
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, June 28, 2019

County's Response to Medical Director's Attorney: Direct Communication with Without Legal Interference Permitted

The legal staff prepared a response to the letters sent to HR and County Legal from the attorney for our Medical Director.

Although the legal staff apparently must abide by what has been requested by Dr. Edler's lawyer--other county staff and personnel, in the day to day operation of the county, have no such obligation.

From the below letter:

"Please advise your client that her duties and responsibilities as an employee of Escambia County require her to communicate with her supervisors, department directors, and employees within the departments of Public Safety and Corrections on all matters arising from the course and scope of her employment with Escambia County and without your having to be present and without the communication having to be made through you or any other attorney in your law firm"


Anonymous said...

Oh... that ought to settle that whole situation once and for all. I'm sure she's at her desk clearing that backlog of calls and e-mails right now. Problem solved... I'm sure nothing more will come of it.

Anonymous said...

1)I don't really like to be in the middle of controversy but there is a difference between not having a license and having a credential issued perhaps by mistake.
This EMS debacle is looking ridiculous. It looks like insubordination to refuse counseling recommended by some one higher up in the county hierarchy.

2) I hope the City of Pensacola has the plaintiffs on the Bay View Cross pay all legal fees and put a stop to those people stealing from the taxpayers nationwide via the court system.

3) If the BOCC funds all those outside agencies I'm getting a 501C and lining up next year for the gravy train. Watching that segment on video sure did tell the tale and D3 sticking up for them is starting to look like some are asking for a free pass and receiving it. I can get the title "Reverend" from a cereal box..See you next year :)

Mel Pino said...

It is very sad that at a time this county needs steady, competent, and caring leadership, we have higher-ups like Dr. Edler who apparently are well-versed in how to game the system to inflict damage.

No matter.

People who operate like this seem to think themselves immune. Oftentimes they experience their most serious pushback just when they believe that they have muted the opposition.

It never ceases to amaze me when someone has obliterated his or her credibility, in a manner that can't be walked back, and yet double down on their failed tactics.

Everybody knows that poker player who loses his shirt time and again, but still goes into every hand squinting side eye.

There is a handful of networked bad actors in the County who are making life miserable for a large number of faithful public servants. And apparently they don't understand that there is a tidal wave of citizen resistance to their conniving, lack of transparency, and abuses of power.

I see these people taking advantage of a County culture that is, to my mind, weighted too heavily towards risk aversion. What they seem to be discounting is that there are a lot of citizens in our community who are willing and able to counter their influence, and aren't afraid of doing so. Many of us have worked against scare tactics for a quite some time now.

It pains me each time I think of the EMS Staff who don't have the flexibility private citizens have to combat tactics that in some cases manage to be megalomaniac and hairbrained at the same time.

A last note: many of us are familiar with, and experienced in, some of the legal tactics that are being bandied about. I've seen more effective graffiti scrawled on the walls of the bathroom stalls in Kiwi's.

-Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

What is the status of the DOH investigation? It has been almost three months. The portal shows if probable cause is found then it is no longer confidential and that notifications will be sent periodically. So if the County self reported themselves, then will you publish what has been determined?

Maybe that will put this to rest, County takes appropriate action then move on.

From the portal:

"The complaint is reviewed for possible violations of the licensee’s practice act. If a violation may have occurred it is investigated and referred to the Prosecution Services Unit for a determination of probable cause. If probable cause is found, the case is referred to the board for disciplinary action; 10 days after an administrative complaint is filed the case becomes public. If probable cause is not found the case is closed and remains confidential."

Anonymous said...

She is passing out those intimidating letters like someone passing an AMA to get enhanced training in a BOCC meeting

Anonymous said...

So most know the Medical director apparently attempted to force a decision on the board using the Against Medical Advice form, has now retained an attorney and filed a suit against a private citizen citing FL Chapter 401 and 456 in an apparent similar coercion as using the AMA used the BOCC.

So what does the county think about their employee also intimidating citizens with legal suits and bogus medical jargon claims that have nothing to do with it.

Will you let that continue? Unaddressed?

Do you approve?

Anonymous said...

Please as a county be aware you have this employee filing suit on citizen that will most likely be turned around as a clear violation of first amendment protections and in turn will reflect back on you. Consult your attorney. We see the resignations and unfortunately realize its a CYA and less expensive way to deal with issues. One could have cleared this up in another way. Again the public is not always unable to read between the lines. You sacrifice employees. Read the latest legislation. Are you going to let this individual get away with these abuses? Don't be spineless and sacrifice more people. Yes it's quiet out there... Publish the report. It did not have to come to this and it needs to stop. Do you support free speech or not? Only when its convenient? I hope not. 2015 legislation. Read it FL statutes.Its not about the drama. Its about the true spirit of a public servant being able to handle criticism and critique. Elder vs Pino Don't be a coward.

Anonymous said...

In light of the PNJ piece 3/2/20 with the terms "embattled, scandal and secret", the Rick's Blog saying "it's Time to eat Frogs", the link about DOH reports and availability linked above in this blog--

It's past time to come clean on whether the DOH complaints and FDLE investigation were valid.

About the time they brought in Kilgore, last summer and people were looking for answers and these letters were introduced, don't you imagine those two in supervisory positions were trying to figure out what was happening.