
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bringing the Restaurants to Beulah!

Setting the Record Straight About Food Trucks - BLAC Detroit Magazine
Beginning next Monday, Escambia County will allow up to four (4) food trucks to park in the Equestrian Center parking lot to allow residents to purchase take-away food.   Due to the Pandemic, social distancing protocols will be mandated and hours limited--but because the Equestrian Center operations are curtailed--the vendor fees will be waived. 

I've lived in Beulah for going on 16 years.  It is a growing vibrant community with great people.

But there is not one (1) restaurant in Beulah.  Not one restaurant.

Previously, the only place to get hot food in Beulah was either 1.)  Tom Thumb  or 2.)  Pizza Delivery.

Now, in addition to the Tom Thumb and the Pizza--there is a recently opened Circle K Superstation that sells Hot Food!  Yay!

But still no restaurants.

Publix is coming, and with it will invariably come some restaurants for Beulah.  In the meantime, though, we can do something unique and out of the box.

We can bring the restaurants to Beulah--via food trucks.

There were conversations online last month about the possibility of bringing food trucks to Beulah, and I was asked about it.  I didn't favor charging these vendors a permit fee and I won't support this.
(Our plan will waive the fee(s) for the vendor trucks that participate.)

I called the parks and recreation director Michael Rhodes and he reported that he had been called on the same issue.  He and I put our collective heads together.  It was discussed with administrator Janice Gilley.  Everyone is now on board.

So here's what it will look like.

Vendors who wish to park at the Equestrian Center to sell food will contact the Equestrian Center manager at 850-941-6042 and fill out the registration forms.  The management will outline the specific process in a press release to be put out later this morning which will discuss:

1.  Process
2.  Hours
3.  Restrictions and Stipulations
4.  Clawback provision for permits if social distancing and grouping protocols are not strictly maintained.

The equestrian center property is large and has a huge parking lot. Social distancing can be accomplished by having the trucks park away from one-another and by patrons maintaining 6-foot separation and not gathering in groups larger than 10.

I think many of the citizens of Beulah will appreciate the opportunity to have closer hot food options, and because this helps a segment of business that is really struggling through the pandemic--this has the potential to be a win-win for Beulah.

Bon appetit!


Alice Hurst Neal said...

Excellent idea!

Jeff Bergosh said...

Thanks Alice. This was actually a community idea that was brought to my attention last week on the Beulah Scoop site... They wanted one truck and some assistance paying the $75.00 daily fee. When I spoke to parks and rec director Michael Rhodes--he reported multiple calls requesting the same thing. So we massaged the initial plan, and improved it. We will now totally waive the fee, and we will allow up to four different trucks to come out. Looking forward to Monday!

Unknown said...

I've been passing the word on Facebook about the coming food trucks and am getting a lot of positive response. Thank you for assisting with getting this set up, and I'm sure it will be successful. A lot of folks on this side of town will be supporting these food trucks.

Anonymous said...

Great job! I’m glad you’re able to make these things happen. Government hearing the people, improving the plan and making it happen. Keep it up as our commissioner!

Hey You! said...

Maybe, just maybe. You should've ask the residents of beulah, especially the ones living across the street and down the street from the equestrian center.

The good part about this is, my Johnathan owens signs will be seen across from the entrance of the equestrian center...
Thank you for the free publicity for my candidate for district 1.

Jeff Bergosh said...

