
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Redistricting Discussions Begin

 And they began with a bang at yesterday's COW.

And I'll preface this post by reiterating what I've already said publicly:  1.)  I'm the only elected representative on the BCC Dais that has gone through redistricting--I was a part of the 2010 redistricting 2.) We should not rush this and try to complete it in three months when it takes 6-7 months to do it properly  3.)  I'll work in whatever timeline the majority of the board wish to proceed in--but statutorily we are not mandated to complete it this year;  the requirement we have is that we can only complete the process in an odd numbered year.

Prior to yesterday--here is what had happened with respect to D1:  I had spoken to each of my D1 counterparts (School Board Member Kevin Adams and ECUA member Vicki Campbell) on the topic of redistricting specifically--and we had general consensus on how we would like to proceed.  D1 is geographically long,  and the sitting, elected members of D1 offices reside in the extreme north (Kevin Adams, Jeff Bergosh ---Beulah)  and the extreme south (Vicki Campbell, Perdido Bay)  so our general boundaries will stay relatively static--in order not to disenfranchise and unseat existing incumbents.  

While recognizing we have to "give" numbers of voters (translating to portions of precincts or possibly entire precincts) to D2 and D3 which both lost population--what we do not have to do and what I won't agree to do is allow D2 Commissioner Underhill to unilaterally cherrypick which areas of D1 he "wants."  He spoke a lot yesterday and didn't say much, a bunch of meaningless gobldygook about who he thinks wants to be in his district and "equities" among other mumbo-jumbo that was unimportant.   And he obviously hasn't done his research on the southern portion of D1 if he so cavilerly was going to knock an ECUA incumbent out of D1 and take 3 schools out of the boundaries of the D1 school board member----massively imbalancing that board and leaving D1 with 7 schools and D2 with 13 schools.

He was unprepared, and in reality his contribution to the process is not really significant---as he has publicly announced multiple times he is not running again for office.  He's a lame duck.   His wife has even stated this as well on public facebook chat sites, multiple times, saying they have a "countdown" going as to when he leaves office.  (What she probably doesn't realize is a lot of us are doing that same countdown too 😛 )

So these, and many others really,  are just the very topical, initial reasons why what D2 proposed yesterday goes right into the garbage heap, it's a non-starter.

While it appears that D5 and D4's minor adjustments may be easy and non-complex---D1, D2, and D3 will not be.  If we're going to attempt to "rush" the process (which I do not support) then an approach which makes sense is to start out with a map that makes sense--the 2000 map--and add/subtract as appropriate and necessary from there.  That's what we'll be doing going forward.  And along the way we will invariably have to compromise on some aspects.  But if we are going to rush it--this is where we will start from the perspective of the 3 elected D1 officeholders.  Otherwise, I'd just as soon do it the right way, with adequate time and attention to detail, in 2023 (As I have stated multiple times now).

I'll be discussing this issue with Rick Outzen later this morning on Real News with Rick Outzen on WCOA at 8:15.  

When I get the podcast back, I'll post it here.


Anonymous said...

I think it’s time for Commissioner Underhill to resign.

For Immediate Release September 15, 2021
Kerrie J. Stillman or Lynn Blais 850.488.7864
May be accessed online at TALLAHASSEE—September 15, 2021—Meeting in Tallahassee on September
10th in closed session, the Florida Commission on Ethics took action on 37 matters, Vice Chair John Grant announced today. A finding of probable cause is not a determination that a violation has occurred. Such a determination is made only after a full evidentiary hearing on the allegations.
The Commission considered a complaint filed against Escambia County Commissioner DOUGLAS UNDERHILL. The Commission found probable cause to believe that Mr. Underhill misused his position by publicly sharing or publishing confidential transcripts, including minutes from Escambia County Commission meetings. Probable cause also was found to believe the information he disclosed was only available to him as a public officer and gained by reason of his official position. Probable cause was found on three allegations that related to Mr. Underhill soliciting
donations through a GoFundMe page including soliciting donations from a vendor, lobbyist or principal of a lobbyist of the County, accepting prohibited donations to his personal legal defense fund from a vendor, lobbyist or the principal lobbyist of the County, and failing to disclose reportable gifts in excess of $100 on a From 9, Quarterly Gift Disclosure. Regarding two additional allegations relating to the reporting of gifts, probable cause was found to believe Mr. Underhill failed to report on a Form 9, Quarterly Gift Disclosure, free personal legal services, provided by a law firm, as well as travel and shipping expenses provided to him by a non-profit organization. Allegations Mr. Underhill published his GoFundMe legal defense fund to social media, solicited free legal services from a lobbyist/vendor, accepted free legal services from a lobbyist or vendor, had a conflicting employment or contracted relationship with the Pensacola Sports Association, Inc., and an allegation that Mr. Underhill solicited, and then accepted, reimbursement for travel and expenses from an organization that accepting funding from the County were dismissed with a finding of no probable cause.

Anonymous said...

The Commission found probable cause to believe that Mr. Underhill misused his position by publicly sharing or publishing confidential transcripts, including minutes from Escambia County Commission meetings…. Who all did Commissioner Underhill give confidential transcripts to? Alex Arduini and Jacqueline Underhill to post on ECW? Tsk Tsk.

Anonymous said...

COW video 9/14

about minute 30

worth the watch.

Lumon wants the beach while ya'll are at it (tongue in cheek), Barry -- slight smile, Doug going on and on and on about Mayfair with Lumon.

Doug is worried one day he may have to call you his commissioner.

He really should have stayed off Escambia Citizen Watch facebook running his mouth (typing) about anybody and everybody..seriously..what did he expect?

He looked dark and tired and run down.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.