We either have free speech in America or we don't.
Speech that is disgusting, stomach-turning, and vile is precisely the type of speech that requires the protection of a Constitutional Right to vocalize it. In America we have that protection, it's called the First Amendment to the constitution--a vital part of the Bill of Rights.
But do we really have free speech though, in 2023's America? Everyone knows there are guideposts and some speech is NOT protected (e.g. yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater)--but what about political speech?
Sometimes it seems as if free speech is only permitted if certain groups, political parties, individuals, beliefs, cultures, constituencies, and ideologies are specifically NOT targeted.
We know about cancel culture.
We know some comedians get away with saying anything they want, about anyone they want, with no real risk of financially-costly blowback. Sometimes, folks in this camp financially benefit from their outrageously offensive speech. Others, however, have artificially constructed and universally mandated but unvocalized "boundaries" that, if crossed, bring immediate cancellation, stigma, and financial ruin. Many have met this fate and never recovered.
Christians are routinely targeted for hateful speech, disgusting "artistic" depictions, and shameful cartoons. Ho hum, nobody cares, and few stand up to decry attacks on Christianity, which is telling.....
Other religions, however, enjoy universally embraced, accepted, and projected "boundaries." As an example: the National Endowment for the Arts paid an artist to display a Crucifix in an aquarium full of urine. They gushed that this was "ART" and a protected form of self expression.
By contrast, when the disgusting spectacle of the buring of the Holy Quran was advertised, promoted, and threatened by a "reverand in Florida"---free-speech warriors were AWOL.
See how that works?
To be clear: I do not support disgusting attacks based upon the immutable or specific characteristics of any particular religion, race, culture, or person. NOBODY should engage in this. I certainly don't.
But if we truly have free speech to protect disgusting, vile, appalling and gut-turning speech aimed at such persons, institutions, and cultures----------it is only a real thing if it is not selective and not punitive.
In America--the left, the media, and some special interest groups with smiling faces and determined sincerity say cute things to demonstrate their alleged "support" of the First Amendment. They say "We have the First Amendment----you can say anything you want but you have to understand there may be real consequences for what you say." (translation: say something they don't 'like' ----and they will seek your absolute destruction for hate speech----- if they deem it to be 'offensive'....)
No, while they blatantly distort their support of free speech--they've already tacitly adopted and normalized the European model on "free"speech--which surpresses much of it based upon artificially manufactured and politically correct driven "norms".
Recently--these very same fickle free-speech warriors have apparently found their limits within a wedge issue among their comrades. Yes, the left and many media outlets are currently embroiled in what appears to be an uncharacteristic, unusual display of internal squabbling which is driving a wedge through their caucus. (normally, they swim like a school of fish with uber liberals, moderates, and conservative Democrats ALWAYS closing ranks and moving together as a unit--which has been incredibly EFFECTIVE for them. Republicans, by contrast, never seem to get this--particularly lately--which leads to splinter groups, infighting, and a [figuratively speaking, of course] circular firing squad effect that allows Republicans to LOSE when it counts the MOST). And I say all this as a LIFELONG Republican!!)
Now, it seems, the left are divided on the Israel/Hamas war. And America's handling of it. And President Biden's response.
Many Democrats want an immediate cease fire and decry the loss of Palestinian lives. Others, perhaps fewer, openly purport to support "Israel's right to defend herself" while privately (and sometimes publicly) equivocating the violence of the October 7th Hamas terror attack with their perception/understanding of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, historically). It is ripping the Democrats to pieces and President Biden's re-election polling numbers are showing the outcome. And it get's even worse for Biden if Joe Manchin runs in the No Labels party next year, to boot.
But setting those political implications aside--here comes something interesting and curious.
As I saw very talented editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez' cartoon going viral (depicting HAMAS doing what HAMAS actually does--hiding behind innocent civilians as human shields)--these same selective free-speech warriors demanded and succeeded in having that cartoon pulled. And the complicit Washington Post--a compromised left-leaning newspaper --compliantly pulled the cartoon down and issued a gushing apology to appease the hard left.
