
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Nope, the PNJ Will Never See Leadership That's All Around Them In Escambia County.....

Rick Outzen's Monday morning podcast on leadership is a great listen.

He really thoughtfully articulates what a lot of us understand already.

Pensacola is full of leaders---not just in government but in the private sector as well.  Lots of leaders doing great things for the benefit of the community.

But Gannett's strategy appears to be to always find the negative--particulary among elected local officials.  Find the scandal, find the dirty laundry, find something unflattering.  Report on it, and monetize THAT.

Dirt sells.  Can't find any--just make it up then.  Add in cartoons, unflattering editorials, and stories that are biased.

Welcome to the PNJ!

Rick details the sheer number of negative versus positive editorials from the PNJ over the last month.  It is really eye-opening.

Check it out, give it a listen here.  


Anonymous said...

But if pnj admitted to any good leadership it will ruin downtown power player’s plans for their new form of government that want so darn bad. The pesky mayor and board got in their way on a couple matters and they couldn’t handle that.

Melissa Pino said...


Thank you for featuring Rick's podcast, Commissioner Bergosh. It's a breath of fresh air across the stench of corrupt bias that has been pouring out of that paper lately. Your Real Talk interview with him this morning was also really helpful towards counteracting the disinformation train on the 401(a) that continues to chug along from the PNJ, ECW, and, sadly, the Clerk's office. (Doug spent yesterday throwing down lies about it on his press secretary JAR's site, verbally abusing other commenters, and pretending what was *clearly* early notes Alison Rogers made on who *might* be eligible for the local option her attempt to fake a definitive list. The fact that she has "four commissioners" up tops indicates that this was NOT a definitive list, but Doug of course swung it in the false direction that she fabricated the list for the appearance of buy-in. Because there is no lie so stupid the man won't say it, and the dwindling band of bootlickers over there won't believe it.)

The PNJ as a whole flipped their script and clearly put Doug under their protection during the 2018 election, which was the sure sign that, while he had completely bombed out for his bosses on Pensacola Beach, Downtown wasn't done yet squeezing a beat-up stone for juice. (Tanking OLF8 master planning scores in DPZ's favor; allying with Ms. Gilley to blow up the commission, chaos-make at the County, attempt to destroy the County's Public Safety, and purge the pay rolls of institutional knowledge; absent himself from the Downtown shoreline during redistricting; continue advocating for cutting down heritage trees to help send all of the County's tree fund Downtown; etc.).

But their "Editorial Team" is really showing which side their bread is buttered on in the last few months, not even trying to hide how hard they are shilling for various nabobs and would-be kingmakers. And it's truly disturbing how vicious and distorted they are willing to go for the development strategists downtown running the Rainbow and Glitter campaign to shoehorn development counter to what the citizens or the majority of the City Council want (time for some "charrettes" steering the cattle back into their chutes and feeding them the proper desires).

It's very clear they Need. More. Money, and the natural place to go get it is the taxpayers of Escambia. What better way to get it than to cram a vote on the next ballot so Escambia taxpayers can check the box to elect a county administrator--something it won't be difficult to convince the QAnon and conspiracy theory ranks to do, which is why Andy has been cultivating their readership with sadistic and sexualized cartoons. It's clearly a plan cooked up to appeal to voters' basest instincts so they will unwittingly tax themselves to death, as Downtown's chosen administrator sends all of the County resources down to the Main Street waterfront and the residential condo builders who are getting ready to ruin it.

They've got their Bread and Circus, their peacock, a Clerk, a Millennial Mayor, their Dirty Dozen, and the Usual Suspects slipping around par for the course. What they don't have any more is an effective social media disinformation war room, since those of us who recognized it was a cancer on our community a few years ago have for all intents and purposes won our battle to expose that site and its "Administrator" for what they really are.

Melissa Pino said...


I wrote Lisa Nellesson Savage after Andy's last display. He's clearly beyond reaching on this matter, and honestly Commissioner Bergosh I wish you would stop giving his cartoons against the commission more play by redirecting them...they're not worth it. I was hoping, though, that maybe Ms. Nellesson-Savege would think about her own career and professional reputation in allowing the likes of Doug to set Andy on a path towards another perverse and disturbing depiction.
Doug Underhill Attacks PNJ Editor in Chief Over County Seal
1 message
Melissa Pino Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 8:27 AM
To: Lisa Nellessen-Lara PNJ , Andy Marlette , Doug Underhill
Cc: Robert Bender , District 5 Steven Barry , Lumon May , Jeff Bergosh , Alison Rogers , Wes Moreno , Rick Outzen , Jim Little , Randy Wood , William Reynolds , Andy Marlette , Blair Castro , Jacqueline Rogers , Grover Robinson , Keith Wilkins , Melissa Pino
cc: BOCC, Alison Rogers, Wes Moreno, Press, Jacqueline Rogers, Mayor Robinson, Mr. Wilkins,

Dear Ms. Nellessen-Savage, Mr. Marlette, and Doug,

I was not surprised this morning to see the disingenuous rantings of the handful of usual suspects who still contribute to the ECW hate group on the use of the County seal.

