
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Deer Run in Beulah: Problems with the Ponds......

Staff of the planning and zoning department identified issues with multiple holding ponds at Deer Run this week....

I received some email traffic late in the week about the situation with a development out in Beulah called "The Preserve at Deer Run."

Two weeks ago, a citizen's complaint drew intense scrutiny on this development that eventually led to  a $24,000.00 fine being levied, along with a very specific order mandating corrective action.

On Thursday of this week, staff from planning and zoning made the decision to NOT issue any more

Certificates of Occupancy (COs) for this development until all deficient issues are addressed---to include multiple issues identified this week with the development's four holding ponds.  from staff:

"All ponds are holding water. There is some erosion on one pond ramp. On another pond there is sediments on the slopes from what appears to run off from home construction."

A different staff member chimed in that "it appears that currently all four ponds are not functioning as designed. I’m attaching Tom’s e-mail to Dana Palermo with WMD. Pond A was in better shape than others at the time of final plat.. all ponds shall be watched throughout 2-year compliance period."

The Builder responded, requesting a meeting.  "I’d like to request a meeting to discuss the current situation at Deer Run. This meeting’s intention is to display DR Horton’s willingness and preparedness to address the county’s concern over issuing additional COs for new homes at Deer Run. Our Remediation plans are currently being formed and the Fl DEP and NWFWMD have both visited the site in recent days to evaluate our BMPs."

Staff will accommodate the builder's request for a site visit with all stakeholders the week of March 22nd--where all the issues with this site will be looked over to include the issues with the ponds and the mud runoff leeching into the wetlands.  I have requested that this meeting be put on my calendar; I will be attending this meeting.


Stephanie P said...

Thank you for keeping us updated! It's heartening to know that the new development is being monitored and addressed. Kudos to the citizens of Beulah for bringing this to the attention of our commissioner

Mel Pino said...

Hi Stephanie, just want to make sure that credit goes where credit is due.

It is a D2 citizen named Margaret Hostetter who became concerned with the violations and reported it. She is also the person who is advocating for a better tree ordianance in the county. She has a great site called "Trees of Escambia County," where she is tracking trees and some development issues:

Melissa Pino
413 SE Baublits Drive

Beth Davis Lucas said...

I entered my reply and my name and hit preview and the whole thing disappeared. What happened?

Jeff Bergosh said...

Beth Davis Lucas--not sure what happened, I do not see any previous comment from you in the moderation folder--all I can say is please add it again and I will post it. Thanks!