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This cartoon was attacked by the left and some in the media and subsequently pulled from publications in 2023 |
Interesting to contrast that with the American media's defense of a Canadian Artist's disgusting, unrealistic and detached-from-reality cartoon of our former President depicted, classlessly and casually, playing golf over the dead bodies of two Mexican immigrants in the Rio Grande back in 2019. When the Canadian cartoonist responsible for that cartoon lost his contract shortly thereafter (reportedly due to a contract negotiation impasse and not the Trump cartoon, according to that cartoonist's former employer)--the US media went ballistic and apoplectic lining up to support the Canadian. His cartoon was widely circulated and disseminated in America--moreso than it ever would have been absent the controversy. (And as distasteful as this cartoon was--I never felt it should be cesored nor did I feel the artist should be cancelled.)
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This Canadian artist's cartoon was celebrated by the hard left and the media and widely disseminated throughout America in 2019.. |
I don't know how everyone cannot see this dichotomy.
The Left wants free speech that doesn't offend them--and the press, the Democrat party, and many components of the deep state is their muscular enforcement mechanism. The Right wants this, too, (even though they don't admit it) yet the Right has no ally in this quest.
So the answer to whether or not we really have free speech in our country anymore is:
It no longer really exists---with only a handful of exceptions which I don't even have to define---because everyone already knows what group(s) continue to enjoy plenary free speech protection in Amercia in 2023--------no matter what they say or do----that's why.
The rest of us better watch out.
So I take it you're going to spend a large time on the campaign trail calling for a renewal of free speech rights' that your supermajority party in the State of Florida has oppressed in the most unconstitutional, authoritarian, and inhumane way possible?
You guys gonna let kids read books again? How about allowing Black history to be taught in schools? Oh, you gonna roll back the legislation opposing the right to protest? How about DeSantis yanking two SAO's for their speech and decisions that were given the right to exercise by their electorate?
Are you going to champion the cause of fellow Florida commissioners who were set up for their free speech and democratically elected right to rule with a fake Sunshine complaint that threw a 75 year old man in jail for months waiting for his hearing? (He has now been exonerated by an all republican appointed appeals panel who didn't just vacate the lower ruling, but ordered them to find him not guilty.)
You were squarely on the side of the most dangerous threat to free speech this country has witnessed in a long time, Andrade pretending he wrote that bill to pull down Times vs. Sullivan, which was so horrendous in what its potential outcomes would have been his republican handlers made him eat crow on it and pulled it. Any thoughts on that?
It's not free speech if it's just for one side of the equation, Commissioner Bergosh.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Understand we are in the south. Southerns support free speech when its done in proper manner.
Remember we be careful in what we say. I would say be careful of what you say on Facebook saying the wrong thing or being over the top can get you banned. Example Melissa Johnson a person posted all kinda untruths an stuff on her I spoke to two very former city council members who said this person went too far and was not very nice in their comments. I was told the poster was banned from Facebook and has a federal gag order on them.
What wrong is people don't understand the first ammendment. It is the right to redress government.
Also with the internet, people talk too much.
Also they are not too bright -- Nor well informed -- And like to fight rather than be productive and mind their own business.
The zionist movement was after the fall of the ottoman empire after two great world wars and the league of nations established the Jewish state and was a part of the occupation of the historically Arab Palestine. Britain was a part of that. Not the USA so much.
Of course Arabs hold a grudge. The Jews massively immigrated after WW2 to the polically created state of Israel and the Palestinians left Jerusalem.
All the major religions think that piece of real estate belongs to them. There is no resolution.
That why many were in favor of the MAGA movement in part because -- why be embroiled in conflicts that will never end. Thousand and Thousands
So yes Salzman shouldn't blete out simple statements on the house floor because it does demonstrate her simplistic comprehension of international situations. It's not a he started it and my kids and husband are Jewish reason to take a side uninformed.
But she can I guess.
What is the saying -- remain quiet and be thought a fool or open mouth and remove all doubt.
WW 3 in the making with the strikes fired there. Started back when Abraham had a concubine and also when Joseph was sold into slavery...
Indoctrination of children is not freespeech.
