bring American Magic here -- which has now come to pass.

This ship could also be a huge get for our area.

I received a strong email of support from a member of the area's Marine Advisory Committee, on some additional data and facts about the SS United States, which I will publish, below:

"The SS United States
 990 feet long   100 feet longer than the Titanic
101 ft 6 inches Beam.  The maximum width at the time for passage thru the 
                                       Panama canal was 105 feet.
53,330 Gross tonnes 
When loaded to the Load Line she draws 36 feet 4 inches.
She has 12 decks.

She currently holds the "Blue Riband"  (not Ribbon) award for the fastest
trans-Atlantic Ocean Liner.  For her maiden voyage July 3-7 1952 crossing 
from Ambrose light to Cornwall of 3 days 10 hours 12 minutes. Average speed
34.51 knots almost 40 miles a hour. Her top speed 38.32 knots 44 mile a hour.
Impressive numbers. 
She was designed by William Francis Gibbs. He was also head designer of the American "Liberty Ship which led to the larger "Victory Ship". both of which were
major contributors to the American and Allies victory in WWII.
WFG's daughter Susan Gibbs has headed the SS United States Conservancy.
she has stated in the past that " It would be preferable if the ship can't be restored that she be reefed". Opposed to being scrapped.
I understand that the Conservancy may have a sizeable amount of objects for a museum. There's also a maritime museum in Virginia with a sizeable collection. I think it's time to create our own maritime museum with or without UWF's participation. I also think Susan Gibbs would want to participate in the dedication of any SSUS museum or monument.
Fun Facts: There has been four Presidents to have sailed aboard the SS United States and too many celebrities to mention. When Leonardo DaVinci's masterpiece "Mona Lisa" was on loan, she traveled safely aboard the SS United States.

I sincerely hope we can find the funding for this project. It is a rare opportunity. I will be 
glad to keep you updated with any information pertaining to this."

Friday, July 19, 2024

Don Gaetz Endorses Jeff Bergosh for BCC D1 seat in August 20th Republican Primary Election

Gaetz and Bergosh
Tallahassee, 2015

Former Senate President and local business and political Icon Don Gaetz has now officially endorsed our campaign for re-election in the August 20th Republican Primary Election.

Gaetz, one of the most beloved, well-respected, and influential political figures in NW Florida spoke with me yesterday and endorsed me as the right Republican choice in the August 20th Primary Election.

I've know Senator Gaetz for 17 years and I have worked with him on important legislation pertaining to education since he passed the Merit Award Plan for teachers in 2007.

Gaetz, Bergosh, and Governor Charlie Crist
in Tallahassee March 2007 signing important
teacher MERIT PAY legislation

He has been invaluable to our area and his influence led to the gigantic and transformational appropriation for the new Pensacola Bay Bridge.  Don Gaetz has done so much for our area, and he is poised to more and he is a candidate for re-election to the Senate in the November General Election.

He will win--and he will be a dynamic, effective representative for our area--and we will all benefit from his leadership, influence, and political savvy.  Here is what Don Gaetz, our once and future D1 State Senator, has said about my campaign for D1 Commissioner.

“I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Jeff Bergosh to get good things done in Tallahassee and here at home.  Jeff is so effective because he’s highly skilled, tough when it matters and absolutely honest and ethical.  Jeff actually listens to folks’ concerns and solves their problems.  In the August 20th Republican Primary in Escambia County—Jeff Bergosh is the right choice for D1 Commissioner.”

Senate President Don Gaetz

Paid for by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner