
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Others Recognize "Savage" PNJ Stupidity--- and The Deliberate Ignorance of OLF-8's Real Economic Value: JOBS

It was readily apparent to many that the PNJ's hatchet piece "editorial" last Sunday was WAY off base.

I certainly spotted it as what it was immediately:  A directed, ad hominem attack job at the behest of one of the PNJ's advertising patrons, "consultants", developers, and/or a large special interest employer.

 Or all of them.

It was uncalled for.

It was so uncalled for and out of line that I wasn't the only one who knew it was unfair, off-base, and odd. 

The only other print media publication in town called them out for it immediately.

In a series of blog posts, Rick Outzen on IN Weekly gutted the PNJ's very basis for the attack piece--pointing out the two painfully obvious facts that PNJ deliberately and conveniently left out of their hit piece:  1.) this OLF-8 project was always a jobs project.  2.) Nobody ever said the nearby neighbors, via a "vote" would control what happened on this field.    

How was this "embarrassing?"  How were citizens insulted?  Outzen appeared to have been figuratively asking-----while scratching his head over the vicious article's purpose.

In his weekly printed paper, in the "Out Takes" section---Outzen expounded on the reasons he felt this PNJ hit job was so out of step.

He chronicled a number of other high profile land use decisions the BCC and City Council have made historically that have not necessarily moved in lock step with what nearby residents wanted--yet those decisions were never chastised by the PNJ, nor were those politicians that made those choices.  

Why the double standard?

Then--in an echo of what Commissioner Barry stated at the workshop--Outzen states plainly that NFCU's own project directly adjacent to OLF-8 in Beulah shows us all, in stark terms, how the real value of a big jobs deal is in the payroll and the jobs for the community---not in the ad valorem revenue a company's facilities or residential properties produce.   This was illustrated in a very simple comparison between the MASSIVELY HUGE economic impact jobs have as compared to the ad valorem value of properties constructed per acre.  It was a great post--directly on point and exactly what I've been screaming for years.  Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.

Now--Rick Outzen is no "fan" of Jeff Bergosh.  Let's just get that straight right now---and he will be the first one to go after me in an article or a post if I step out of line in my duty as an elected official.  He's done it before often.  

So with this as the backdrop---it really was satisfying to see that even he saw what I saw and what Steven Barry saw and many others saw:  Consultants who couldn't answer the questions that were important to us as the policymakers.  And a sense of tone-deafness about the jobs and economic development aspects of this project that was annoying in a presentation that went on TOO LONG.

And then a local Newspaper Editorial that unfairly attacked the Board Members.


Tom Jardine said...

I absolutely agree with you on this one. The PNJ is renown for this kind of hatchet job. They omit relevant facts that contradict their objectives. They will even lie on occasion.

This latest atrocious editorial omitted the commissioners’ complaint that payrolls were not factored into the rankings.

Worse, it included; “It's sad to see a community burdened by an elected official who is so clearly and consistently willing to sell out the folks who live there.”

As well as; “The best interests of the citizens of Beulah have never motivated the commissioner's relentless push to satisfy special interests and people who have propped up his political career...”.

It was clearly a disgusting hit piece.

That said, Commissioner Bergosh, you have unwittingly encouraged these spurious hatchet jobs. Your past behavior suggests that you can be buffaloed.

In 2017 through 2019, a misguided citizens protest group supported by the PNJ editorial board, cowed the Escambia County Commission from pursuing fee simple on Pensacola Beach. The Escambia County Commission, in unanimity, along with the Santa Rosa County Commission, in unanimity, had voted to pursue the increased tax revenues that are forfeited under our convoluted lease system.

As chairman of the commission, you sir, allowed that yellow protest group to run roughshod over commission meetings. Then you led the way to an absurd referendum followed by an absurd ordinance prohibiting fee simple.

Complicated tax issues should NOT be decided by a referendum of well-meaning, but uninformed citizens.

The result of the fee simple debacle is a PERPETUAL, ANNUAL, multi million dollar tax loss. The Escambia County School District is also forfeiting millions of dollars annually in perpetuity.

