
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, December 13, 2021

If not Money $$$$$--Why else is Ivermectin being Ignored, Denigrated, and Ridiculed as a Treatment for COVID-19?

Is the .06 cent pill as effective as the $1 Billion Dollar variety at treating COVID-19?

I'm not a moon landing hoaxer or an antivaxer.  But something about the complete refusal of anyone in mainstream medicine or the media to acknowledge the studies that are out there on Ivermectin is strange.  Locally and nationally.

And again--I have taken the Moderna vaccine.  I'm not a science denier.  Which is why I'm asking this:

Why is Ivermectin being vilified?

There are studies and meta analysis sites that if nothing else show that Ivermectin has mechanisms that inhibit the replication of the COVID-19 virus.  These studies are published all over the internet, on respected sites.  So why not celebrate this and get this information out?  Why the coordinated PR campaign (Horse-Dewormer) against this medicine?

Could it be all about the money?  

As a generic, Ivermectin is out of patent and can be acquired for as little as 6 cents per 3mg pill.  So there's no money in it for Merck.

But if a new medicine is developed--the company that brings it to market will enjoy up to two decades under patent protection--meaning such medications will be extremely expensive, and very profitable for the manufacturers.

Now, just as we are on the verge of having COVID-19 pills approved by the FDA  from Pfizer and Merck that will cost taxpayers Billions of Dollars to purchase and distribute---why is nobody asking why we are potentially spending these sums of monies on new drugs when a widely available, safe, and generic medicine already exists that appears to be equally effective (if not moresoe)---according to published studies----- at stopping the replication of the SARS cov-2 virus?  Now there are worries that the new MERCK pill isn't going to be as effective as initially touted.  But still--full speed ahead anyway?

The media mercilessly ridicule anyone asking about Ivermectin and COVID-19 in the same sentence.  (watch a big 3 evening broadcast and look who advertises and PAYS to support the mainline news broadcasts)

Again---is it just about making money?   

Looking at studies of Ivermectin juxtaposed with the Merck pill and the Pfizer pill--it seems incredible that this question is not being asked by more journalists and news outlets. (perhaps this would anger the sponsors?)

I recently came to meet and discuss these and other issues with some local medical doctors who are unafraid and are asking these sorts of questions and more.  They don't tow the "company line" on what drugs to use to fight COVID-19---they appear genuinely interested in saving lives.

Then I received evidence that at least one of our local hospitals was quietly prescribing multiple courses of 3mg Ivermectin pills for hospitalized COVID-19 patients----while remaining silent as Ivermectin for COVID is vilified, ridiculed, and marginalized in the media and in this community.  I have asked the administration of this hospital personally about this.  It seems fishy to me, like mixed messaging.  So I asked--are your doctors prescribing Ivermectin for COVID patients in Pensacola?  I was told this would be checked and that someone would circle back with me to let me know.  I'll wait for that call with great interest.

Meanwhile--why doesn't someone have the guts to do this trial:   Put Ivermectin, the Merck pill, and the Pfizer pill and a Placebo together in a double blind, controlled test to see which one works the best at preventing replication and/or preventing death?

Vanderbilt is going to do a study on Ivermectin.  So is Florida.  Maybe one or both could incorporate these other pills into the study so we can find out which ones work best?  If not----WHY NOT?  

Maybe we can save a whole lot of taxpayer money if we do this, while limiting the outrageous sums of taxpayer funds we're sending to a handful of giant pharmaceutical companies.

Maybe that's precisely why we won't ever see the Pfizer and Merck pill against Ivermectin head to head.....

Follow the money.
My prediction:  Once the uber expensive new pills get "emergency use" authorization and the taxpayers spend billions-------then the embargo on Ivermectin will end...  After the $$$$  Billions in taxpayer checks have been cashed.

Then, and only then, will the campaign against Ivermectin let up.

But how many lives will have been lost by then, and how many billions of dollars will have been spent unnecessarily?


Anonymous said...

In answer to your headline ... and that only is because that is often what the masses read and react to and will not delve into the links.

The masses will latch on to anything to support not taking the vaccines.

The vaccines .... if everyone would get on board and take them would put the escaped bioweapon accidentally released more unable to keep on replicating and mutating.

You should be getting more of the population vaccinated and boosted.

Jeff Bergosh said...

That's not all of it anonymous 8:56. There is more to this issue than the vaccines. I took the vaccine and most folks I know have also taken it. And I would have taken it even if there were additional treatments available, like ivermectin. It is a shame that some folks are not checking the links. There are some amazing studies online right now, the conclusions of which point to this drug, Ivermectin, being a very powerful tool in the fight against Covid. However, it is being denigrated and downplayed in favor of new, high-dollar drugs that will make the drug companies billions of dollars. This will be a big story one day, once the dust has settled, the checks have been cashed, the butcher's bill has been paid, and this virus has run it's course. Meanwhile, we're being bankrupted as a nation and nobody appears to be willing to use common sense, look at the science, and apply the breaks....It is all about the money, period, end of conversation.