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The new definition of insanity: Opposing a practice and a policy for others that one participates in himself |
There was a rather ugly, particularly unnecessary discussion at the end of a recent board of county commissioners meeting that desperately deserves further discussion, analysis, and contemplation.
The topic of conversation that generated the dust up was one commissioner's apparent "disapproval" of another commissioner's allocations from his office's district discretionary fund. The reason the angst and gnashing of teeth was so hypocritical was because the commissioner who complained the loudest (and who ultimately voted against the expenditure) has he, himself, allocated tens of thousands to other non-profit community groups locally over the last 5 years. Imagine that? Here is the mentally-defective, whacked-out logic from the one dissenting commissioner that made that brief conversation so fascinatingly strange:
"If I want to fund a 501 c 3 of which I approve--- even if it is for $10,000.00 or more at a time----this is perfectly acceptable because this is an entity of which I approve--and therefore it is legitimate!!!!!"
"But if another commissioner--whom I dislike and with whom I disagree on a host of issues-- chooses to fund $500.00 to a local 501 c 3 supporting girl's softball at a school in his district--this is an OUTRAGE and it is CORRUPTION!!!!!!"
So yeah--it's ridiculous, outrageous, and it was kind of weird in a surreal way--but not entirely unexpected. The funny thing is, prior to this meeting, I do not believe there has ever been a vote on a request from one commissioner's discretionary fund that was not approved unanimously by his peers. We all show a level of deference to one another on these requests. Well, that is how it has typically been done---but I guess that is not going to be the way it is going forward. Oh well. He will rack up a lot more 4-1 losses.......lots.
But eventually last Thursday's vote passed 4-1--with the dissenting commissioner opposing all the allocations. Interestingly-- another counterpart of mine on the dais even chose to add money from his discretionary funds to the same entities to be funded. That was really great! And the 4-1 commissioner voted against it all still. Very strange indeed.
(here is the list of all commissioner's allocations from the general fund and TDT supported pots of discretionary funds from 2015-present--for those that want to see for themselves that I am telling the truth 👈😊)
Here's the thing: Commissioners each get an allocation of $50,000.00 yearly to support 501 c 3 community nonprofits for which individual commissioners feel benefit the community and serve a public purpose. Unexpended funds roll forward. The vote of the commissioners for each other's allocations is the public action that signifies such expenditures meet a public purpose.
But even with the vote, the expenditure is scrutinized, paperwork must be provided to staff and all
allocations are made strictly on a reimbursement basis--meaning no money is sent from the county until such time as proof of 501 c 3 status is sent to the county staff and receipts/invoices showing the public purpose for which expenditures were requested have been made.
There is a process, and staff follows it religiously.
No, there are no blank checks sent with no back-end reporting--that does not happen in this process.
And this process has been going for years at the county--since before I came aboard. (I have suggested that we cut this allocation in half- a request that did not receive support.)
If a commissioner has an issue with this allocation and process--he should seek to change the policy by getting two additional votes to support a change. Absent that--the dissenting commissioner could always voluntarily reject his allocation. This counterpart does neither.
But to suddenly go apoplectic over a process that has been established and ongoing in an attempt to display a kind of kabuki-esqe faux outrage---that's just rank, hypocritic stupidity on parade.
Yes Underhill lies
I saw that after a few weeks.
In my book anyone who supports him or his ilk is either stupid, complicit or just like him.
The list is endless.
I think before you all were on to him, you all voted (with the attorney's consent) to also let him have 20K in addition to the discretionary funds you all have on the Perdido Inlet Management Program to wine and dine navy people. There is a PRR email where he asked her about it and you all voted to let him have it. Any body who tries to point that out is ostracized, sued, defamed, labeled crazy, PRR request on their emails to commissioners lumped together as political. And he still won D2 seat. He takes his aide on these excursions and now he's running for a seat against you.
By reading between the lines, prediction The Rinke roundabout will be on the horizon because the aide wife works for Rinke and the Administrator on the civic con/ PNJ dog and pony show hinted about it..You know the LOST discussion $ spent in D5 complaint. etc
INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC SAFETY blah blah blah.. He wants the money for his neighborhood.
I saw the discussion at the meeting, Horizontal vertical..like wth?
Then he gets on facebook and spins his rants and yarns and rhetoric..filled with lies and people believe him. People are catching on though. Drew finally got him on the Triumph rant. Wonder if Drew will get kicked off ECW and banned next. If you stay quiet there you don't get booted.
Don't really know much about his aide..looks like he's trying to look clean and nice. Birds of a Feather..
He really could be a case study. So much time wasted. That is what those types want though, to steal your time and energy and take over the message and use anyone they can along the way.
His shows on 4-1 with OLF 8 was telling, then he wanted it for his donor. PAC Clearwater LLC
He calls everyone corrupt when he is the epitome of the same. He says he's a fiscal conservative and reformer but just wants the endorsements of the unions -- The LOST for himself.
He actually wants the discretionary but makes a show of it..He has been doing it on social media prior. blaming everybody else for what he does himself. He's mad you aren't paying HIS legal fees.
In real life, psychologists say avoid these individuals. They will complicate your life.
Ask the people who have been SLAPPED.
Maybe it's all part of the game though..
Talks about transparency and uses his chairmanship to call a meeting over memorial weekend.
Get a few people on a MSBU to pay for their own streetlights and friend them on facebook and they'll be their foolish lapdogs...
As far as the thread about Triumph on ECW.. what is Dosev running for? I have never heard via a keyboard a more loudmouth know-it-all pom-pas ass bigmouth..he is actually worse than our worse on the board. Birds of a feather.
