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Sunday, March 2, 2014

War on School Choice Part I- De Blasio's Progressive Destruction

Newly elected NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio has already made a number of decisions that have affected his city's residents, from moving slowly on snow removal and storm recovery right after taking office, to ending his predecessor's policy of stop and frisk policing (which many believe has helped geometrically lower crime rates in the city) and now finally to knee-capping charter schools.  Yes, De Blasio has linked arms with the mighty and powerful teacher's unions in the city to stymie and restrict charters in some of the toughest, poverty-stricken areas of NYC.  Ironic that the areas that voted in landslide fashion for progressive De Blasio are now the unfortunate victims of his anti-parent, anti-student, pro-union, and pro-status-quo failed educational policies.  It's sad, I feel sorry for the students...  from the article:

"In a statement, United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew applauded the mayor’s decision. “I’m glad the DOE has taken an important first step in vetoing some particularly troublesome pending co-locations,” he said. “But the solution to Bloomberg’s destructive policies … is to give local schools and communities a real say on how their buildings are used.”But parents said education, and not politics, should be the issue."

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