
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Sheriff Chip Simmons Endorses Commissioner Jeff Bergosh in the August 20th Republican Primary Election!

 Today Escambia County Sheriff Chip W. Simmons officially endorsed our re-election campaign with this post on his Facebook page.  

I'm humbled for the support, and very appreciative of his vote of confidence and the kind words.  I look forward to the working with the Sheriff over the next four years!


Anonymous said...


I was thinking about what you said when visited with the BLM speaker in 2020 and you told him defunding the police was the most ridiculous thing you had ever heard -- In fact let's give the sheriff deputies RAISES.


Mel Pino said...

FANTASTIC week! It's seems stupid to even type that this is a *huge* endorsement, Commissioner Bergosh. Sheriff Simmons does not take these things lightly. Another mark of your well-earned respect among local leadership.

This, the PBA endorse, and Pam's bogus attempt to get her husband installed SOE all happening in one week?

There just aren't too many happy and satisfying moments of hard-earned acknowledgment like this. Hope you take a bit of time to spend with your wife and family before another weekend of connecting with constituents.

Anonymous said...

I trust Chip. He was re-elected without opposition. Which means, he can speak his mind, or not. Here, he endorsed you for clear reasons of your efforts and accomplishments for first responders. Logically, he’s unbiased and has nothing to gain by this. Your endorsements are 4 aces (Sheriff Simmons, Congressman Gaetz, Michelle Salzman, the police union). Compared to the pair of deuces ( Comptroller Childers, who can’t read the requirements to run for an election; and Koehler, who I predict will never be vice chair or chair of the county Commission) for Stromberger. Childers has too much baggage and grudges to be impartial. ECW, you call it hate watch, hasn’t mentioned Chip’s endorsement of you. I guess they will ignore that fact, but everyone knows.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon 2:45, Mel Pino, and Anon 10:20--Thank you! 10:20 you NAIL the logic part of the endorsement equation that the hate watch club in the echo chamber do not comprehend: None of these Conservative, Republican leaders who are all either re-elected without opposition or will be re-elected in landslides come August or November--not one of them is forced to make an endorsement. Actually--many similarly situated elected officials, Like Michelle, Chip, and Matt---would not be inclined to endorse for many good reasons. You are right--they get nothing from it. That's why the endorsements are so HUGE. They've looked over the slate in my race for Republican D1 commissioner in the August 20th primary---and they endorsed the best candidate. Period, end of discussion. And folks that are rational (not the lobotomized freak show of sock puppets and foil hat wearers and clowns on a few conscripted, corrupted facebook chat sites) get the gravity and the magnitude of the power of these endorsements by the most respected, conservative, and popular local Republican Leaders! I believe I have even more coming--but in the meantime I am very, very humbled and grateful for the endorsements from Chip, Michelle, and Matt---and the dozens of other citizens, leaders, and others---- you can read them all here

Anonymous said...

Good news, the Sheriff made a wise choice, and he is a great Sheriff for us!