
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Here is What I Want Beulah Residents to Know

The project to connect the interstate to 9-Mile road at Beulah road will require a total of 104.5 feet.

104.5 feet total.  See the diagram below, from the DOT study....

The southbound artery from the I-10 to Beulah road will be 104.5 feet in width total.  Currently, Beulah road and associated ROW encompass 100 feet.

So to all of those who are concerned that the 4-laning of Beulah Road from the I-10 to 9-Mile road will "Swallow" entire subdivisions, I want you to know that we currently have 100 feet with the existing Beulah Road, and we need a whopping 4.5 feet more to do what is pictured above.

No Subdivisions swallowed, no homes demolished---particularly if we choose alternative 5--the #1 rated alternative.  For more information visit

Alternative 5 is the highest rated option of the 7 alternative corridors for the Beulah Beltway project....

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