You are right about how the rest of us better watch out.That is obvious. People don't want to coexist, celebrate the differences, listen and learn and respect. They seek to destroy.
On a side, when I was a child I was able to visit Israel with a youth group for a week or so. Fortunately it was during a time of relative peace about 1971. Among other things I remember visiting a site and the guide proudly speaking of the six day war.
Now one can easily research that and I also remember the times in the early seventies in the USA of the oil embargo. Egypt closing the Suez canal. The formation of the PLO. Long lines at the gas pumps. Rationing gas. USA was dependent upon foreign oil. OPEC. That dependency has left us vulnerable and also has dictated foreign policy.
Basically, Israel mounted an offensive themselves and seized a lot of land. In 1967. Not really that long ago. Six days it took. The lightning war.
Israel is not just a bunch of sweet ole poor ole victims ole Hitler bullied.
Hammas is the military political party in Palestine, resistance against Israel. Terrorists yes. It is instilled into them, not a long time ago that they suffered wounds of war and want revenge. They hate Israel and anyone who supports them and now here we are.
Unfortunately under Biden, USA energy independence has been thwarted and the warmongers love war, $$, even while they cry for peace.
Obama taking in radical refugees from these war torn countries as well as leaving the southern border open has put the USA in peril.
The radical Muslim; Arabs teach in the Koran that jihad is a sacred duty. It is not consistent with peace and live and let live. Infidels must die.
However on the other hand, after the spoils of war the liberal world order was a demonstration that the Victor's set the rules. Israel was formed to defy Turkey and Nazi Germany after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. WWI and after WWII. To the USA it was an occupation in the middle east. Since then Palestinians allies have become much more powerful. Stay OUT of it.
People nowadays have a naive mind set not understanding that war is hell.
So, free speech,
But you also can by wise and not draw a target on your back by speaking first, thinking later.
There are many great verses and quotes about the wisdom of taming the tongue. A mighty fire. 🔥
Melissa- You and I will agree on some things and vehemently disagree on others. Thank God we live in a country where we CAN disagree. You know, in some countries in other parts of the world they throw you off of buildings for things we casually accept here, or throw you in jail if you travel there with a copy of the Bible? So, let's start there. With all of our flaws--which are numerous--we live in a great country. No, I do not support book bans, but I do understand age-appropriate content for elementary school aged children so don't conflate these things--they are separate and distinct. Also, I am all for peaceful protest, but not violent, dangerous, injury-producing and property-destroying RIOTS. The law you reference allows and encourages the former, but criminalizes the latter. Good. And finally: You and I will never agree on Gubenatorial decisions on removal of constitutional officers. This governor has shown a propensity for pulling elected officials for not following the law and the constitution. Look at the Sheriff in Broward or the Panhandle School Superintendent. There have been a few State Attorney's pulled as well. I do not presume to know the ins and out of each of those removals, but what I have read leads me to believe the prosecutors, in particular, flatly stated they would not follow duly enacted laws the legislature had passed. So in those instances of removal--the courts will ultimately rule on whether or not replacing these officials was justified--not you, I, or the internet hate groups. Finally, on teaching history, I support teaching the truth, not hiding portions of truthful history because these realities don't comport with today's politically-correct, truth-intollerant educational bureaucracies. History should be what it is and what it was--- not what we want to make it or wish that it was--viewed through today's lenses or rose-colored glasses. It was barbaric. It was horrific. It was hard. And as General Santana famously quoted "Those who do not know their history are destined to repeat it." So above all, above everything else we must teach history and we must teach it TRUTHFULLY. For example---Native American tribes were brutal to one another, absolutely barbaric, way before the arrival of the Europeans to our continent. Read a little about what was done to the men of one tribe captured by rival tribes in early pre-colonial America. Read about what these same tribes did to the women of a conquered tribe. It's a tough read. It's not all Sequoia and Sakagwea--let's put it that way. Also, with respect to slavery (and evil institution that was vile and repulsive while simultaneously ubiquitous worldwide--not just here---and continues through today with countries we actually have diplomatic relations with and actively trade goods with) America's history with this subject should be taught honestly and fully with facts. Who sold the slaves to the white slave trader's who docked their ships in Africa in the early 1600's? Did slave traders really run through the jungles with nets "capturing" all the slaves that filled their ships---or is that Hollywood fiction? Tell the truth, not some romanticized version of it. Can you handle the truth, all of it? If not, don't study history and DO NOT INSERT yourself into a discussion on what should or should not be taught. I want the truth and nothing but the truth. I trust parents and students to be able to accept and digest the reality of historical truth--we don't need to sugar the pill for their comfort and safety. The truth is ugly. Real ugly. Can you handle the truth?