And zero public access was gained.

So, Commissioner Bergosh, you have encouraged the PNJ’s irresponsible behavior.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Tom--the first part of your comment is spot on and we agree. The second part we will not agree upon. I am all about fairness when it comes to the broken lease system on the beach (e.g. a $1.5 Million Penthouse Condominium on Pensacola Beach in a development you would know if I named it pays the equivalent of $200 yearly in "lease fees" to the SRIA and NO taxes on the improvements. This lease was recently re-negotiated and the taxpayers got taken to the cleaner. Meanwhile----- a similar property on Perdido Key would pay $Thousands yearly in ad valorem taxes on the improvements to the county.) What I want is a uniform method for fairness on these ripoff condo complex lease renewals. Let the owner that wants to "renew" their lease choose whether they want a perpetually, automatically renewing lease---tantamount to ownership---in which case they pay full ad valorem taxes as the perpetual lease is the next best thing to fee simple. Lots of these type leases on the Beach already Tom. Or--if they choose a 99 year lease (as is the really popular choice)--make them pay a SRIA lease fee that is market rate---the equivalent of what the ad valorem taxes would be. No more $200 dollar a year lease fee sweetheart deal. I simply want fairness to the taxpayers-----nothing more. Fee Simple is a strawman you are attempting to construct. Once apparent that it wasn't happening--I quickly pivoted to what I've described above which accomplishes the same thing as fee simple and lets residents decide for themselves. But the lease fees MUST go to a market rate period. Do you follow Tom? And your conclusion that I bring these hatchet pieces on myself is absurd. Ridiculous. I just call out the stupidity and arrogance of PNJ and I do my job. That's all, nothing more. It's very basic, Tom. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, sounds like you are trying to increase taxes on these people?

Tom Jardine said...

Jeff, I watched the whole episode unfold, so no sense in trying to spin.

If you wanted a fair tax system on Pensacola Beach, then you blew it. Fee simple would have brought the taxes on those beach condos to parity with condos throughout the county. Thanks to you and the BCC, that opportunity has been squandered. Likely forever.

And YOU presided over those sweetheart deals enjoyed by the condo owners on Pensacola Beach. Today, the tax parity on Pensacola Beach is more convoluted then ever before. And you were the BCC chairman when all this transpired.

I don’t like seeing anyone mischaracterized by those cheap shot artists at the PNJ, but you should acknowledge your past mistakes.

During the fee simple debate, The PNJ wrote (numerous times) that “Fee simple would END public ownership of Pensacola Beach.” Then they reinforced their lie with a photo of three dizzy yellow protesters standing on Casino Beach waving SAVE Pensacola Beach signs. But you felt justified in allowing a referendum on that convoluted tax issue, despite the fact that the PNJ had confused the good citizens of Escambia County.

Merry Christmas, Jeff ((sincerely). 2021 is an opportunity for a fresh start.

Tom Jardine said...

Also, Jeff, I didn’t create fee simple, as you suggest. If there is a straw man, then you fathered him.

And you, as BCC chairman, squandered millions of dollars annually in perpetuity that should be paid to the great people of our great Escambia County.

You also lost millions of dollars annually in perpetuity to our great Escambia County School District.

The link above demonstrates the truth of my statements.

And had you stayed the proper course, former (Democrat) Senator Bill Nelson, who flip flopped on fee simple the same as you, was destined to be booted out of office by current Senator (Republican) Rick Scott.

We all make mistakes. This multi million dollar perpetual mistake belongs to you.

Mel Pino said...

Tom Jardine, as usual you fall into showing your true colors with descending into sexist commentary. Seen it from you a hundred times if I've seen it once.

What seems very clear to me at this point is that, whatever personal gains you missed out on when Dianne and the gang took your fee simple away, what really irks you to the core is that it was women driving that train.

The above "dizzy" comment is just the tip of the iceberg of the misogynistic comments you have been unleashing against the SPB leaders and, by extension, all women for two years running now. Might be time to stop digging that hole.

--Melissa Pino

Jeff Bergosh said...

