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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Today is a Huge Day for Accountability in Florida

The State Board of Education completed a marathon meeting today, culminating in a 6-1 vote to accept Education Commissioner Pam Stewart's cut-score recommendation for assigning school letter grades.

The state board had expressed concerns about accepting these recommendations, as several members stated they felt the cut scores should be more in line with NAEP scores. This sentiment was echoed by business organizations including the Florida Council of 100.

In the end, after a slew of Superintendents from around the state implored the board to accept the recommendation of the commissioner, which would in turn assure these superintendents that their district's school grades would not be impacted significantly, the vote was taken and the board voted to take the staff recommendation on cut scores.

Because of this, the various district's school grades, released late last month in simulations based upon Pam Stewart's cut score recommendation, will ultimately align with the simulations.

The Tampa Bay Times' Jeff Solocheck did a great piece on the meeting, here

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