Far better than you can, my friend. Because I don't have to twist myself in knots in order to convince myself that spouting pure GOP propaganda and talking points is truth-telling. There isn't anything in the above comment that doesn't come straight out of the GOP handbook. If I went to a dozen "TRUTH TELLING" sites, I'd see the same talking points being retailed, right down to a T. Republican 101.
And since I'm not a democrat, either, I don't have to pretend that Joe Biden didn't screw up Afghanistan (nor do I have to pretend that Trump and Kushner didn't set the table for an escalation of violence over there), that Kamala Harris isn't an inept and irritating hack, or that Obama wasn't insufferably arrogant and really did our country a lot of damage with his "cling to his guns and Bibles" comment.
The GOP core has descended into a lunatic, extremist cult that thrives on ridiculous conspiracy theories and has made themselves despicable to common sense and humane thinking. These vile and disastrous culture wars are teaching our children a lifetime of hate and forcing their brokenness of their adults to visit on them a lifetime of living with being educated in a toxic environment that in many cases spits on who they are at the core.
The democrats are a loosely held together herd of cats that visit their own hypocrisy on their electorate by cozying up to same crony capitalists and scumbag lobbyists the republicans do. The party "lights" don't live by the values the espouse (at least the republicans openly valorize conspicuous consumption and wealth disparity), they cannot grasp why an entire country is tired of being lectured by an Ivory Tower that lost touch decades ago, and their long considering the middle of the country the "flyover states" has now come home to roost. Like republicans, they will recognize absolutely no limits on their talking points, driving every question of transgender athletes and reparation demands to a reductio ad absurdium that eventually shows just how absurd and fantastic their visions for society are in some cases. As I just stated on Nextdoor, and sent in an email, the silver lining of a situation like Seattle is that they've had their extreme experiment, and it bombed fantastically.
Of course, Trump's answer to that was to kidnap people off the streets and throw them in unmarked vans with TSA officials masquerading as some sort of ANTIFA-FIGHTING...well we don't really know what that was, do we.
I don't have to squish myself into limousine liberal talking points, or socialist leaning talking points, or MAGA lunacies, or federalist or constitutional referendum talking points. I can say exactly what I honestly believe, with no worry whatsoever about how it plays to a red meat or blue dot electorate. I don't have to worry about what the delegation is going to think of me; I don't have to worry about what FDOT will do, or whether the republican majority readers of this forum will think I'm republican enough. It's actually very freeing when you stop looking through a lens of party, and don't have to find a way to slice hairs and thread needles in order to toe the line.
In other words, truly free speech.
Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker truth is a point of view. Most Republican are Christians the believe in God an Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. Alot of things the democrats believe in Abortion Same sex marriage there will always be differences on these issues.
I want to say there are good people in both the Democrat an Republican party.
As Americans we stand up for our beliefs and what we believe in. A perfect example was Governor George Wallace in 1968 when he he ran for President the song Settin' The Woods On Fire he was a fighter Ross perot another proven fighter
Yes must stand up and be counted and let your voice be heard.
Commision Bergosh, no she can't.
On the subject of free speech.
--"We will put America first and today, especially in honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." -Donald Trump, Veteran's Day Weekend
--"This vermin must be destroyed. The Jews are our sworn enemies.” -Adolph Hitler
--“It ought to have been the duty of any Government which had the care of the people in its keeping, to take this opportunity of mercilessly rooting out everything that was opposed to the national spirit." -Adolph Hitler
--"“Following the Eisenhower model, we will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” -Donald Trump, referring to 1954 "Operation Wetback"
--"For hundreds of years Germany was good enough to receive these elements, although they possessed nothing except infectious political and physical diseases." -Adolph Hitler, the "Jewish Question" speech
--"It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have." -Donald Trump
--“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown…The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.” -Stephen Miller, Trump's immigration policy advisor
"Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.” --Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, speaking of anyone who compares Trump to Hitler
The apple is not the orange.
