
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Released Public Record from Federal Trial is Revealing

This document, above, is one of several that came out of a hearing before a Federal Magistrate Judge a few weeks back in Doug Underhill's public records lawsuit.  Apparently, this is one of the many documents that was/is considered to be a public record by the court but that was not initially turned over to the requestor by Commissioner Underhill.  So the document was released this month.

I hear many, many more-- perhaps hundreds more-- will be coming soon.

The interesting thing to me about this particular document, though,  is that "Jacqueline" in this facebook messenger conversation is apparently filing/or has filed a complaint against my brother, Circuit Court Judge Gary Bergosh.  If it is the "Jacqueline" I believe it to be, this is very interesting, indeed.

If it is "Jacqueline" from the Facebook chat site "Escambia Citizens Watch"---I wonder why it is my brother she is targeting?  I mean, there is no doubt she strongly dislikes me.  She runs me down all the time and lies about me on her site--ho hum no big deal.  I have a thick skin, her opinions mean nothing to me, and I ignore that echo chamber of hate, irrelevant site anyway.  

But why bring in my family?  Why go after my brother -- a Retired Marine LT. COL who went to Iraq and put "boots on the ground there?"  A literal Eagle Scout who has done absolutely nothing wrong, a guy who simply does his job, and does it well.  He's a guy who is regarded by most attorneys I speak with as a "good judge, fair and reasonable."

Obviously----- nothing did come or will come of any such garbage, baseless complaint against my brother to the JQC by "Jacqueline"  anyway--it is utter rubbish.  

But what a sick, degenerate thing to do.  Come after me all you want, but leave my family out of it.

To relish in filing an ethics complaint against my brother--- because someone has a beef with me?  

How totally and completely disgusting is that?  And she says "I hope Judge Bergosh has bad times ahead."  Embarrassing for "Jacqueline."  Who would say that and wish that on someone who did nothing wrong?  Uncharitable, non-Christian, Sick and disgusting.

Wow.  Can't wait for the rest of these records to come out....I wonder what else we will find??


Anonymous said...

Why do you think all of those people flock together? Underhill, Jacqueline, Edler, etc. Birds of a feather. They all use the same tactics against people.

Mel Pino said...

Of course that's Jacqueline Rogers. She put up that meme as her profile photo in part of her attempt to pretend I was stalking her (she takes her queues from the master). Ten to one that letter she is bragging about posting is a result of the Douggite Cult delusion that I had somehow arranged a conspiracy between you, Judge Bergosh, Sheriff Morgan, Bill Eddins, and the US Navy to pin charges on their son to keep him from military service. The whole thing was bogus trash; in other words, par for their course. With the sad thing being that she actually grabs at the crap he tosses in front of her like it's the brass ring.

Then there's the screaming hypocrisy. They were in hysterics over me filing a DOH complaint on Dr. Edler--all of which turned out to be substantiated, as documented in the transcript of the second hearing in Edler vs. Pino. Then they screeded for almost two years running that I had broken the law in posting my complaint publicly, while everybody who understands the law rolled their eyes.

People need to wake up to the games they are running on that site. Yes, its power in influencing any real decisions that are made by any area policy boards is over. But for unsuspecting people who actually make the mistake of thinking ECW is a public information site, they have no idea how badly they are getting bilked on the disinformation games they are running over there.

Here's a hint: whenever you hear Doug and Jacqueline shrieking at the tops of their lungs about some perceived wrongdoing against them, nine out of ten they are trying to divert attention from themselves being guilty of whatever charge they are levelling.

That's just Disinformation 101, and Doug taught her everything she knows. Unfortunately, he taught her everything he knew many years ago, and he has been fresh out of tricks for a long time now.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

It’s about time the truth comes out regarding how spiteful, vindictive, and what an underhanded pawn Jacqueline Rogers really is. She’s lost all credibility and should find a new hobby and dump her old hobby of being Doug’s Underhill’s love struck dog. Can’t wait to see the rest of Doug Underhill’s scamming posts.

Mel Pino said...

ps. Should have underlined that the top post, the one with the letter, isn't originating from the Jacqueline account, as it is right justified. That ssems to be from one of the accounts Doug got PRR'd on. Which, um, happens to share that same meme as a profile pic. In case people aren't clued in yet to just how bad the groupthink is. -Mel

Mel Pino said...

ps. Just realized that the top message, the one with the letter, isn't originating from the Jacqueline account, as it is right justified, with editing functions. The letter message looks to be from one of Doug's accounts, and the handwriting on the address resembles Wendy's.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Jacqueline Rogers, Douglas Underhill, and his wife Wendy were trying to bring harm to your brother. I have a feeling when all of the records are released there’s going to be some lawsuits and criminal charges.

Anonymous said...

Probably meant TOM Turner past HR. posting on Escambia Public Forum f/b.

Tom publicly posted that he left a 7 page exit interview that should be a public record.

Anonymous said...

No, it looks like the "Jacqueline" profile just posted a grin emoticon in response to someone else for filing the report against Judge Bergosh.