Andy, when I saw the content in your recent opinion piece about the seal, I was shocked that Ms. Savage had not done the ethical thing, as any editor-in-chief should, which is to provide you with knowledge that Doug had unilaterally directed the PNJ to cease using its seal on any stories having to do with religious organizations.

I've copied and pasted the pertinent documents into this email and also attached them for your convenience.

Lisa, I wonder if you are aware of the context--which was indeed blatantly and viciously racist--in which Doug excoriated the PNJ and spoke very derisively of you yourself. Please note that he threatened to get even crazier about the seal, stating "nobody wants that," and held the threat of cursing you in a manner that was not just racist but also misogynist, and in an overall context of starting the email with a sick fantasy of water sports.

You will also see Ms. Rogers come back and offer him the legal advice that that wouldn't be such a good idea. You can thank her under separate cover.

There are many of us who get very tired of watching the PNJ cherry pick their editorial attacks in the interests of Downtown power brokers, while shielding the most dangerous actor that Escambia County has ever seen sit that dais. And one who is a blatant racist and misogynist, and does not control himself from allowing these pathological tendencies to guide him in his decisions as a commissioner and a policy maker.

In addition, Jacqueline Rogers giving haven to this sort of toxicity in her online forum has long been a cancer on our community, but becomes more serious as the libels and threats become more grave. It disappoints me, therefore, when I see any member of the established press contributing to that page, especially given its recent trend towards sheltering QAnon and white supremacist consipiracy theories, and promoting dangerous covid and vaccine disinformation.

Yours truly,

Melissa Pino

Mel Pino said...


Here is the email exchange I was referring to, in which Doug tells Ms. Nellesson-Savage to stop using the County seal when reporting on events at area religious institutions, Ms. Rogers lets him know there is an ordinance on it, he comes back threatening to curse Ms. Nellesoon Savage from the dais in Arabic (and manages to be both racist and misogynistic in one swoop), and Ms. Rogers advises against it. Note that he was Chair at the time. Then ask yourself how many women at the County Doug has verbally abused and threatened during his tenure.



I was surprised to see the use of our logo on the PNJ online article advertising the informational event at the mosque. This incorrectly implies that the BOCC is sponsoring this event. While the BOCC supports all expressions of faith that do not violate the freedoms of others, it is outside the charter of the BOCC to sponsor these expressions. If, for example, the Pentecostal Church asked to use this logo to advertise their annual Christmas performance, the County would deny the request based on the principle that it would imply our sponsorship. It is imperative that the BOCC be, act, and appear at all times to be impartial with regard with matters of religion.

For the sake of ensuring that your readers are not misled, I am respectfully requesting that you remove our logo from this story and only use it for events and stories that are sponsored by the BOCC.

Commissioner Doug Underhill
Chairman, Board of County Commissioners

[County Attorney Alison Rogers' Response]

We actually have an ordinance that addresses the use of our logo. Those outside of the BoCC structure are supposed to get permission from the County prior to its use. If you want to know more, I'll pull it for you.

I know, but I am not going to get into urinary olympics [sic] with Lisa over this. That rag isn't fit to line a puppy crate, but it is all we have to work with. If we demand they remove it from the story she will write an article about how I am anti Muslim or whatever, then I will have to cuss her out from the dais in Arabic and curse her with the fleas of a thousand camels infesting her armpits, then it gets even crazier. Nobody wants that, right? I have too much on my plate for that silliness.

Salaam Alaykum,

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline and Douglas are so predictable now. Their friend Ruth Hefner commenting about David Bear on a negative article about Jeff from weeks ago to bring it back to the top on ECW 😂

Anonymous said...

They’ve been using that tactic for years. They use a couple dumb people to help them but when they’re used up they find a another one to help. Alex and Joel lost their credibility so they’re no use to them now. Same crap different year. When Jacqueline and commissioner Underhill were destroying the paramedic they would get someone to comment from real old posts to bring them back to the top so they could add more fuel to the fires they start.