"Hey-You": This idea was never about politics. As I said above, when some community members ran into a brick wall when they had the first iteration of this good idea and it couldn't get over the line-- they asked me to help. Which I did. The Beulah community, by and large, welcomes this idea based upon the massively positive response this idea received online on facebook sites-- and it will be wonderful to have multiple food options for this community which for now only has Tom Thumb roller hot dogs, Circle K microwavable burritos, and delivery pizza as "hot food" choices. About asking "permission": That's not the way this works, this isn't an "absolute democracy", this is a constitutional republic. That means the public elects their representative--which is currently me. And I as the representative of the people make the decisions and the votes. It's not a "poll" for every issue. Do you understand this basic, fundamental civics principle? And about the signs: Yes, all candidates will get some additional exposure, to include Jesse Casey, Jimmy Trotter, Jeff Bergosh, and yes, your guy Doug Underhill's District 2 secretary. ( by the way-- in the latest gravis polls-- which are spot on-- of which I am aware doug underhill's D2 secretary is down 20 points to Jesse for 2nd place silver medal status, just 4 points ahead of Trotter for the bronze medal at the moment): Be that as it may, throwing up signs doesn't win elections, lots of candidates who got silver or bronze medal status on election days of old in Escambia County have realized this. and your guy will be no different--at least that's what the polling indicates at the moment. Meanwhile, I'll have the 'biggest' one in Beulah starting Monday--it will be amazing and yes, although this event is not connected to politics--my big sign will get noticed and seen. By many. :) Meanwhile, instead of being a sour puss on a good idea of hot food variety for Beulah, why don't you come on out to the equestrian center with your neighbors on Monday, and enjoy a big, hot sausage dog or corn dog? Bon appetit!

Anonymous said...

@Hey you,
Hey grumpy old man, stop being a hater. You’re one of those retirees who doesn’t worry about working. You get your government check, pretend to be conservative and are really a left leaning socialist. Those of us with kids pent up and going stir crazy need somewhere to take a break and walk with the kids and keep distance, but enjoy a meal. I’m sorry I moved to Beulah in 2004 ( into a nice subdivision no less). I’m sorry more of my family followed in 2010 and 2017. I’m sorry we have great jobs at Navy Federal. I get it you never wanted this area to grow. You wanted people who owned land to never develop it. You know what? You should have bought all that vacant land. But, you’re poor and a communist. You want no one else to have their American dream realized. Too bad. When you die, donate your land to the government as green space. I won’t hold my breath for that. I’m sure you want your grandkids to have an inheritance, but I want your land as green space. How’s that sound to you, comrade? And your champion Ownes, he’s a deranged Doug crazy. No thank you. We don’t need /want him being deranged’s secretary any more. Stay home Monday. Don’t ruin something positive with your gloomy, selfish, negative attitude.

Anonymous said...

Hey you,
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? This is great for Beulah and the small businesses that will come. Don't ruin it for us. I guess change is hard, but that is what life is. Beulah grew up. So sorry. I guess our leaders could oppose everything, keep the status quo and keep their cushy jobs if they did nothing. Thant's not who I want in office. I want someone who gets things done, like bringing food to Beulah in this crisis. Who listens to his constituents. Wh
o gets things done. Who brings jobs like Navy Federal here, so my kids and grandkids stay here. So sorry. I guess you don't have any family working there. I guess you should apply. Believe me, you will like it.

Underhill's secretary runs the D-2 office. He had to return 20 million dollars in grants for infrastructure improvements in his district. What a great thing for those people. Nothing changed. Nothing improved. The public infrastructure suffered because the secretary can't get things done and his office sent back $20 million dollars! Not real good. Not what I want. No thank you. The secretary, you're choice for an elected position, controls an office that can not (really will not) answer public records requests and has been sued, what 5 times in 6-years, more than any other elected leader (remember the secretary BFF runs the office and compiles the information for a public records requests) in the history of the county. No thank you. Plus, the secretary and Underhill are best friends forever. Days ago, Underhill called his constituents rats and one the P word on his personal facebook account (go look, it's open to the public). Bipolar? probably. Unprecedented here locally? Absolutely. Conduct unbecoming a naval officer (he is a reserve officer, but the Navy can and should administratively separate him for his conduct, which has been done in the past. He is a terrible reflection of the Navy, especially here in the Cradle of Naval Aviation)? Absolutely. Beulah really does not need that type of leader near us. No thank you. The secretary stands with Underhill's comments calling kids monsters, miscreants and telling people to put on P word hats. Come on! Kids! Really? Disagree with them, fine. Calling children names? Unacceptable! And it is truly a shame the United States Navy allows him to remain as a reserve officer when they have all the evidence (Facebook) to administratively separate him. I don't want his secretary who moved from D-2 to D-1 to have any say in my life. No thank you. Your hero brings zero to Beulah. Really, he is the star of less than zero here in Beulah. He would send back money for infrastructure ($20 million dollars!), He would follow his BFF Underhill's lead in bullying and calling constituents names. He would be divisive. He would be on the bottom of 3-2 votes like Underhill is now on the bottom of 4-1 votes. Beulah would suffer with the secretary being in charge. No thank you.

