
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

County to Unveil new 2020 Pandemic Plan Today

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The County will be unveiling an updated, 2020 Pandemic Plan later today.  Once received, I will share it here.

Escambia County Commissioners received the below update from Administrator Gilley late Saturday evening on some additional steps the County will be taking this upcoming week:

"I wanted to provide an update for you related to our efforts for COVID-19 today. 
  • Eric Gilmore and I have been working on creating a detailed Escambia County Community Pandemic Plan Guidance document and a Division of Emergency Management - Escambia County Pandemic Plan for 2020.  We should have them ready for your review tomorrow.  These two documents in conjunction with the Escambia County FDOH Pandemic Influenza plan will provide guidance to our emergency operations team as we continue to experience this very fluid situation.

  • Eric will be calling a meeting with the ESF-8 organizations to come to the EOC to discuss these response documents either Monday or Tuesday.

  • Laura Coale and Jana Still have been working on draft FAQs for the employees that I will also provide tomorrow after legal approval.

  • Eric participated on the State FDEM Call today and here are the points of interest:

    • If a county has a case the local EOC should activate to a level 2.
    • The local EMs asked for better communication for changes that effect their current operations.  State informed the locals that they we not being communicated to as well.
    • Local EMs asked for more continuity across the state at this time every county seems to be activating their own plans with no state guidance or continuity.
    • National guard has been deployed to South Florida to assist in heavily impacted areas.

I will touch base again tomorrow."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you.