It seems some promote Far-left politics, also known as the radical left or extreme left, are politics further to the left on the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left
As a conservative Republican Im against abortion and same sex unions
God will bless our nation but we must turn from our wicked ways.
Our schools suffer because they stopped school prayer.
And the generation to come, your children that shall rise up after you, and the foreigner that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses wherewith the LORD hath made it sick; and that the whole land thereof is brimstone, and salt, and a burning, that it is not sown, nor beareth, nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the LORD overthrew in His anger, and in His wrath; even all the nations shall say 'Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto this land? what meaneth the heat of this great anger?'
— Deuteronomy 29:21–23
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
— Jude 1:7[91]
Wise men speak because they have something to say.
Fools speak because they have to say something"
Girl, bye.
Free speech continued.
--“There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye." -Elon Musk tweet on Paul Pelosi being bludgeoned by an intruder with a hammer, 3 days after Musk bought Twitter (Oct 20 2022, deleted the same day)
--"That moment you realize the nudist hippie male prostitute LSD guy was the reason your husband didn't make it to your fundraiser." -Disgraced former police officer and Republican US Representative Clay Higgins tweet, accompanied by a photo of Nancy Pelosi with her hands over her eyes (Oct 30 2022, deleted the same day)
--"The internet remains undefeated." -Donald Trump Jr., retweeting Steve Mudflap McGrew's REMASCULATE original tweet "Got my Paul Pelosi Halloween Costume ready" captioning a photo of a hammer lying on a pair of underwear (Oct 30 2022, tweet still up)
--"LOL." -Republican US Representative Claudia Tenney, tweeting a photograph of a group of young, white men holding oversized hammers beside a gay Pride flag (Nov 1 2022, comments blocked upon posting, later deleted)
--"Finally, one less gavel in the Pelosi house for Paul to fight with in his underwear.” Newly elected Florida US Representative Corry Mills tweet marking the end of Nancy Pelosi's Speakership (Jan 7 2023)
--"We had no terror during my administration. The only terror we had was Nancy Pelosi. Crazed lunatic. What the hell was going on with her husband? Let’s not ask. She had a wall around her house [laughs]. It didn’t work very well." -Donald Trump at a New Hampshire campaign rally on Veteran's Day 2023 (Saturday the 11th)
--"Waking up in a pool of blood." -Paul Pelosi responding to a question about the first thing he remembered after being bludgeoned with a hammer by an unknown intruder into his house (from his sworn testimony 2 days ago, Monday Nov 13th)
--"I don’t want to hurt you but I don’t want you to get in the way either." -David DePape to Paul Pelosi, explaining he broke into the Pelosi residence in order to interrogate Nancy Pelosi while wearing a unicorn (from his sworn testimony yesterday, Tuesday Nov 14th)
--"I was hoping he could take it back that would end this in a way that wouldn’t result in violence." -David DePape (ibid)
--"He was a very amiable gentleman. I just gave him a squeeze on the shoulder to be reassuring." -David DePape (ibid)
--"When he was on the ground breathing, I was really scared for his life. And later in the hospital, I felt really bad for him because we had a really good rapport and things were going good until the last second." -David DePape (ibid)
--"I actually thought he was dead until I heard the charges. He was never my target and I am sorry he got hurt." -David DePape (ibid)
How about the free speech post on ECW where the constituent posts publicly by name the remedy for Lumon using county services on his private property is violence.
See yes, he can say it and write it on the internet but that isn't redressing the government for a grievance.
The anonymous poster can make the claim however there is no proof. Its a rumor.Perhaps signing their name to a ethics complaint is more than they wish to reveal. Since Underhill and Owens join in it make one believe they are stirring that up, as usual. Wonder who they want in that seat again. The bought preacher brother. they are a pair though. Not impressed with them at all. Especially after the traffic stop video.
