
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

How Will We Pay to #OpenOurBeach ?

Beach Access #4 has been locked and off-limits to the public for the last 7 years since the county paid just over $3Million to acquire this parcel for habitat conservation and public access.  We have done the work, we have the plan, and I have identified a source to complete the project.  It is time for us, finally, to #OpenOurBeach.  

Some folks have speculated on the "how" question.

Now that the Restore Act Project has been pulled back, in order to use restore act funds to #OpenOurBeach at Perdido Key Beach Access #4 we would have to start from scratch, build a new project, vet it, take public comment, and re-submit it to the US Treasury.  That could be an option, but that would take too long.

We could always seek to utilize TDT funds (hotel tax monies)--however that would also be a circuitous process, as the law changed in 2018 and now any infrastructure-related expenditures of these funds require a study indicating the tourist related impact necessitating the expenditure.   Additionally, the law requires that the local Tourist Development Council bless any such expenditure.  So this could happen, but again it would be a long process.

General fund dollars could always be used--but even I would not support expenditure of general fund dollars for this project.

So this really leaves few options for this funding.  LOST IV is already overspent for the first 4 years and there are no residual funds from LOST III that could be used.  This I confirmed with the budget and finance office yesterday.

But after going through multiple sources and scenarios, I finally came to a funding source that is available, unallocated, and ready for utilization.

"These funds would be an allowable source to fund the Perdido Key Beach Access Project"  Said attorney Alison Rogers yesterday evening when I asked her about this funding source in particular.

"There are more than enough funds there to do this if the board directs it" said Stephan Hall when I asked him about this specifically in my weekly conference call yesterday evening.

I intend to discuss this funding source this morning during our Committee of the Whole when we discuss this project.

We will #OpenOurBeach!


Anonymous said...

People should watch this video

Anonymous said...

That was a great discussion on ECTV video. From the body language of having Bender's chair as a wall around DUD2.. D2 pen clicking and grabbing the post it note, the prepared gibberish garbage speech by D2. The little smile by Chairman Barry when he mentioned whether D2 would use his discretionary funds. The glance between you two. HA HA. (yeah like the 20K PIMP $ was used in Mayfair)No poker faces there this time.

Too bad the RESTORE for more Perdido Beach access purchases was pulled from the MYIP. Who did that?

Note this was not covered on ECW. That's what they do.

The two of you were masters today. THANK YOU BOTH


Open our public beach.

Next remove the no trespassing signs along the way also.

Anonymous said...

It was May's chair not Bender's.

Anonymous said...

When the PNJ article Little just published hits PNJ facebook you should post your blogs. The Beach Access is not political. It belongs to the people and the Board and county knows it.

Apparently not everyone watches these meetings and is not well informed though, evident by the people that still support Underhill's bluster and gibberish rhetoric on his page.

Off topic but regarding what was mentioned in the Commissioner forum today:

Some one should write an article about Bender Luth and Robinson and the county hazard mitigation employee sent to California as the delegates fly in from Singapore and are met in California. It's no secret the aeroshow had reduced attendance and that Singapore is a hub. We don't want a "gift" and are concerned, for not only them but for our area. If that COVID-19 starts to spread locally then all this will seem to go on the back burner. Hopefully every one doesn't have their heads in the sand.

Anonymous said...

I know Blackhearted Black J'Aimee Blix condemns the mayor for traveling to Singapore and wishes for his sickness/quarantine/demise and complains about a boondoggle, but I think she should honestly see how much money Underhill spends on taking his aides J. Owned on all boondoggle trips they go on (Think "I can't quit you"). Of course, Black J'Aimee never mentions that, because she likes him and hates Bender and Mayor Grover. Hence, her name as Black Hearted Black J'Aimee Blix. Unerdill/Ownesd dozens of boondoggle's add up to a ton of money. Probably enough to cover opening the beach. Underhill has been on the board for 6 years and has never opened any beach space for normal citizens. He protects his rich donors like the condo owners across the street to exclusively and privately use this parcel and also protects and pushes business to his rich donor and PAC donator friend Mirable from Tennessee.

Anonymous said...

Where did the sand come from that restored the Beach on Perdido after Ivan.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 4:09--I have heard others ask this question and I do not know the answer. But I am going to ask. I have seen pictures online that seem to illustrate large-scale renourishment of the beach at Perdido Key after Hurricane Ivan--but I am not sure of the implications of this. The beaches to the condos out there are marked "Private Property" with "No Trespassing" signs all the way down the beach. I am going to ask the Environmental division the history of this. It is my understanding that if private beaches are re-nourished after a storm with public dollars--such beaches from that point on become public beaches. I'll copy the County Attorney on this email and ask her opinion on this as well.

Anonymous said...

You are the best. Thank you for looking into this.