Tom, again, you are creating a strawman and passive-aggressively going on the attack. And you're wrong. I had NOTHING to do with the lease renewals of which I spoke in my comments above--they were done by SRIA right as I was coming on the board. Others that were egregiously terrible for the taxpayers were done years before I arrived. Fee Simple was a good idea to many, and you are right it would have been the optimal solution for maximizing the tax value of the county's asset----however it faced severe resistance from the press and others for reasons that became increasingly emotional and not logical; from a practical standpoint, the idea of going to fee simple died when the congressional support evaporated. And the sponsoring congressman pulled the bill. And he did it at the specific behest of the former D4 Commissioner. Make sure you have your facts correct, Tom. Jeff Bergosh did not kill this. Yes I was the chairman and yes some meetings got heated. That's politics, deal with it. So we are here now, where we are. And because fee simple is dead and gone--the next best thing from a tax policy standpoint for the taxpayers is going to a system like I described above. Let me repeat it here so you can re-read it slowly. "What I want is a uniform method for fairness on these ripoff condo complex lease renewals. Let the owner that wants to "renew" their lease choose whether they want a perpetually, automatically renewing lease---tantamount to ownership---in which case they pay full ad valorem taxes as the perpetual lease is the next best thing to fee simple. Lots of these type leases on the Beach already Tom. Or--if they choose a 99 year lease (as is the really popular choice)--make them pay a SRIA lease fee that is market rate---the equivalent of what the ad valorem taxes would be. No more $200 dollar a year lease fee sweetheart deal." You can cry and whine until the cows come home Tom, but that doesn't give you a time machine to go back and fix things precisely the way Tom Jardine would have wanted them to be fixed. Nor does it give you the license to inaccurately blame those of us who were NOT to blame but are actually trying to get to the most equitable, fair, and legal lease renewal system that puts the taxpayers first. Blame me for something I didn't do or make a strawman and I push back. This is your one, big issue Tom. You're passionate about it I can tell from your postings online. I wish I had the luxury of fixating and focusing on ONE issue (although it would be boring)--instead I must balance dozens all the time, and weigh the very best course I can, and that I can gain support for from at least 2 colleagues. So by all means look at things in context before you attempt to cast aspersions and assign blame. keep it real, man. Your are right that we are going into a new year. I hope it will be better than the last one. I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Tom!

The last sane person on Earth said...

Jeff, I don’t doubt your sincerity. I respect you and your fellow commissioners. I don’t for one minute believe that any of you have “sold out” as I frequently hear others claim.

You have a skill set very suitable to your office. I could not do your job. Very few of us, in my opinion, possess the requisite skills to hold public office.

On the fee simple debacle: You were indeed the linchpin that failed. You claim that you “pivoted”. The term “flip flopped” is more apropos.

That was a multi-million dollar flip flop. Most in this town are not in a position to recognize it. I have been following this issue for twenty five years. My advantaged perspective obligates me (to my fellow citizens) to hold you accountable for your colossal blunder. I’ve now fulfilled my obligation. This will (likely) be my final post on the topic.

You have honorably held public office for several years now, so any lease renewal “sweetheart deals” have occurred under your watch. You appoint one member of the SRIA Board, so you have to accept some responsibility for SRIA actions.

Your plan to increase fees upon the expiration of a 99 year lease might work, but will take decades. Several non-perpetual leases are relatively new. Fee simple was the clear path to win-win for all of the great people of our great Escambia County. We all have lost due to you and your colleagues.

You landed the Site 8 swap - that was win-win. Congratulations! Population density has increased in Beulah - I think it was wise to remove a helicopter training field from that area. And the Navy wins, also, by having an airfield that is nearer to Whiting and with less density.

I love win-win outcomes! I do fault you and your colleagues for not achieving win-win often enough.

I appreciate you for fighting back against the deplorable duo at the PNJ. It’s time that all the great citizens of our great Escambia County let the PNJ know that we are sick and tired of their lies and their divisiveness. The PNJ has been a bad neighbor for far too long. We can no longer trust our dishonest media.