Anyway, thanks for supporting the youth with the discretionary.
Bergosh 2020
What about his aids James Owens traveling with him on every trip DU takes on the county dime. What’s up with that? How much is that over 6 years? $50,000? Again, what’s up with that? I can’t quit you!
I’m still amazed at how this Baffin he has an audience at all. He says he’s here to run out the corrupt and end the cronyism and good ole boy system plaguing our area.
Who he directs this effort against us individuals actually from this are who have become successful in life.
He is jealous. He will never be able to inspire like these folks have and he should be embarrassed as being the only one in his parade, tooting his own horn.
The reason he’s alone in these 4-1 votes is that he’s the only one who did not spend his child hood here. So how would he know what we need or want.
We laugh so hard every time we here him say “we on the Westside”. He’s not one of us because he lives on Perdido Key or puts out his own PR when he ventures out and eats in one of our neighborhood restaurants.
Don’t worry yourself with this juvenile, petty, chubster. He wishes he could have the success the 4 of you have.
Commissioner I appreciate your blogs.
I am curious about Underhill's rail and defamatory claim on facebook against past interim administrator Amy Lavoy (that he also ran off -- as well as the public safety director)
In light of looking at the agenda for the February 6 meeting and the county budget; I see there are several adjustments being made by transfers. The jail being ahead of schedule and under budget seems to have affected the county budget favorably. It looks like you have MUCH more to work with because of that. I believe C. Barry was careful and kept quiet over site over that construction. I wonder if he will have anything to say there. He is careful about staying out of the Underhill lies though. Of course it was borrowed money. Why not just return the bond, however that works.
Many realize community efforts, economic development, libraries, roads, parks and all the other departments are crucial for a balanced local government to oversee and are not impressed with blowhards D2.
Hopefully during the meeting and in another informative blog you will write more about the budget overall.
I am for the second amendment sanctuary proposal though. Several other counties are passing similar resolutions. As bad as the sheriff department is, with top heavy administration and no over site and not getting the raises to the deputies from 2017 fiasco, a democrat just might have a chance and we certainly don't need our rights to be thwarted overall
I wonder if the jail will be given back to the sheriff after completion.
Please let us know if the county pays for the employee's legal bill (Edler) to sue citizens, if it is bypassed as an agenda item. Are they paid, yes or no?
Growth on Kingsfield pig trail will be outlandish though, and the Opt outs of the sector plan aren't good imo. Don't pull a May and defer to another district. You all voted 5-0 on that one though. WHY? Yes it was a long meeting and Barry will outlast you and slip his stuff in at the end even. Do you know he paid the Century chamber of commerce money to the local media. You voted to let him do that also. I bet you see nothing derogatory there about him from NE. Money talks. It was for advertisement space.
Find out exactly what the 20K discretionary on his Perdido Inlet management was spent on. Did he get the money himself and use it to eat out and and buy booze with his aide and smooch up on Navy people?
How did that help the community?
Who was the check cut to and how was it accounted for.
Find the email where he asks whether he can use his county money for that with the PIMP. --
If you want to waste more time on the jerk.
Do you think Steven saying thank you to Robert and ignoring him and adjourning is really the best way to handle him going forward.
We don't need two of them on the board.
If you are going to do a deep dive into what the Inlet management plan 20K was spent on, might want to check on the change orders for the living shoreline project about that time.
Who was that paid to? about 50K or so. Will you look into that also?
It may bring insight to him trying to get Pino to shut up, get her kicked off ECW facebook before she got a tow hold and also D2 not fulfilling public records requests about same. Perhaps also why he ran off the financial wizard Lavoy. And why he is talking bad about her now publicly. Cover tracks and walk all over anyone who sees through him at an cost perhaps? What next? Note he is saying he ran off the corrupt staff, similar to how he says you are all corrupt, Triumph is corrupt, business leaders are corrupt ad nauseam.
Did he use screen shots to give to Edler to sue Pino.
Why is the board complicit?
Like a cancer it grows.
I do not believe it is the role of government to fund charity. Government at its best is a necessary evil and should only do what only governments can do. The funding of charities should be left up to private citizens. Doug Underhill spends far less of his discretionary funds then any of the other commissioners. He may not be 100% pure when aligning his discretionary spending with his view of the role of government. But by and large he does have his priorities right when it comes to government expenditure
DU spends money how he wants. Don’t question him. But, his motives are pure. The rest of you are not pure. He took money from the Bear family during his first election. He was pure. You take it for your first election from the Bear family. You’re impure. Ask Black heart Blix J’Aimee. She’ll tell you. She’s pure from church today. Maybe not. Remember, PAC money from Developer Mirable from Tennessee is pure. Anything the rest of you do is impure. See? His AIDS, John Owned traveling with Doug and sharing a room. Is pure. Wait, they had adjoining rooms A la I can’t quit you. Doug will spend county money like a drunken sailor. But he’s pure. The other 4 of you are not, especially you, May and Barry. Bender gets it in two years. Everyone of you are bad. Get it. Doug spends money, but is pure. Just ask Black J’Aimee Blix. She’ll never address it on her hateful little blog. She’s pure and so is STDU.
Did you see the comment asking about underhand and owenhill using the tourist development tax $$ they used to travel to Canada together? Its on ECW. Look into that and the 20k ... Whohooo...
Does the BOCC allow the county administrator to create new positions, restructure the organizational chart, terminate, set policy with no checks and balances? I see there is a new position on the agenda. Is that always the case?
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