What is odd also is she is talking ABOUT Doug, posting county business from his personal account.

Anonymous said...

Doug’s wife Wendy has been known to use Doug’s account to talk to his constituents.

Mel Pino said...

Commissioner Bergosh, I realized that I had misunderstood the meme placement and submitted that second comment 7:52 as a correction to it.

This gives the general public a taste of just how difficult it is to navigate Doug's public records schemes, when he has a bevvy of people who are constantly networking per his social media propaganda machine, helping to protect him from his malfeasance, while systematically spreading his disinformation and blocking real information.

It also provides a glimpse of just how deep their games run.

Best guess is that this back and forth is between Jacqueline and Wendy, who has had access to his commissioner account. (And used to have access to his D2 emails accounts--don't know if she still does.) Doug posts things publicly in Wendy's handwriting, which is how I am familiar enough with it to make the statement that it looks like her handwriting on the envelope. With Jacqueline sanctioning the act with her creepy emoticon.

This exchange also shows just how far Jacqueline is willing to go to impede free political discourse towards their shared aim of protecting their Douggite interests and spreading his disinformation. Of course she has always had a little trouble keeping all the players straight, so the person who commented above about her mistake on Tom Turner is nail on the head. From the posts Tom has made on Jacqueline's own site, he is, by the way, a wealth of information on the County and best HR practices. They don't like not having control of that.

And look what she has set up, and is willing to do. She has Doug supporters constantly scanning the other area discussion sites, and alerting her to when anything that might be read as information or opinion damaging to their attempts to contain the Doug messaging within sanctioned information streams.

This is a serious, earnest, coordinated, and long-standing network of social media disinformation dominance that a group of us finally put an end to when we first helped grow the membership on Escambia Citizens Watch (free speech), and then Escambia Public Forum (which Jacqueline, despite her protestations she pays no attention to those sites, refers to as simply "EPF"). At the same time, Escambia County Politics & Issues was playing a big part in providing a space for people to discuss politics outside the fascist confines of the ECW political machine.

That is exactly why Jacqueline is so casual about dropping that little note to Doug/Wendy "hey somebody is interfering with our script just want to alert you to it in case you want to block him." This happens constantly. Then she sends out an alert to, presumably, Wendy, letting her know that Doug has fallen back to posting from both his commissioner and his personal account on ECW. "If he even cares any more" is certainly an interesting glimpse into their political enterprise.

When I took up a Facebook account after about ten years of being off of it, this was the reason why. I recognized that they were the worst sort of dirty political players who were daily spreading lies, attacking citizens, and even materially hurting people's lives with the games they were running. I knew this, because they tried to do it to me. And other people were telling me how they had done it to them. Nobody should let Jacqueline's Miss Muffett act fool them. She is a ruthless, vicious political operative who is absolutely devoted to Doug's political interest.

And, as the magistrate noted in her ruling on the Bear federal case, there is very little sunshine at all between Doug's official and personal capacity. Things are going to get very interesting when Doug is finally compelled by the court to turn over his public record.

--Melissa Pino

Kim said...

Quick question - didn’t Doug and Wendy Underhill’s son have to go to court regarding an incident their son got into at school, and the judge was your brother? Does their apparent vendetta have something to do with that incident?

Anonymous said...

Doug would publicly post about county business on his personal facebook page, then a post a photo of Wendy in her bathing suit, then another post about county business.

They would publicly post that they were drinking and dancing in NOLA then get on ECW and call people names.

Anonymous said...

As far as the school incident they published of their own child on facebook. The video showed the son stole a phone, snatched it right out of the other child's hands -- then pinched the other smaller child's jugular vein / carotid artery. That's an aggressive form of battery.

Apparently the apple didn't fall far from the tree as far as being a bully and not taking responsibility for poor behavior.

THEY are the one's that publicly posted the video of their own child, then call it politically motivated.

Now trying to blame the judge apparently.??

Jaqueline Rogers, Wendy Underhill, Theresa Blackwell were the first to donate money to Rayme Edler's Go Fund me for a county employee/Public figure to sue Melissa Pino.

They don't think everyone sees what they do ???
Apparently some don't.

Anonymous said...

Did Underhill run Tom Turner off?

Anonymous said...

Seeing Wendy Underhill in a bathing suit is as cringy as seeing Jacqueline Rogers in one. I remember he would start drinking and post on the escambia citizens watch hate page and he would alternate between posting with his personal account and his official account. Too drunk to care which one he was using. Drunk and belligerent and calling people names.harassing everyone that disagreed with him and calling them creepy. That will be Douglas Underhill’s legacy as a county commissioner. If he doesn’t get arrested.

Anonymous said...