I very much appreciate your thoughtful reply to my posts. Even though you are completely wrong and I am completely correct. :)

Best wishes!

The last sane person on Earth said...

Melissa, one thing I’m NOT is sexist. Women like you erode the credibility of women throughout the world when you respond to legitimate criticism with baseless accusations.

You and your unethical yellow protesters cost our great Escambia County millions and millions of dollars through your misguided efforts. The following article demonstrates your unforgivable folly. You and Dianne owe our great community a profound apology. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Article Courtesy of the Pensacola News Journal
By Melissa Nelson Gabriel
Published August 20, 2018

Hundreds of Pensacola Beach leaseholders could see tax refunds soon after Escambia County commissioners approved the release of funds from a $9.8 million escrow account.

Commissioners voted Thursday night to allow the tax collector's office to begin releasing money from the account, which contains tax payments made while the leaseholders were suing the county over whether it could collect property taxes on land that is leased and not owned.

"The court has ordered (the county) to refund taxes that were illegally collected so this is exactly what should be happening," Ed Fleming, an attorney for hundreds of Pensacola Beach
condominium owners, said Friday.

The Escambia County School District has another $6 million in a reserve account created to hold the disputed taxes. Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said the tax collector's office has ordered the district to begin releasing some of those funds.

"We have received our first invoice of about $170,000," he said.

"We have held the money aside knowing that someday we might have to pay it back," said Thomas, who added that he doesn't expect the full $6 million to be returned.

An outgoing parasail boat and an incoming waverunner pass off Pensacola Beach on Tuesday, August 7, 2018

"If and when this all settled, we will use what is left to support our schools," he said.

In a series of recent rulings, courts have said the county cannot collect taxes on the land underneath condominium buildings but can tax improvements to the land.

Chris Jones, Escambia County property appraiser, said his office is reviewing the tax payments to determine which leaseholders are due refunds. The county tax collector's office will then issue the refunds, he said.

The courts have issued rulings in a lawsuits brought by Portofino Island Resorts and The Beach Club condominium complexes. More than 30 other condominium homeowners associations have filed separate lawsuits. Jones and attorneys for the associations are in the middle of settlement negotiations, which will determine the amount of the refunds the condominium owners will receive and what their tax bills will be going forward.

Jones said his office has reached agreements with five condominium associations, is in negotiations with 11 more and is waiting to begin negotiations with five others.

Pensacola Beach is unique because it was deeded to Escambia County, along with much of the rest of Santa Rosa Island, in 1947. The deed agreement prohibited the county from selling the beach land and stated that the land must be used in a way that benefits the public.

The county decided in the 1950s to develop the beach to bring in tourism revenue and set up as system of 99-year leases to encourage commercial and residential development on the island.

The county advertised "tax-free" beach land in publications nationwide.

After Pensacola Beach was heavily developed in the 1980s, the county turned to the beach as a source of property tax revenue. The move promoted the series of lawsuits that continue today.

Complicating the issue is that the language in the leases has changed over the decades. Some leases are open for renegotiation after 99 years and other are perpetually renewable. The courts have ruled that the perpetually renewable leases are tantamount to outright ownership and can be taxed, while the renegotiable leases are not.

Anonymous said...

You all should put her on a watch list.

Look at what she published on Ricks Blog.

Mel Pino said...

Tom--or have you officially changed your name to Last Sane Person on Earth?

Here's something you probably don't know: most women, even those who agree with you on fee simple, see exactly what I see. Your misogynistic under and overtones aren't exactly subtle when you reach full-blown rant on your outraged and self-righteous SPB and PNJ touch points.

And while my personal inadequacies and character flaws at times keep me up at night thinking how I can do better, I can assure you my advocacy to make sure every single thing possible is in place to make sure Pensacola Beach stays as protected as possible is not an issue in that regard. Maybe the next time I can't sleep, rather than counting sheep, I'll envision members of SPB and the citizens who support them hurdling a fence to get to those white sands. If I started tonight I could never get to the end of the number if I had insomnia every night for the rest of my life.