Anonymous said...

To the disinformation pushers on ECW that won’t post this, this is part of what Troy Rafferty said this morning explaining why he’s representing the county.

“I think it’s, once again, as you watch this unfold in the press over the last several months, it’s just the right thing to do, Rick. And sometimes, that’s what you have to do, especially when you’re seeing this kind of stuff happen in your community, and you’re seeing the county commission. The way they’re being portrayed is just an injustice.”

Didn’t commissioner underhill give the documents to Alex Arduini to post and they starting the whole it’s illegal claim to ruin reputations? The people that run ECW ruin reputations on purpose. When will Alex Arduini, Jacqueline Rogers and the rest of the trolls learn shilling lies for Commisioners Underhill is going to get them in a real bad legal bind? Commissioner Underhill will take his trolls down with him and not blink an eye.

Anonymous said...

To the two anons before me, I tried to post this on Ricks blog, I'm not sure if he will publish it because maybe they do think this needs to play out in the courts and not in the media nor social media: This was written to comment on Rick's article about Rafferty but note the similarities in our observations:

"Lets not forget when the injustice was started. Underhill handed the Ethics Committee video from when Barry and Rogers went to Tallahassee for an opinion to Alex Arduini who tried to get this started in a bad light on facebook about April.

They couldn't get any traction so they kept bringing in up. The facebook page called Escambia Citizen Watch has devolved to mostly a handful that play along with Underhill's toxic politics however if a person stumbles in there, not knowing the history they may be turned against the entire commission. They don't like Bergosh at all and are even saying bad things about his Coffee with Commissioner outreach from this AM.

David Bear has commented that the Ethics committee is meeting September 10 about Underhill but I looked on the site and don't see it on the agenda. I hope you follow and report on that also. He is one of the few that hasn't been blocked or thrown off the page.

Rafferty in his last paragraph says it won't be played in the media, however Underhill and the PNJ and Escambia Citizen Watch need to be countered because their disinformation and penchant for trying to control the narrative needs to be balanced so thank you for covering this.

I'm anonymous because Underhilll and ECW with the medical director sued a citizen that opposed them for speaking out and it cost her about 200K to defend and others don't have the funds to oppose them so a balance in the media is appropriate.

I'm relieved this law firm is taking this on Pro Bono and that you are covering it. Of course we are able to go to the clerk site and read along on the cases.

I would prefer not so many lawsuits with Escambia but they have to be settled once stirred up, they have to be answered."

Melissa Pino said...

So funny...I hadn't seen these comments, and just posted on my Facebook about one of Jaqueline/Doug's necro posts. (Kevin Wade coined that term for it years ago...because yes, they've been doing this forever.)

Does my heart so much good to see that, every day, more and more people are on to their nasty tactics. That's a long time comin.

Anonymous said...

Then when people notice what she’s doing Jacqueline releases stacked up older posts that were waiting for approval to post to push the other post back down. She really has been doing this for a long time. Can’t wait for the discovery of some civil suits that should happen.

Anonymous said...

This week the paramedics that were railroaded have a hearing,

That might be why JAR is bumping up the thread. Plus if you look at Underhills go fund me for legal fees, he may not have not disbursed the funds.

So waiting what breaks in the ever involving drama of Underhill and company. Too bad they would rather spend thousands of dollars and hours of time instead of doing any work.

Melissa Pino said...

Anon 9:50, the two EMS cases were removed from the court docket yesterday. I'm really hoping that maybe they decided to drop all the charges, which would be the just thing to do (and should have happened for Steve White, as well).

Anonymous said...

I noticed her doing it during the paramedic injustice and years ago when she was trying to discredit JS. She’s a gross witch but some important people are catching on. She’s gonna have some explainin to do before long. Good ole Commisioner underhand is going to take plenty down with the ship.

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline isnt being raked over the coals for having a dissenting opinion like she’s saying.she’s not a victim she make victims. She harasses people and defames their character until their reputations are ruined.

Anonymous said...

Jacqueline Rogers is being raked over the coals for harboring Underhill, spreading false propaganda and contributing to conflict and disruption in our county government.

The people elected candidates she was opposed to and she spends time and effort undermining the board.

Wendy Underhill on the other hand, is just pathetic at this point.

Anonymous said...

She doesn’t just spend time and effort undermining the board, her whole life revolves around it. Her life is eat, bash people, eat, bash people, sleep, bash people, eat, bash people.