I'll be on the area's highest quality, highest rated morning drive news program--"Real News with Rick Outzen" this morning at 7:10 |
I've been asked to appear as today's leadoff guest on the area's highest rated, most informative and entertaining morning drive news program, "Real News with Rick Outzen" later this morning on 1370 WCOA. I've been asked to give a recap of last Thursday's meetings of the BCC, so I assume we will discuss the Navy Point shell piles, Commissioner Doug Underhill's last meeting with the BCC, and the Animal Shelter Dog Theft Fiasco. We may also discuss the County's CORE program which was also approved Thursday for the fight against OPIOID addiction and overdoses we are shouldering locally.
It should be a good chat--tune in at 7:10 to listen in.
Great Pod cast. Look forward to your comments on Election night also.
I think as you mentioned the local news doesn't cover things about the county appropriately. I think going forward rather than leave a void to be filled by social media propaganda your PIO and others on staff CMR s7hould be put to task releasing info on not only Escambia but providing stories to reporters at the newsstations as well as PNJ, if it doesn't go bankrupt.
I have the time to look at meetings and listen to podcasts but if I were short on time, I would scan a written article with photos.
I think you have a void there and local gossips for attention are willing to fill the void for attention and self serving supply.
I also think you should revisit the social media policy as many kooks are commenting and it just leads to drama.
Commissioners can get their point and ideas across and published on county You tube and the web site.
I know we have free speech but I think more work can get done if you all continue to recognize toxic drama and stay up on the dais and use public information hofficers.
The real problem with Underhill was/is his social media habits. For a while you fought fire with fire but I hope you don't succumb to being sucked in again.
For instanced one tagged you on ECW and technically since Underhill isn't on the commission soon you could comment there. I also note, in my opinion you have the one guy who runs for everything commenting on your district page. Sure you can ignore.
They will try you as JAR is already trying to instigate some to go over there.
She is trying to feed her need to be relevant.
Don't play.
As Lumon takes the chairmanship, he may not even be aware of all this and the need. Perhaps when you pass the gavel I hope you will consider this.
Like you said, people are drawn to the negative and the drama but really we should be talking about soccer and things being accomplished.
Build up, not tear down for a change going forth.
Go on the offense but be positive.
Why don’t the two of you megalomaniacs discuss the dismal results from the quality of life survey that shows continued failure by the BOCC to address the main issues plaguing our community?
8:47--If you look at the trends from that poll--folks see the situation improving. Year over year the metrics about the perception of county leadership and county direction went up. But the larger poll comes via all the people who are voting with their feet and moving here. As a matter of fact, did you see the latest U.S. News and World report best cities to retire in list had Pensacola as the #3 choice of hundreds of cities nationwide. Low unemployment, great beaches, jobs, and a vibrant downtown community. I don't know what rock you are living under, but come out from under it and see all the positive, great things happening! :)
Wow! Talk about ignoring reality and skewing the facts! Improving perception of county leadership and county direction? 2 years ago 63% thought Escambia was headed in the right direction, now it is 51%. 51% still have a negative perception on how the BOCC conducts business and 59% have a negative feeling toward the “effective” leadership of elected officials. Most importantly the positive sentiment for the Quality of Life question has declined in the past two years and more people think that will continue to deteriorate in the next 5 years than think it will improve. The three main and most important issues for voters are rarely if ever addressed by the BOCC. The number of people rating the county as a poor place to raise a family with children has continued to increase. Negative sentiment about public safety is at an all time high as is the negative sentiment about economic conditions. The reason we are ranked high for retirees is because our presumed low cost of living. That’s because we have a significant amount of people living below the poverty level. Generational poverty is rampant and there is no plan to address.
Fantastic election night.
Check out the Babylon Bee latest on Nov 8. 😃
7:07--I am talking year over year--and yes, year over year the perception of county performance improved in that survey--I know you can't grasp that. But check this out: Last night the county's only incumbent won handily as did our lone ballot initiative. So if everyone is so "agitated" as you describe--how did last night's election go the way it did? Answer: you are in the extreme minority opinion, loud and obnoxious. That's what's what. We are on the right track and most see this. We cannot save every person who lives in this county from their destructive lifestyle choices and bad life decisions, but we can, will, and do our level best to create great community ammenities, better infrastructure, and great economic opportunities. That's why people are voting with their feet, moving here in droves, and also voting with their actual ballots for our candidates and ballot initiatives. Just keep the blinders on, keep trolling, keep believing the garbage from one facebook chat site, and you, too, can be a foil-hat wearing "irrelevant". LOL
Moving here in droves? According to the UWF HASS Center, there was a net loss of 812 people moved from Escambia county to the neighboring counties of Santa Rosa and Baldwin. That means a loss of property tax and a loss of sales taxes. While people may move here initially they are obviously moving to neighboring counties. The BOCC incumbent benefited from the red wave in FL. If his opponent wasn’t a D he would’ve lost.
D4 Results
Robert Bender (REP) 63.57% 16,989 votes
Myra J. Van Hoose (DEM) 36.43% 9,735 votes
Unofficial Results / Votes Cast
Democratic 34,727 29.92%
Republican 63,478 54.69%
No Party Affiliation 16,089 13.86%
Other 1,772 1.53%
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