So, on Monday, stay home. Be miserable. Be upset. Be lonely. Be bipolar. Be anti-social. Be whatever. But most of all, be considerate and keep your terrible attitude away from us in Beulah.

Alice Hurst Neal said...

And once again people have managed to take something good for the community and make it political.

Can we please just have five minutes without drama? And if we can throw in a taco and/or gyro, that would be great.

Anonymous said...

The underhand owenhill trolls are coming out of the wood work -- to inflict harm. one is named Danial Kreitzman on and had one profile removed now made another on f/b and then there are the dumb fireman this one is probably Nathan Edler

Anonymous said...

anybody who supports any other candidate than you is probably a moron.

Hey You! said...

Obviously, you didn't talk to the neighbors here on mobile hwy, since I know most of them. You know what wins elections? Talking to your constituents in person and integrity, which you know nothing about. BTW, ill be reporting yours signs that are illegally placed to the appropriate dept. Many of them i see on lillian hwy, mobile hwy etc.
And BTW, calling me a sour puss, is beneath the office you hold, which is why you need to leave it. You are an embarrassment to our community. Oh ill be there! So you can see me in person.
Than running and hiding in a blog.
Have a great day!

Hey You! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey You! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Godzilla at work again.

Anonymous said...

Godzilla is at work again

Hey You! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

See Hey you is a moron complaining about anonymous comments and thinks "an entity" called "they" approves comments.

Anonymous said...

How will I know who "Hey you" is at the park?


Anonymous said...

Probably by the drool coming off his chin and repeating himself.

Anonymous said...

This guy “Hey You” is a hoot. He threatens you. Complains you called him a “sour puss”, but his guy is the head secretary for Doug underwhelm, who calls his constituents the P word. That’s rich. And, then, complains about anonymous blogs as he posts on your blog anonymously. You can’t make this stuff up! And, by the way, he’ll see you at the food trucks tomorrow. You know, just so you know he’s there. But wait, he’s anonymous, so you won’t know he’s there. I think he wants to go and eat, even though he doesn’t want food trucks there. “Hey You,” time to wake up!

Anonymous said...

How does this affect you in any way? How is it an issue for you or other residents? Get a grip. Just some doofy old man who's bored and trying to be on a power trip... get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Are we allowed to laugh in these troubled times?

Reminds me of a couple of Pink Floyd Songs

Hey YOU and Comfortably Numb

"But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high
As you can see
No matter how he tried
He could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain...."

Go Owenhill

Here's your sign

Hey You! said...

If this is best Jeff bergosh can do, beulah has plenty to worry about. A good truck gathering with no food trucks, ha ha ha ha

Shaved ice, and a whacked put weiner trailer..

Ha ha ha ha.
What a joke. Totally embarrassing moment for you Jeff.

Even wear tv showed, and left without filming. Ha ha ha ha.

I bet kray kray Mel and joon
Had a dog, at the whacked out weiner. Ha ha ha..

Priceless: food truck gathering with no food trucks.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Hey You! said...

Hi kray kray. Did you seek the help you needed?.


Anonymous said...

Aw "Hey You" removed his comments...yet again..
Guess he had to go back to dunderhand owenhill hideout for the next attack plan.
The ranks are thinning.

Unknown said...

Dude WTF is wrong with you? This is your fight? THIS is the fight you choose to have? FOOD TRUCKS? No restaurants in Beulah and you choose to make a thing about food trucks parked at the equestrian center? Are you frigging mental?

Unknown said...

hahahaha no... wrong. Maybe you should check on that before you actually post nonsense moron

Anonymous said...

He’ll be standing with Owens and Simmons