
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Area Behind The New Publix Site Has NOT Been Recently Rezoned to Commercial

There were some unfounded speculations and accusations about the land just south of the location of the new Publix Shopping Center in Beulah at 9-Mile Road and Beulah Road.  On the Beulah Scoop Facebook site some posters stated that the property had recently been "re-zoned" to commercial.  And then several subsequent posters piled on, dragging me as the current commissioner into the conversation and bashing me--blaming me for "this."  

I knew it was all bogus.  

And a quick check with staff verified what I already knew to be true.  

There has been no such rezoning of any of that property since I have been the D1 Commissioner!  

(BTW:  Anyone at anytime that is confused or has questions about zoning--particularly in Beulah where I have lived for going on 2 decades-can call me for the facts.  850-293-1459.  Or email me at  I'll give you the facts, the truth.  I'm working on a citizen-driven master plan for the entire area to control the out of control growth in Beulah-and we will be awarding that $300,000.00 contract within 30 days.  I ran for this job because I wanted more intelligent management of growth--and we are going to do it!) 

As a matter of fact, before the county did a massive up-zoning of properties all over the county in 2015 (Before I was Commissioner) for the purpose of streamlining zoning designations (which was a MASSIVE up-zoning of many properties) this property was already zoned for commercial uses.

From staff:

"below are the two OLD ZONING AND NEW ZONING for the Properties behind Publix as well the “Rezoning case map” of the area. There has not been a rezoning in the area since 2006. The only change is the NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 15’ x 605’ Ingress and Egress section was changed from RR to HC/LI in 2015 zoning update because it was less than 10% of the property and was the NFCU connection off of Beulah Road. It did not affect any other properties. The ID-1 or HC/LI is NFCU Property. There has been no new Commercial rezoning behind Publix. All other Properties have not changed nor any rezoning cases have happened without the BCC approval"



See staff's before and after zoning maps of this entire  area (prior to 2015 and current)


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