
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Florida Parent Trigger Bill SB 1718 Dies on 20-20 vote--Status Quo Wins Again!

Fractured Republican Senate=Win for Status Quo

I received this below email just a short time ago from the FSBA:  (Note:  Since I supported passage of this bill, feel free to email the NAY voters below and ask them why they are against empowering Parents to participate in decsisions regarding  forcing a fix on  chronically failing schools in Florida!!)

Ladies and Gentlemen:

A bit more information on the defeat of SB 1718 -- the Parent Trigger Bill:

The bill died on a 20-20 tie vote.  Below is the record of the vote:

JD Alexander
Thad Altman
Lizbeth Benacquisto
Mike Bennett
Ellyn Bogdanoff
Miguel Diaz de la Portilla
Greg Evers
Anitere Flores
Don Gaetz
Rene Garcia
Andy Gardiner
Mike Haridopolos
Jack Latvala
Joe Negron
Jim Norman
Garrett Richter
David Simmons
Ronda Storms
John Thrasher
Stephen Wise

Nays: (with email address)

Please sent an email to each of the Senators that voted “Nay” to thank them for standing up for the best interests of students, parents, and public education.  Also, please send an email to the following parent groups and thank them for their activism and hard work.  We would NOT have seen this success without their tireless work. [NOTE: we have only listed the leaders of these groups, but there are many others in each group who have worked in this true grassroots effort to defeat this bill.  Please be sure to ask that they share your thanks with the members of their network]

50th No More
Colleen Wood --

Florida PTA
Jean Hovey, President -- Mindy Gould, Legislative Chair --

Fund Education Now
Kathleen Oropeza -- Christine Bramuchi -- Linda Kobert --

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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