
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, April 28, 2023

What Does the First Map Indicating Public Beach Access at Perdido Key Look Like?

This map is staff's first draft of what I have requested:  a map of the Perdido Key Beach areas of District 1 for which staff have researched and found deeded public beach access.  I suspect there will be follow-on revisions in the weeks to come as we research each parcel on the Gulf out here.


Although there is still a significant amount of research left to do on multiple parcels out on Perdido Key--a lot of this information is now known about which such parcels have easements for the public's access.  Therefore, I've asked staff to put together some renderings indicating the areas of Perdido Key where we have easements for public beach access.  I want to reiterate here--this rendering above is the first iteration of a creation of such a map.  No doubt it will require revisions and updates in the weeks to come as we still await the title work on multiple parcels out on Perdido Key.  

Staff was very responsive yesterday on my request of them and substantially acknowledged what I put out on this blog as my understanding of the situation thus far regarding public beach access points on Perdido Key.

The intriguing take away from what we do know, however, is that a significant portion of Perdido Key will be accessible for the public's use according to what is on the deeds we have now verified.  And this large swath of this accessible area surrounds two of our existing access points and parking areas.

This (the fact that these areas of the beaches will be publicly accessible) will be helpful in finding a way to get and fund lifeguards out there to help prevent the sorts of drowning tragedies we witnessed over the last several weeks.

Next Challenges:  More parking for day use beach visitors, and finding areas for food vendors, and identifying additional areas  for non-local resident parking for the use of the Perdido Key multi-use path.

Lots of work to do but lots of good things coming for all!


Anonymous said...

Looks like some work was done in 2011.

Thank you for your efforts Commissioner Bergosh and staff.

Anonymous said...

The above agenda item has Keith Wilkins name on it. Maybe he could also be a source of info.

Anonymous said...

I know you are a smart man, Commissioner Bergosh.

Another key in this puzzle related to deeds and easements is the MHWL.

That shifts.

It did shift.

That's why the easements were necessary in 2011 via Mr Wilkins agenda item.

So the county could continue the process that was started.

What happened, why and what happens going forward?

Reading just that item alone is enlightening.

Look like after Ivan because of the erosion it was hard to get vehicles and such in because some of the property owners southern border was now far into the water.

Did they have the legal standing to stop these processes already set in motion or did somebody drop the ball.

Pick it up and run with it.

Anonymous said...

Great work!

Anonymous said...

For clarification does this 75 feet extend north from the water line or north from the southerly and parallel to the property line?

Jeff Bergosh said...

10:36-I believe that will be one the lawyers will have to figure out, in conjunction with the surveyors. For me though--the logic goes like this: The property owners out there that reside on the 64 lots that have easements on the "southerly 75 feet" have been telling everyone for years that their property runs to the "wet sand" and many of these property owners and occupants have aggressively enforced that with signs, security guards, and have even kicked people out or forced them "into the wet sand" which to me signifies the end of their property. So, utilizing that logic and these property owners' own logic-----if their property ends at the wet sand and that is what they have stated all these years and represented to everyone going out there---then with this new revelation about the 75 foot easement for public beach access on the "Southerly 75 feet" of their lots---the 75 feet should be fixed by starting at the "wet sand" and going north 75 feet to determine the area of the easement for public beach access. That makes sense to me and also seems reasonable. So we will see what the lawyers say--but that's what I'm going to run with until/unless I get tackled. Because it makes sense.

Kevin said...

This was much better before the editor ate my first draft but from memory..

Screw Sumpthin up or make a neighbor mad and run to a place to make a puffy, huffy video that would be secretly edited and re-uploaded to cover his contempt for truth and the community locally and those happy 7 families from Alabama who believe the Visit Pensacola marketing campaigns.

Pocket Park Gate was another smokescreen with edited video again from Ray's park known to many as "That pocket park behind the olde' Amfi building... that no one in the universe uses as a landmark.

Yes Commissioner Bergosh, "known and acknowledged by the PKA, the county, and the owners of what would become the Windemere condo. But nobody remembered that 2001 decision just a few short years later during Ivan."

At the time of Ivan we still had dune buggy parades from the state park to FT McCray and all the way Back again to the Flora-Bama and I never witnessed a Private Beach sign nor encountered a single instance of a resident saying "Keep Off meh beach" and even to the contrary there were MANY homes along the route who would join in and even more bringing out drinks to celebrate a Parade.

Why did so many move to the Red Neck Riveria just because they needed to change this place for the worse?

Seems to me like the GIS dept could slap this overlay in place very quickly and memorialize this reality just as easily as so many instances can be found where there are Scriveners errors with mystery vacations and the like.

Hoge crime from legacy from the Goat Roper who hoodwinked so many with the promise of fixing the potholes in myrtle grove but he spend 6 years of discretionary District 2 spending on the anemic 'roundabout' that is derided by so many in video, photos and print.

Get this ! The MasterPlan Screamers from PK and OLF-8 should be bringing up doug on charges for his shenanigans in bringing this terrible roundabout and hiding the reality that so much beach has been open to the public and the Master Plan included again open beaches and and and and and PARKING... and Town Center...

Town Centre 'Triangle-A-Bout From the Origonal cover sheet' <---- Clickable Link
Town Centre 'Triangle-A-Bout' <---- another Clickable Link

Town Centre 'Square-A-Bout' North side <---- get the picture? Clickable Link

Notice how quaint and homey the designs were?

The Flim'Flam'Man left a legacy that is an embarrassment along with so many lies.

Thank you Commissioner Bergosh for doing the good / right thing and doing the right thing for your constituents.

Beach Access 4 is open!

I am going to the beach.

Anonymous said...

Fort MCree

Mel Pino said...

SPOT ON post Kevin. The people howling about the Master Plan up in Beulah who use the PKMP as some sort of miracle planning doc whose lollypop and unicorn drawings will actually respond to reality need look no further than what Doug rammed through on that roundabout. With a Janice hire in special transportation planning who landed here after an ethics investigation on how badly she effed up traffic in a previous locale. And who bolted right quick just as soon as she had her next job, but just after she gifted off a sole source contract on Jackson to the company she was golden parachuting off to.

And what the people who think the pretty PKMP drawings actually have much legal teeth don't get yet is that it doesn't just have to be ONE choice for the town center. Wait til the developers' lawyers really get going on that building cap...

Anonymous said...

So these deeds all say the southerly 75 ft of lot have perpetual easement for public use. That would seem to mean that from the southernmost point of lot to 75ft north. Florida law establishes the lot line at the mean 19 yr waterline. So from
That point 75 north How will that point be marked? The beach line changes monthly but the mean 19 yr line is unseeable unless marked and would be the legal
Starting point to count 75 ft north. It could be 75 ft out in water or all the way up to the dune, giving public no access at all or giving access to a complex’s pool. How is the county saying its defined and connected to the state law?

Anonymous said...

Hmm You mention need for parking, vendor trucks etc Theres the state park beach just west of the area you map with parking lots, bathrooms and probably 1.5 miles of lightly used beach. Seems like what is needed is right there. Does it have lifeguards? Can food trucks be put there? There are food trucks at big lagoon state park so
It seems theres precedent to be on state park property. Lets use whats available before spending more tax $ when we have lightly used beaches