You have posted that same PNJ letter over on ECW at least a dozen times that I've seen over the course of the last year, probably more. So it's nice to hear that your above remarks are the last time you'll ever dwell on Dianne Krumel and SPB's success in speaking for the people, first with a successful referendum and then with an ordinance employing protections on zoning changes. It should be very freeing for you not bearing the burden of twisting every topic under the sun onto your soapbox on how the size of your pocketbook is the best indicator of the general well-being of humanity. If you're not happy with the speed of coming to an alternate solution, perhaps you should take that up with the SRIA and the commissioner from the district, who is also sitting his turn at Chair of the board.

Anonymous 6:16 PM, I wouldn't have been rude enough to direct readers away from one topic to another at an external social media site, but since you were, thank you for the shout-out on my most recent post on Rick's Blog:

I'd be grateful for any clicks it got, as Janice Gilley's abject failure in handling covid at Escambia County has got to be acknowledge and dealt with by our BOCC, and soon.

--Melissa Pino

Tom Jardine said...

Melissa, I told Jeff Bergosh that I was through with highlighting HIS culpability in this multi million dollar folly. Jeff was correct, btw, when he stated that those who opposed fee simple were emotional, not rational. Grover said the same thing. Barry and May never even took the time to research the fee simple issue - they are as clueless as you are. Of course, Bender and Underhill each realize that fee simple is the proper path forward.

I NEVER stated that I was finished holding the notorious PNJ editorial board, or you and Dianne accountable. You and your dizzy group owe the great citizens of Escambia County millions.

You possibly most of all. I explained this issue to you several times in early 2018, but you were too arrogant to listen. Every detail I told you came to pass. Escambia County is forfeiting millions each year. Nothing was gained

And making ridiculous allegations and hiding behind your gender is beneath you.

1. Please provide even one shred of evidence that I am a misogynist as you claim.

2. Please explain how fee simple would result in less public access than the public has today. The public has no access to any of the leaseholds today. Nor will they ever. The leaseholds were privatized decades ago.

3. If you and your dizzy yellow friends wish to gain additional access on SRI, then why don’t you pool your money and begin purchasing leaseholds? Then, allow public access. Put your money where your mouth is.

You are right about one thing - you need to put more importance in getting quality sleep.

Mel Pino said...

Thanks for mansplaining in the very post claiming not to be sexist, Tom.

Believe it or not, I don't need you to explain fee simple, leases, or anything else to me. You can sky write it or send out passenger pigeons with the same "explanation," and I will still find your claims moot and self-serving.

I'm also not going to answer the same set up questions you have been beating the dead horse with for a year now over on ECW. Everybody was tired enough of it there, so it's understandable you're looking for new corners to chew the bones to dust. Maybe somebody else here will dialogue with you on this topic. Good luck with it.

--Melissa Pino

Tom Jardine said...

“Mansplaining”. ....and YOU charge ME with being sexist.

And you are correct, Melissa, requesting that you provide a single thread of evidence to support your dizzy claims was completely unfair of me.

You know everything, though.

Tom Jardine said...

Merry Christmas, Melissa!

Anonymous said...

Surprised Melissa didn't call Tom a white supremacist for that last comment. That's how she rolls. Maybe she is too busy supporting Biden. Or combing through public records for a fact she can misrepresent. If Bear or you Bergosh are supporting her D2 run you are making a mistake.

Anonymous said...

See how Ricks blog and PNJ and even WEAR cover news in this new year 2021? Check Gatewaypundit. Of course the Capitol breech is shocking. Censorship is not the answer. Didn't MLK say something about riots being the language of the unheard?

Check the video of the crowd in DC on that site before it is removed.

Anonymous said...

One story one that site is about a Pensacola resident. Check out the story "No wonder they're freaked." The video is something else wonder if he local papers are allowed to cover the truth. You know like real journalism and news and not propaganda. Oh and after they install Biden, in case you missed it he plans to open the floodgates for the Covid vaccine. Of course Mott FL DOH is supposed to coordinate that to ALL the endpoints......