The Underhill family blames all of their bad decisions on those that disagree with him politically. A woman was looking at a lot next door to their home and she was met with the Underhill’s dressed in fatigues, and they verbally attacked her to the point she felt unsafe. Doug Underhill blamed that incident on politics, but the woman was just looking at the lot. Doug Underhill said in a police report that his estranged daughter damaged their mailbox, but online he blamed it on his political adversaries. He runs a jet ski school at his house and the neighbors have complained, but he gets online and blames it on them disliking him because of politics. Wendy Underhill posted the video of her son attacking a kid at school, and they blamed that on politics too. The underhill’s play the victim card to justify their bad behavior all the time. Doug Underhill also blames the other 4 commissioners for not wanting to pay his legal fees for his own bad behavior. It’s always someone else’s fault but never their own and they go behind the scenes to punish anyone that talks about their bad behavior.

Mel Pino said...

Kim, I have no doubt that the complaint lodged in that letter pertains to that case. Probably around the same time Wendy was publicly screeding on her Facebook account that I had orchestrated her son's arrest and charges. I didn't even know it had happened, until Doug brought his entire family onto the Fourth Floor performing the theater of their outrage and getting staff to go down in affidavits on each other. He was yelling so loud that everybody on the Fourth Floor heard him.

Anonymous 3:08, it actually gets even better on Edler's "defense" fund, which shouldn't have even been allowable per Gofundme's guidelines, since she was the plaintiff bringing action against me. (And perhaps that is why the comments and contributions went dark--after I screen shot all of it.)

Of course the more serious problem with that fund was that it was directly contrary to about three different sections of the Employee Handbook on gifts, conflict of interest with superiors, and not getting involved in politics.

No worries, Alison Rogers did one of her fake legal jobs to smooth it over, citing a bunch of case law that in no way pertained to the situation. This from a BOCC attorney who is so conflicted out on her relationship with Underhill that she is supposed to be recusing herself from the Bear lawsuits.

Like I said, this stuff runs deep.

--Melissa Pino

Tracy said...

They play the victim so often I bet they carry around their own chalk 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tracy said...

So...let me see if I have this correct - the new and highly used phrase “Come at Me Bro” was misinterpreted as “Come at My Bro”? Sucks getting old and not being able to correctly understand the new age of communication 😎

Shows just how childish the bootlicker club truly is...middle school education level - if I can’t get under my enemy’s skin I’ll just go after their family! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Do they have any Yo Momma jokes too?? Pathetic!!! Leave the family alone!!!

Anonymous said...

Underhill posted that Go Fund me on his Commissioner facebook page to solicit donations for a public figure/ county employee.

After seeing the blush/flush texts make you wonder why Underhill was so enamored with the employee.

Anonymous said...

Look up Underhill posting on Escambia hate group about duck hunters being noisy and obnoxious on their sanctuary fast forward and compare it to their jet ski noise and assault on the neighbors and people who dining in restaurants on the water.

Can they get even more obnoxious and hypocritical?

Jet skis are noisy, polluting, detrimental to wildlife, and unsafe.

They blame that on a political attack also and hide behind their child yet again.

Mel Pino said...

Yes, they are out there tormenting their neighbors today again. Had about a dozen jet skis, including children too young, ripping around in the water directly behind their neighbors' houses and laughing about it at one point.

But once again, good ol Alison Rogers is mucking up anything getting done about it, claiming that the noise ordinance doesn't cover this situation because he is on the water. Anything she can do to serve that one commissioner rather than serving the entire Board. Between her and Janice Gilley, Doug has more duck and cover at the County than ever before. Apparently the one vote of a lame duck is very precious to both of them.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Enforcing Noise Ordinances in Florida

Anonymous said...

Underhill Seriously Blows. He said Perdido Key was going to look like Seaside FL! Complete liaR as PK starting to look like a city housing project.

Anonymous said...

Seaside? 😂 He can’t even make his rat trap of a house look less trashy much less make PK into Seaside. His dysfunction as a man spread to his family, his businesses, and now the county. He should resign and get some much needed psychiatric help.

Anonymous said...

The Underhand family belongs in the middle of nowhere where there aren’t any neighbors to harass, there aren’t any property values to devaluate with their trashy living and their illegal jet ski school noise, and where no one has to fear their anger issues. His neighbors will pitch in for a one way ticket out of here if they promise to never come back.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the neighbors file civil suits against Doug and Wendy Underhill for violating the Florida nuisance law. Also, I would think they could add emotional distress due to the constant noise from the jet ski school he’s illegally running, which also affects the neighboring property values as well. The neighbors can’t sell their homes when the Underhill’s are running so many skis on a daily basis around the course he has set up.

A lot of people have jet skis on the island, but none are so hard up for money and inconsiderate that they’re running illegal jet ski schools out of a dilapidated house like the Underhill’s. He can’t hide behind the excuse that he’s helping kids become good water stewards anymore.

Anonymous said...

Ono island home owners are also fed up with Doug Underhill and his illegal jet ski school. They don’t have any consideration for anyone but themselves. They’re trash.

Anonymous said...

Here is one example of Underhill's abuse of Facebook. See Wendy and Jaqueline Rogers are conspiring to cause problems for family members whom they politically oppose.

I guess I could post it as a link on ECW today so Arduini could see it as well as the rest of the audience but the profile would be removed.

Wake up son. You also look stupid and are a useful idiot.

Just stop.

We have work to do post Dunderhill.