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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Escambia County Wins DOAH Appeal!

This land use battle went back and forth like Forest Gump playing ping pong.....costing private citizens' time, legal fees, county staff time, and all kinds of time at BCC meetings.......

County attorney Alison Rogers and her staff are to be commended. 

They achieved a very nice win  yesterday that ends---unequivocally, unambiguously, once and for all-and rather unceremoniously- a long running and expanding land use argument that essentially began with a disagreement between the county, one citizen, and one property owner that has bounced back and forth at meetings and online like Forest Gump's ping pong balls. (was that a run-on sentence?)

But now all of that is over.   finally. finito!

The county was right and the pro se petitioner in this case was wrong, it's really pretty basic and that's the way this ends..

From the order:

"Contrary to the Petitioner's contention, the MU-S FLU category's primary focus is on a mix of uses in a suburban area. See Findings of Fact Nos. 6-8, above.      Indeed, the FLU element of the Comp Plan expresses a purpose and intent to encourage mixed- use development..Also, the Petitioner's focus on the differences between the MU-S and Mixed-Use Urban (MU-U) FLU categories in the Comp Plan was misplaced. The premise that the HC/LI zoning district implements the MU-U FLU category better than it implements the MU-S FLU category was not the issue to be determined in this proceeding.   Rather, it was whether the Ordinance, as amended by the Remedial Ordinance, amending the HC/LI zoning district in the LDC is consistent with the Comp Plan..All other contentions not specifically discussed have been considered and rejected...Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is

ORDERED that the Ordinance, as amended by the Remedial Ordinance, amending the HC/LI zoning district in the County LDC, is consistent with the 2030 County Comp Plan."


Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Black J’AImee fails again.

Anonymous said...

How is this a PERSONAL attack? Maybe a little spin but who wouldn't blame you after the continual bringing up the past sins of the PNJ to try to smear YOU.

If you bring forth a motion and some one votes against it, is that an ATTACK?

The OPT OUT was legal. She did help straighten out some ordinances. It's not all black and white but yes she made it personal and doesn't seem to get it that she does that.

So now the woods in her back yard might not remain woods, but I don't think Wilson can put in a pig farm or industry.

Heavy Commercial. Paint Store!!

And we all learned a lot about land use..and illegal borrow pits..

I'm still wondering if one can kayak down Big Escambia Creek to Escambia River with out winding up in an island getaway homestead. Thanks Campbell Sand and Gravel 7 million dollars tax $$ later.

Anonymous said...

Bury the Hatchet.

It takes Two to Tango.

The ping pong balls going into the bedpan with the crowd of head injured onlookers was a nice creative touch.

"That's about all I got to say bout that."

signed Forrest Gump

Anonymous said...

OMG Did you read the new lawsuit about the Board of Adjustments with OUR Beach access #4 AGAIN with her name on it in it and her testimony AGAIN costing the Taxpayers money to defend? It is so freaking ANAL and crazy crazy craazy nuts.

In it to win it..YOU HAVE GOT TO PUT A STOP TO THIS ABUSE against our taxpayers please.

This is moronic and insane.