People think free speech means they can say what ever they want whenever they want and it's protected speech.
That's not true. Under the constitution.
We are are a represtive constitutional republic based on law. Not a democracy.
Idiots can still type though.
I saw the guest column on Pensacola news journal and thought who is this dweeb parroting the old Escambia facts propaganda. It sounds like old ECW Underownens talking points. I would take the 401a. Who wouldn't. If HR had known their job and conveyed it at the time of hire. I can see where Barry, as being a financial consultant was angry and disappointed about that also.
Pelosi is an evil corrupt politician. Her husband Paul should vet his drug dealer lovers better, isn't one in the family enough for him.
So glad WE all sent Matt Gaetz to Washington D.C. Again.
Living in the area WE can all be proud of that accomplishment. A first district accomplishment by the voters in the district. As our representative he has the fortitude to fight for our country. Thanks to the residents and citizens from here, WEcan all own that and be proud of that.
That's our legacy. We seated Matt Gaetz in congress. Keep up the good work voters.
He is not afraid to hold corrupted politicians accountable. For instance, he is signing his name to an ethics complaint against McCarthy who lied to get the speaker vote.
That's courage. Yes, WE sent Gaetz to Washington. OUR claim to fame. Good job. Be Proud.
Demonstrates that the efforts of idiots spouting rhetoric here there and everywhere, even in the local newspaper, that the majority is unmoved by their efforts.
We know the truth.
Free Speech. Or be quiet and vote.
The ethics complaint is about assault. Good for Matt Gaetz.
It seems clear some of the posters on here only post negative stuff. The last few days all they have posted is quotes that attack Donald Trump. Gloom and doom attitude is not helpful its tell they are very bitter and full of hate. Being hateful does no good makes your look like a case of sour grapes.
Anon 11:53, I agree entirely about the string on ECW in which a commenter directly and explicitly calls for violence against elected officials--making clear by his "them" that he is directly referring to the Escambia commissioners being discussed on the string, and stating that only "pain" will make them understand.
That is not free speech; it is in fact against the law.
The other person who is legally responsible for those statements is Jacqueline Rogers, as the sole administrator of that site. Not only does she clearly identify herself as the person who made the call on the anonymous post to begin with--and states she knows who the poster is--but she also answers three separate calls for violence, while allowing those calls to stand across two days. As always she thinks she's quite the clever one, all wide eyed astonishment and what she apparently thinks is a sufficient self-protective move of saying the commenter calling for violence--"you do you" she parrots Doug--and saying that she won't be the one arrested for it. While still not removing those comments from the string.
It will be interesting to see the mug shots of Nellie O with her tongue stuck out. AKA Super Star Mary Katherine Gallager. In my opinion. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Its very clear that some people only know how to be negative. I am proud to be an american where I know im free we live in the best country in the World the United States of America we have freedom of speech religion the right to bear arms
Huh. That string where Jacqueline got the old band together in a pre-orchestrated disinformation drop--you know, the one where she or whoever else was working the "Anonymous Participant" account forgot which account they were using at the moment and accidentally tagged "Anonymous Participant" from that account; the one where a repeat offender was explicitly calling for violence and "pain" to the commissioners with Jacqueline answering directly and not taking the comments down--went POOF.
Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the County dropped dime on Jonathan Owens, Alex Arduini, and Gannett/PNJ for the stolen text messages? (Posted on the Clerk's site today.)
Just as likely, they orchestrated all of that canned idiocy--with the unexpected bonus of threats of violence!--as one of their absurd and failed smoke screens, because they knew it was getting ready to hit the fan.
Free speech: Sure you can possess and disseminate stolen property without turning it over to the proper authorities and brag about it publicly. There ain't no law stopping stupid in this country. Or protecting a pencil sharpener from crawling out on a dead skinny limb with a really heavy bag for his deadbeat boss.
I would imagine this action might bring some interesting depositions.
I am very glad I live in the United States of America . We have free speech freedom of religion we have the right to bear arms. I dont understand all the complaining those who do wrong will get caught. We all know not everyone is perfect we all make mistakes. Being pessimistic tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen is not helpful it make you alot faster.
“Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else.”
― Fred Rogers
“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.”
― Fred Rogers
“Mutual caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the other's achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain.”
― Fred Rogers
“Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love. Like all of life's important coping skills, the ability to forgive and the capacity to let go of resentments most likely take root very early in our lives.”
― Fred Rogers
“We need to help people to discover the true meaning of love. Love is generally confused with dependence. Those of us who have grown in true love know that we can love only in proportion to our capacity for independence.”
― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember
“It's very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It's easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other.”
― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember
“The thing I remember best about successful people I've met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they're doing and it seems to have very little to do with worldly success. They just love what they're doing, and they love it in front of others.”
― Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember
“Love and trust, in the space between what’s said and what’s heard in our life, can make all the difference in the world. ”
― Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)
Oh it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, oh won't you be my neighbor.. 🎶
The string on ECW where the screen shot of the court case dropped7 is noted. Entertaining to watch, then check the court site. They have a link straight to them on the clerk site and Arduini proudly saying "we" have them.
Wonder if deposed if they'll ask about the publishing of Barry's private retirement paperwork also. Might as well.
11:55, as is so often the case, because Jacqueline is cunning rather than intelligent, it's difficult to say for sure in this scenario whether she actually knew about the court filing ahead of time.
In hindsight from the timing, it seems evident that there's still a 4th floor leak in the County to the Underhillian camp, and it wouldn't surprise me if it's Stroberger--he's the most likely candidate, anyway. And one of Kohler's best cheerleaders in Bayou Davenport, who is getting increasingly heady with her insider status, looks to be one of JAR's newest recruits and slotting herself in nicely with the pre-arranged SCANDAL! drops.
What's very clear now is that the whole asinine string with that absurd story about Commissioner May getting county staff to clear his private property--followed by the typical high-pitched EMS drop on its heels (not to say that there aren't screaming leadership issues coming from remaining Janice hires), and then an OP from their new Kohler Davenport helper--was kicking up a bunch of dust in advance of that filing.
What's not clear to me, anyway, is that Jacqueline was actually made privy to the precise details. Obviously Doug and Jonathan had gotten advance warning from somewhere--and the Clerk has demonstrated she is more than happy to get on the phone for Jonathan. But it's quite possible they convinced Jacqueline they had something hot off the presses with that debris story that REALLY needed her dim spot light, and that she needed to orchestrate it in that stupid fashion in order to heighten the notion that THE BCC DESTROYS THE LIVES OF GOOD PEOPLE.
See what they did there?
She seemed pretty flat footed in her response to having the filing hit that string, but again, she's not the sharpest blade, and has never thought well on her feet. I kind of get the sense that it might have caught her unawares, even if she had an idea something might be coming.
So what does she do? She googles a legal term as quick as a (dumb) bunny and lays down its definition just as fast as she can copy and paste, and it's a definition that exposes in a crystal clear fashion *exactly* what Owens, Arduini, and the PNJ violated. And probably many more, as both (1) the knowing possession of stolen property without turning it into the authorities and (2) the transmission of it is illegal.
Ellen Kennicott Fortinberry hit a new low with her "naive and blameless elder who sometimes speaks an accidental truth" schtick, as well, and face-planted with a thud in her pathetic attempt to vague things up into confusion.
Perhaps it will be Jacqueline's turn to be deposed. Because there is absolutely no way--zero--that she doesn't have knowledge of other people who have those text messages, and likely has a copy of them herself. "Hard telling how many people have them now," says Benign Bifocals.
No kidding. We're gonna find out though, aren't we? As ECW leading luminary Keith Bowe assures her, "This whole affair is going to grow legs." Sure is, Keith.
"Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise." -Francis Bacon
Its seems as though some have a obsession with Doug Underhill the man is out of office.
Its time to move forward I think some want Doug Underhill back as a County Commissioner it would give them somebody to argue with.
Jacqueline Aimee Rogers can be tough I remember when she went after Gene Valentino for 9 minutes over party down south.
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